
  1. 论鲁迅杂文中类型人物的命名艺术

    On Naming Skills of Typical Characters in Lu Xun 's Essays

  2. 第二章对王海鸰、六六家庭伦理叙事的核心内容、类型人物、环境三个方面分析,进而显示她们家庭伦理故事具有的现实普遍性。

    The second chapter analyzes narrative core , typical characters and the environment in novels about Wang Hailing , Liu Liu , displayed universality of family ethics .

  3. 普通人物虽不是间谍片中的类型人物,但与十七年间谍片中的普通人物相比,发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    The common person is not the genre character , but the common person began to play a prominent role in the spy films in " 17 years " .

  4. 正是通过描述谢尔顿与以上三种类型人物的交往细节,高尔斯华绥隐隐约约地表达了一种在现实与理想之间寻找一种弥合契机的愿望。

    It is through describing their contacts in detail among Shelton and the above three types of characters that Galsworthy vaguely expresses a desire for bridging the reality and the ideal .

  5. 他的顾客都属于同一类型的人物。

    His clients were of the same feather .

  6. 如果你是这类型的人物,你可以在家一边炒菜一边利用电子邮件或电话来处理工作中的问题。

    If you are an integrator , you take personal emails or calls on the job and handle work while cooking dinner .

  7. 这两方面体现在文本中就形成了单一的主题、类型的人物,狭窄的题材,平板的结构等诸多症候。

    Both reflecting in the text forms so many symptoms : single theme , typing figure , narrow subject and slab structure .

  8. 从美术史来看,中国绘画就题材总体而言可分为三种类型,人物、山水和花鸟。

    According to art history , Chinese painting can be divided into three types & character painting , landscape painting and flower-and-bird painting .

  9. 最后,革命文学在叙事方式、故事类型、人物描写、语言及美学风格等方面,也合乎大多数读者的审美水准,促进了其流行性。

    Third , " Revolutionary Literature " fits readers ' needs by it 's narrative style , story pattern , characterization , language and aesthetic style .

  10. 他的笔下反复出现三种类型的人物形象:特定环境中至高无上的乡村统治者;处于社会最底层的乡村老百姓;背叛民间利益的乡村背叛者。

    He repeatedly described the three types of images : a particular environment supreme ruler of the village ; at the bottom rung of society , rural people ; betraying the interests of the rural folk traitor .

  11. 本篇论文以20世纪50、60年代中国红色小说为中心,阐释这个阶段红色小说中各种类型的人物形象,特别是英雄形象的审美特征。

    This paper takes the focus on the red Chinese novels in 1950s and 60s . It classifies and explains the figures in the red novels in this period , and especially , it clarifies the aesthetical characteristics of the hero images .

  12. 对于不同类型的公众人物,其隐私权的限度范围各不相同。

    The privacy law should vary for different kinds of public figures .

  13. .悲剧是一种戏剧类型,剧中人物会经受某种形式的苦难。

    A tragedy is a type of drama where the characters some form of suffering .

  14. 这种事的通常得情况就是有重叠类型的类人物种,而不仅仅就是一种。

    The common state of affairs is to have overlapping versions of hominids , not one .

  15. 面对不同类型的公众人物,用同一种标准对其人身权利进行限制和保护显然是不适当的。

    To different styles of public figues , obviously it is improper for us to restrict and protect their personal rights under a same criterion .

  16. 默多克的小说经常以一种“受困”模式呈现,类型化的人物形象地演绎了人的道德困境。

    In Iris Murdoch s novels there is often a " trapped " pattern , in which the typologized characters vividly show the moral dilemma .

  17. 首先,综合纳博科夫的9部长篇小说,将这9部长篇小说中的主人公分为三种不同类型的痴狂人物,分别论述三类痴狂人物各自不同的悲剧宿命。

    First of all , thinking comprehensively his 9 novels , I classified the characters into three different kinds of crazies , and talk about their different tragic fates .