
suǒ mǎ lǐ
  • Somalia
索马里[suǒ mǎ lǐ]
  1. 索马里大部分地区都是荒漠。

    Somalia is mostly desert .

  2. 总统即将结束对索马里的访问。

    The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia

  3. 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。

    The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia

  4. 他目前正在写一篇关于索马里内战的论文。

    He is currently writing a dissertation on the Somali civil war .

  5. 他敦促各捐赠方加快速度将援助物资送往索马里。

    He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia

  6. 索马里北部的大部分地区逃过了这场饥荒。

    Northern Somalia was largely spared from the famine .

  7. 她为身在索马里的家人担心。

    She 's afraid for her family in Somalia .

  8. 索马里,人口790万,人均收入大约每周1.60英镑。

    Somalia , pop . 7.9 million , income per head about £ 1.60 a week .

  9. 我们应联合国的要求前去救援索马里的民众。

    We 're coming to the aid of the people of Somalia at the request of the United Nations

  10. 然而,美国能源情报署(energyinformationadministration)表示,索马里没有已探明石油储量。

    The US energy information administration , however , says the country has no proved oil reserves .

  11. 他说,只有帮助索马里建立一个有效的政府可以将solved。

    He said only by helping Somalis create an effective government can the problem be solved .

  12. 世界银行(TheWorldBank)2014年《营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness,对全球经济体经商便利度的最新年度评估)又一次将索马里“忽略”。

    The world bank 2014 doing business report the latest annual assessment of the ease of doing business in economies around the world once again skips Somalia entirely .

  13. 索马里越赤道气流强度为副高北抬至25°N提供了一个较强的预报预测信号;

    Intensity of the Somali cross-equatorial flow could be a signal for predicting the time when the subtropical high jumps northward to 25 ° N.

  14. 肯尼亚外交部长MosesWetangula说,如果不解决索马里的政治问题,海盗就永远不会从世界上消失。

    Kenyan Foreign Minister Moses Wetangula says the world cannot end piracy without also dealing with Somalia 's political problems .

  15. 北部自称独立的索马里兰省政府,2003年与ophirenergy签署了产量分成协议。

    The government of Somaliland , a northern province that considers itself independent , struck a production-sharing agreement with Ophir energy in 2003 .

  16. 据国际海事局(InternationalMaritimeBureau)说,2011年,索马里附近海域发生237起与海盗有关的事件。该组织监控海盗活动及其给商业航运活动带来的影响。

    In 2011 , there were 237 piracy-related events in the waters off Somalia , according to the International Maritime Bureau , which monitors piracy and the effect on commercial shipping .

  17. 其主要结果有:(1)6月索马里越赤道气流强劲(不够明显),较常年偏强(偏弱),有利于副高北抬至25°N提早(推迟);

    The results are as follows : The Somali cross-equatorial flow with above-normal ( below-normal ) intensity in June contributes to the subtropical high jumping northward to 25 ° N earlier ( later ) .

  18. 福特举例解释说,美国和北大西洋公约组织(NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization)目前正在想办法解决索马里海盗在非洲之角(HornofAfrica)袭击过往船只的问题。

    For example , Ford explained , the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are currently addressing the threat from Somali pirates attacking ships in the horn of Africa .

  19. 他表示,最近拨出的1000万美元将用于对索马里(Somalia)人民的紧急援助。

    He said $ 10 million of the latest allocation will be devoted to the needs of people in Somalia .

  20. 南亚夏季风与索马里急流和80~90°E的越赤道气流密不可分,该夏季风的建立与一周左右南半球高纬流场的失稳也有密切关系。

    Besides , the monsoon onset is also in close connection with the establishment of Somali jet and cross-equatorial flow of 80 & 90 ° E , nearly a week before the monsoon onset .

  21. 该组织还对亚丁参加这次会议表示谴责。他们认为亚丁去参加这次会谈并没有收到索马里议会或执行委员会的命令。1.attendancen.出席次数;出席;参加;

    The group also blasted the attendance of Aden , arguing he had no mandate from either the Somali parliament or executive to attend the talks .

  22. 尽管无暇号事件使两国关系偏离了轨道,但在其它方面一直存在积极进展,例如中国决定派遣海军舰队前往索马里(HornofAfrica,非洲之角,是索马里的俗称译者注)海域护航,打击海盗。

    While the Impeccable incident steered the relationship off course , there have been other positive developments , including the Chinese decision to send naval ships to help protect waters off the Horn of Africa from piracy .

  23. 有关索马里(Somalia)和非洲之角(HornofAfrica)民众死亡的怵目惊心的报道以及家庭和儿童挣扎求生的画面,让我们不忘共有的人性,并督促我们采取行动。

    The heartbreaking accounts of lost lives and the images of families and children in Somalia and the Horn of Africa struggling to survive remind us of our common humanity and compel us to act .

  24. 美国CNN电视台无法独立证实这份视频录像的真实性。这份视频据称是哈拉夫在索马里南部港口城市梅尔卡向支持者发表讲话时录制的。

    CNN can not independently verify the authenticity of the audio recording , which was purportedly made by Khalaf during a speech to followers in the southern port city of Merca .

  25. 韩国巨型油轮“三湖梦想”(SamhoDream)以及船上24名船员在索马里被劫持了接近七个月之后终于于周六获释。

    The South Korean Supertanker Samho Dream , along with 24 crewmembers , was released Saturday after being held in Somalia for nearly seven months .

  26. 然而,Fleming表示,8月份,共有6500名新的索马里难民抵达肯尼亚,使的八月份成为自六月份以来单月难民人数最多的一个月。

    Fleming said , though , that 6500 new Somali refugees arrived in Kenya in August , making this the highest monthly total since June .

  27. 索马里没有一个强有力的政府,因此NationLink必须付出额外的努力来保护它们的业务。

    Somalia has no strong government , so NationLink must put an extra effort to protect their business .

  28. PeterPham是詹姆斯麦迪逊大学争议研究,政治学和非洲问题的副教授。他说,索马里的形势威胁到整个非洲的安全和稳定。

    Peter Pham , Associate Professor of Justice Studies , Political Science and Africana Studies at James Madison University , says conditions in Somalia threaten security and stability of the Horn of Africa :

  29. 联合国表示,过去几年连续的干旱少雨已经导致索马里南部巴科勒(Bakool)及下谢贝利(LowerShabelle)两个地区陷入饥荒。

    The United Nations says a lack of rain over the past few years has created a famine in two areas in southern Somalia : Bakool and Lower Shabelle .

  30. 谢里夫及其政府同意AMISOM留在索马里训练索马里安全部队。

    President Sharif and his government gave their approval for AMISOM troops to stay in Somalia to train Somali security forces .