
  • 网络regressive;regressive nature;regressivity
  1. 从支付能力原则来看,当前的农民负担不但超过了其自身的承受能力,而且还具有累退性;

    Ac-cording to the principle of pay ability , the peasants'burden is not only much more , but also regressive ;

  2. 批评者争辩道,这种豁免是累退性的,伤害了低收入人群,很多外派人员都是银行从业者,或金融领域的其他高收入人士。

    Critics have contended that such exemptions are regressive and hurt lower-income individuals , as many expatriates are bankers and other high earners in finance .

  3. 此外,生均教育费的累退性在降低。

    In addition , the progressivity of education fee dropped .

  4. 而流转税呈现明显的累退性,主要流入低收入阶层承担,实质上进一步恶化了已有的收入分配不公。

    The indirect taxes show obvious regressive nature , and are mostly born by low-income class , and in face further deteriorate the unequal distribution of income .

  5. 需方个人以均一等额法缴费,必然导致不同地区、不同收入需方家庭之间很强的缴费累退性负担。

    Adopting uniform payment amount , individual of the insured peasant will inevitably lead to a highly regressive subsidy and burden to the essence to different regions and different family .

  6. 各国大多以社会保障税的形式筹集社会保障基金,社会保障税制的设计具有一定的累退性,使其再分配功能大打折扣。

    Most of social security fund are collected by social security tax . Tax system of Social Security System has the nature of regression , which discounts effect of redistribution .