
  1. 今年2月,优步(Uber)首席执行官特拉维斯愠灓尼克(TravisKalanick)与中国打车应用滴滴打车董事长程维在后者位于北京的办公室见面。

    In February , Travis Kalanick , Uber chief executive , met Cheng Wei , chairman of the Chinese ride-hailing app Didi Dache , in Mr Cheng 's Beijing office .

  2. 滴滴快的总裁柳青(JeanLiu)去年9月表示:“不烧钱我们走不到今天这一步。”该公司董事长程维表示,去年滴滴快的花费40亿美元进行“市场培育”。

    Jean Liu , Didi 's president , said in September that " we wouldn 't be here today if it wasn 't for burning cash . " The company 's chairman , Cheng Wei , said the company spent $ 4bn last year in what he called " market fostering . "

  3. 优步首席执行官特拉维斯•卡兰尼克(TravisKalanick)于两年前在北京与滴滴创始人程维会面时,首次提出了合并的想法。

    The idea of a tie-up was first aired by Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick more than two years ago when he met Cheng Wei , the founder of Didi , in Beijing .

  4. 程维称,卡兰尼克和他的团队难以掩饰轻蔑神情。

    Mr Cheng says Mr Kalanick and his team were dripping with condescension .

  5. 在与滴滴首席执行官程维联名发给滴滴员工的一封公开信中,柳青盛赞优步是“历史上硅谷公司在中国做到过最好的”。

    Uber " has done better than any Silicon Valley company in China , " she said charitably , in a joint letter to Didi staff with Cheng Wei , the company 's chairman .

  6. 3月,滴滴的首席执行官程维告诉腾讯科技,该公司已经留出了自去年以来融资的40亿美元,用于他所谓的“市场培育”。

    In March Didi 's chairman , Cheng Wei , told the website QQ Tech that the company had set aside $ 4bn raised since last year to spend on what he called " market fostering . "

  7. 优步首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克承认,该公司去年在中国亏损逾10亿美元。而滴滴首席执行官程维3月份表示,该公司在2015年共投入40亿美元用于“市场培育”。

    Travis Kalanick , Uber 's chief executive , has admitted to losing more than $ 1bn last year in China , while Cheng Wen , Didi 's chief executive , said March that the company had set aside $ 4bn in 2015 for what he called " market fostering . "