
  1. 第二部分从枣庄柳琴戏唱腔的分类来分析唱腔音乐的旋律特点、音阶调式、板式与腔体等;简单介绍乐队与伴奏乐器。

    The second part analysizes its musical features , mode , antrum based on the classification of Zaozhuang Liuqinxi arias , and simply introduces its band and instruments .

  2. 甚至连看似简单的跟随乐队指挥的手势都成了一个问题,虽然2008年她在旧金山歌剧院(SanFranciscoOpera)表演斯图尔特·华莱士(StewartWallace)的《接骨师的女儿》(TheBonesetter’sDaughter)时就碰到过这个麻烦。

    Even the seemingly simple matter of responding to the gestures of a conductor - though she also encountered it while performing in Stewart Wallace 's " The Bonesetter 's Daughter " at the San Francisco Opera in 2008 - poses problems .

  3. 有人也许会认为这些歌词过于简单天真,乐队应该拓展主题,但这不过是吹毛求疵者的一家之言。

    Some might argue that those lines are simply naive , or the band should expand their themes , but this is the perspective of a cynic .