
  • 网络tri-dimension pollution
  1. 并对农业立体污染防治的主要技术途径进行了探讨。

    The main technical way for controlling the agricultural tri-dimension pollution were discussed .

  2. 顺势疗法技术在农业立体污染防治中的应用可能性探讨

    The Possibility Discussion of " Homeopathy " Technology Application in Agricultural Tri-dimension Pollution Control

  3. 农业立体污染综合防治研究的概况与进展

    Outline and Progression about the Study of Controlling Agricultural Tridimensional Pollution

  4. 农业立体污染与生物修复技术进展

    Advances in agricultural stero - pollution and bio - remediation

  5. 农业立体污染防治装备技术战略选择及对策

    Tactic Choices and Countermeasures of Prevention and Cure Equipment Technology for Agricultural Three-dimensional Pollution

  6. 实施集成创新战略建立崇明生态岛农业立体污染防控体系

    Establishing a system of controlling agricultural stereoscopic pollution on the ecological Chongming Island by integrated innovation

  7. 我国农业立体污染防治对策研究

    Policies and Measures to Prevent and Control " Three - dimensional Pollution " in Chinese Agriculture

  8. 农业立体污染防治的生态学思考

    Ecological thought of prevention and cure of agricultural tri-dimension pollution Study on the Effect of Agricultural Tri-dimension Pollution on Eutrophic Water

  9. 由于农业污染呈现水体、土地、生物、大气的大循环体的立体污染的特点。

    Agricultural pollution has a tridimension character of the complicated cycling system composed of water , soil , biosystem and atmosphere .

  10. 根据当前崇明岛农业立体污染防控体系建设需要解决的主要问题和集成创新实施的保障措施,探讨了崇明生态岛农业立体污染防控的集成创新思路。

    The thinking of integrated innovation is discussed according to the main problems and safeguard measures currently calling for solution to establish a system of controlling agricultural stereoscopic pollution .

  11. 农业立体污染是个全新的理念,与点源污染、面源污染有直接的关联,但又有质的差别。

    Tri-dimension pollution from Agriculture ( TDPA ) is rather a new concept which is directly related to the pollution of a point or nonpoint source , but quite different from it .

  12. 同时,针对汇聚节点固定容易造成热点问题,设计了一种基于移动汇聚节点的农业立体污染监测系统。

    At the same time , due to the " hot spot " issue resulted from the fixed sink node , an agricultural pollution monitoring system based on the mobile sink node is designed .

  13. 概述了华北平原区由于各种不合理的农事活动,对水体-土壤-生物-大气所造成的立体交叉污染的现状。

    The various unreasonable farming activities in Northern China plain caused tri-dimension pollution to water , soil , biology and air .