
  1. Java类要成为遵循JAX-RPC的值类型必须遵守以下这些规则

    A Java class must follow these rules to be a JAX-RPC compliant value type

  2. 将Java类要宿主在的URI路径指定为/helloworld。

    Specify the URI path on which the Java class is to be hosted as / helloworld .

  3. 现在,可以使用map-to元素和xml属性指定这个类要映射到的XML元素。

    Now , you can indicate the XML element that class maps to , using the map-to element and the xml attribute .

  4. 对特定的HTML标记使用类要想创建应用于特定HTML元素的标记类样式,首先要计划标记方案以及相关的样式变体。

    Using classes with specific HTML tags To create tag-class styles to use with a specific HTML element , begin by planning a scheme of tags and their related style variations .

  5. 使用独立的类要方便得多,因此,如果使用ADB,则应该使用-u选项。

    It 's considerably easier to work with the separate classes , so the-u option should be a given if you use ADB .

  6. 还有另外一类要记在心里。

    There is one other point to be borne in mind .

  7. 最基本的想法就是高度耦合的类要合在一块。

    The basic idea is that highly coupled classes belong together .

  8. 字段存储类要满足其设计所需要的数据。

    Fields store the data a class needs to fulfill its design .

  9. 对步态识别而言,每类要有足够多的步态序列才能充分验证半监督步态识别算法的有效性。

    For verifying the effectiveness of the semi-supervised gait recognition algorithm , each class must have enough sequences .

  10. 使用窗口小部件类要容易得多,可以将这项功能封装到易于记住的方法中,如下所示

    Much easier would be to use a widget class that wraps this functionality into easy-to-remember methods , like this

  11. 至于任务层的类要如何集成到业务工作流程应用程序中,您不必过问。

    You need not worry about how the classes of your task layer will be integrated into your business workflow application .

  12. 家禽类要把不宜食的部分剔除;把羽毛烧掉剔除以便未来的加工及包装。

    Poultry preparers slaughter poultry and remove inedible parts ; remove feathers and singe and wash poultry to prepare for further processing or packaging .

  13. 许多恐龙的足迹显示它们的行动与鸟类和哺乳动物一样快,比一般的爬行类要快得多。

    Many dinosaur track-ways show that dinosaurs walked as fast as do birds and mammals , and much more rapidly than can be sustained by reptiles .

  14. 通常对我来说写全新的方法和类要比深入旧代码中,找出我想要修改的部分容易得多。

    It 's usually far easier for me to write all new methods and classes than it is to break into old code and find the sections I need to change .

  15. 在这个应用程序中,差不多每个类都要从XML树中提取数据或者向此树中插入数据。

    Almost every single class in the application would extract data from the DOM tree or insert data into it .

  16. 这是因为case类是要与Scala的模式匹配(在“集合类型”中曾简短分析过)结合使用的。

    This is because case classes are designed to be used in conjunction with Scala 's pattern matching ( which we briefly examined a few articles ago in " Collection types ") .

  17. 在连接合用时,JMSfactory类通常要有代理(由管理员配置),以便open()和close()请求实际上发往管理连接池的代理。

    With connection pooling , the JMS factory classes typically have proxies ( configured by an administrator ) so the open () and close () requests actually go to the proxies that manage a connection pool .

  18. 定制的类所要做的只是定义一个映射NSTOHANDLER160MAPPING,它为每个名称空间定义另一个从SOAP主体元素名到处理程序函数的映射。

    All the customized class has to do is define a mapping , NS_TO_HANDLER_MAPPING , which for each namespace defines another mapping from SOAP body element name to a handler function .

  19. 关于getter和setter:使用了Springbean的类至少要有一个setter方法,该方法对应于特定bean的名称。

    Considering getters and setters : A class that uses a Spring bean needs to provide at least a setter method , which corresponds to the name of the particular bean .

  20. 从某种角度讲,研发这类技术要比添加那种设备层安全更复杂。2014年,苹果利用其iOS8更新将设备层安全引入iPhone。

    Developing such technology is in some ways more complex than adding the kind of device-level security that Apple introduced to the iPhone in 2014 with its iOS 8 update .

  21. 寄一类信件要多收多少钱?

    How much more would it cost to send it first class ?

  22. 这类过错要当场予以罚款。

    Such an offence will lead to a summary fine .

  23. 这类豁免要服从证券交易委员会的复查。

    Such exemptions are subject to review by the SEC .

  24. 竞赛类节目要以过程意识为指导,为支撑。

    So competition program should be directed and supported by process philosophy .

  25. 你知道这类工作要涉及到什么吗?

    Do you know what 's involved in the job like this ?

  26. 通常这类女孩要花大量的时间来做针线活。

    Often such girls spend much time doing needlework .

  27. 超类名称要简单:对命名这一编码行为,是要保持简洁和还是要保证表义性方面一直存在争论。

    Simple superclass name : the tension between being concise and expressive is discussed .

  28. 处理这类电阻器要特别小心。

    Such devices require extreme care in handling .

  29. 一个射电星系与之有关,但是它比类星体要大。

    A radio galaxy is related to , but appears larger than , a quasar .

  30. 子类名称要合格:对子类的命名会表述出其与超类之间的相似和差异之处。

    Qualified subclass name : Name subclasses to communicate the similarities and differences with a superclass .