
tū chū xiǎn shì
  • highlight
  1. 注意:在上面的输出中,添加了一些空白行,以便更好地突出显示make发起的每个步骤。

    Note : In the output above , blank lines have been added to better highlight each step that make initiates .

  2. 如果单击FROM子句中的表,它会突出显示SELECT和WHERE子句中相关的列。

    If you click on a table in the FROM clause , it will highlight related columns in the SELECT and WHERE clauses .

  3. 这种酒突出显示了南非产葡萄酒优异的性价比。

    This wine highlights the quality and value for money of South African wines .

  4. 有的“高亮强迫症”在阅读过程中会不断地点击选中任意文字,使其呈高亮显示,有的“高亮强迫症”会把某些文字标为突出显示,将其当作书签便于回溯。

    This highlighting ranges from constantly clicking the text at random1 , highlighting the words as they are read , or highlighting the words as a bookmark to stay on track .

  5. 在页面中突出显示control。

    Highlight a control on the page .

  6. 如果需要的话,切换到Status页面并突出显示您的作业。

    If needed , switch to the Status page and highlight your job .

  7. 左侧红色的矩形突出显示了包含Web服务的虚拟目录。

    The left red rectangle highlights the virtual directory that contains the Web services .

  8. 该向导自动生成带有语法突出显示的基本XML编辑器。

    The wizard automatically generates a basic XML editor with syntax highlighting .

  9. 在选择一个服务类时,PerformanceExpert会自动地突出显示相关联的子服务类。

    When you select a service class , Performance Expert automatically highlights the correlating sub-service class .

  10. 通过添加下面突出显示的代码完成click事件处理程序。

    Complete the click event handler by adding the following highlighted code .

  11. HealthCenter可视化锁行为并突出显示那些正在阻塞请求且有可能影响性能的锁。

    The Health Center visualizes lock activity and highlights locks that are blocking requests and potentially affecting performance .

  12. 在浏览器中,对应于“tomorrow”(明天)的日期将突出显示。

    In the browser , the date for tomorrow will be highlighted .

  13. ip随后将使Visual模式突出显示您正位于其中的整个段落。

    The ip then causes Visual mode to highlight the entire paragraph you 're inside .

  14. 如果您希望在全屏模式下查看文档,可单击图中突出显示的Openinnewwindow。

    If you want to see the document in full screen , click Open in new window as highlighted in the figure .

  15. 请注意下面突出显示的最初的Java代码和期望的Java代码之间的不一致。

    Please note the inconsistencies highlighted below between the original Java code and the expected Java code .

  16. 请注意所包含的已突出显示的JavaScript™文件。

    Note the included JavaScript ™ files that have been highlighted .

  17. 例如,在javascript.xsl中以红色突出显示的行中,样式表初始化JavaScript数组;

    For example , in the lines highlighted in red in javascript .

  18. Eclipse已经包括一个非常简单的XML编辑器的源代码,这个编辑器只提供XML语法的突出显示。

    Eclipse already includes source code for a very primitive XML editor that offers only XML syntax highlighting .

  19. shell会在您输入时在CLI中突出显示文本。

    The shell highlights text in the CLI as you type .

  20. 如果您在Task视图中单击一个特定的错误,则Source编辑器将突出显示存在错误的活动定义。

    If you click on a particular error in the Task view , the offending activity definition will be highlighted in the Source editor .

  21. 这些代码的作用是:在Normal模式下,每当输入命令时,;s序列将开启或关闭语法突出显示功能。

    This causes the ; s sequence to flip syntax highlighting on or off each time it 's typed when you 're in Normal mode .

  22. 请注意,在图3中,Name字段中没有显示占位符,它被框在一个黄色突出显示中。

    Note that in Figure 3 , the Name field does not display the placeholder , and it is framed in a yellow highlight .

  23. 右键单击id元素,选择Specifyafunctionvalue,然后单击突出显示的Specifyafunctionvalue。

    Right-click on the id element to choose Specify a function value , then left click on the highlighted Specify a function value selection .

  24. 在第11行上,变量值X后面是一个用红色突出显示的后圆括号())。

    In line 11 , after the value of variable _X is a closed parenthesis ()) highlighted in red .

  25. 图1突出显示了与本文相关的SOA参考体系结构层。

    Figure 1 highlights the layers of the SOA reference architecture that are relevant to this article .

  26. 当它突出显示时,单击导航控件中央的圆,将光标放在UserID字段中。

    Once it is highlighted , click on the navigation circle to place the cursor in the User ID field .

  27. 选择您刚才输入的文本(突出显示整行),用鼠标右键单击,然后选择InsertLink

    Select the text you just entered ( highlight the entire line ), right-click , then select Insert Link

  28. 要输入用户ID,请单击向下箭头,直到突出显示UserID字段为止。

    To enter the user ID , click on the down arrow until the User ID field is highlighted .

  29. 下面的示例XML事务消息突出显示了该数据,它表示图2中的步骤4。

    This data is highlighted , in the sample XML transaction message below , which would represent step 4 in Figure 2 .

  30. 这需要编辑/var/krb5/krb5kdc/.kdcldapdata文件,插入下面突出显示的条目。

    For this , edit the / var / krb5 / krb5kdc / . kdc_ldap_data file and insert the highlighted entries below .