
  • 【医】prescription based on therapeutical principles
  1. 依据审因论治的方法施行立法处方,治疗观察,按设计要求作好记录,对所观察的项目进行治疗后与治疗前的比较,并作统计学处理。

    The records and observation were made during the treatment and observation according to the requirement of design . The observation items before and after treatment were compared , and analyzed statistically .

  2. 目的:研究慢性咳嗽患者中医证素分布特征,探讨慢性咳嗽证素与常见病因之间的关联性,为中医治疗慢性咳嗽立法处方提供依据。

    Objective : To study the features of Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) syndrome elements in patients with chronic cough and clarify the correlation between the features of TCM syndrome elements and common causes of chronic cough .

  3. 世界各地的许多国家都积极采取措施立法及处方,为某些企业管治的要求。

    Many countries around the world have actively taken measures to legislate and prescribe for certain corporate governance requirements .

  4. 根据三年来跟师体会及导师的口传心授,从脾胃病的辨证、立法、处方用药对导师的脾胃学术思想进行了较全面的总结。

    According to three years experience with the teacher and mentor of mouth and heart , the dialectic from the spleen and stomach diseases , legislation , prescription drugs for stomach instructors conducted a more comprehensive academic thinking summary .