
chénɡ dù bǔ yǔ
  • complement of degree
  1. 本文首先界定了极限性程度补语的上位概念和下位概念,这是本文的理论前提。

    Firstly the paper defined the up-concept and down-concept of extreme complement of degree ;

  2. 极性程度补语在语法、语义、语用上有自己的特点。

    The extreme complement of degree has self characteristic in grammar , semantic and pragmatics .

  3. 《世说新语》中的程度补语研究

    A study of degree complement in Shi Shuo Xin Yu

  4. 现代汉语极性程度补语初探

    An Analysis of Extreme Complement of Degree in Contemporary Chinese

  5. 第一次尝试从认知的角度来全面、系统地解释高程度补语的产生机制。

    The dissertation tries to fully explain the generation mechanism of the complement .

  6. 程度补语使动作或状态呈现出可度量性。

    Degree complement made action or status measurable .

  7. 在量范畴方面起到完句作用的是程度补语和数量补语。

    In quantity category , degree complement and quantitative complement play the role of sentence-accomplishment .

  8. 口语中普遍而又特殊的补语类型&感受程度补语

    A common but Unique Type of Complement in Spoken Language : of Feeling Intensity Complement

  9. 形容词在句子中经常充当定语,状语,程度补语,谓语。

    Adjective is always the attribute , adverbial , degree complement , predicate in the sentence .

  10. 充当极性程度补语的词有“极、透、死、坏”四个。

    Four words " Ji , Tou , Si and Huai " act extreme complement of degree .

  11. 感受程度补语是口语中非常普遍而又特殊的一种语法现象。

    Feeling - degree complement , as a grammatical phenomenon , is common but unique in spoken language .

  12. 由此一来,补语系统只包括结果补语、数量补语和程度补语三个小类。这样做既可行,又便利;

    As a result the complement system will only comprise three kinds : result-complement , amount-complement and degree-complement .

  13. 这四个词在充当极性程度补语时,既有共同之处,又有个性差异;

    These four words as a complement polarity degree , have in common , and the individuality difference ;

  14. 程度补语表示程度上的等级不同,实际上就是在量上的不同。

    Degree complement means the different grades of degree , in fact it is the different of " quantity " .

  15. 厉害在得后可作程度补语和状态补语。

    The word " li hai " may serve as degree or state complement when it locates after " de " .

  16. 它们在充当结果补语与极性程度补语时意义是不同的,可以从不同的角度进行辨析。

    They used as complements the results with polarity degree when complement meaning is different , can from different Angle to discrimination .

  17. 同时,分析了多充当程度补语时的偏误用例及相关原因。

    At the same time , analyzes " duo " serving as the complement of degree of error cases and related reasons .

  18. 近年来,作者在研究中发现,现代汉语中有一类表极限的词语用作特殊的程度补语,它们流行于各类报章杂志和网络语言中,在人们的口语中也用得比较多。

    In recent years , the author found that there is an extreme complement of degree after qualitative adjective and some verbs in contemporary Chinese .

  19. 关注高程度补语的动态变化,首次对高程度补语中的新成员进行了全面、系统研究。

    The dissertation has also concerned about the dynamic changes of the degree complement and analyzed the new members of degree complement comprehensively for the first time .

  20. 虚化补语进一步分为虚化的结果补语和虚化的程度补语,实义补语进一步分为评价补语和状态补语;

    We further classify meaningless complement into meaningless result complement and meaningless degree complement . Meaningful complement is further classified into meaningful evaluation complement and meaningful state complement .

  21. 本文讨论汉语形容词带程度补语的结构,认为这种结构的语法意义是表示程度高到极点。

    Focusing on the structure of adjectives with complements of degree , this paper contends that the grammatical meaning of the structure is to express the extreme of degree .

  22. 并且,对同为非比较句中的程度补语很与不得了的异同做了简单的归纳。

    At the same time , it summarizes the similarities and differences of the complements of degree " hen " and " budeliao " which are not used in the comparative sentence .

  23. 要把捷克语状语翻译成汉语,有两个可能性。一是把它翻译成像汉语一样的状语;二是把它翻译成程度补语。

    There are two possibilities for translating the Czech adverbial into Chinese : the first is to translate it as a Chinese preverbal adverbial , while the second is to use it in a position of post verbal degree complement .

  24. 因此,有关程度副词作补语的研究还比较薄弱,相关的研究成果也非常少。

    Therefore , the research of complement of adverb of degree is still relatively weak , and related research results are very few .

  25. 研究范围定为程度副词、程度补语、形容词的生动形式。

    The research range covers adverbs of degree , complements of degree and the lively forms of adjectives .

  26. 而能够满足谓词的程度性语义特征要求的程度补语、情态补语、由形容词充当的单纯结果补语也具有完句的作用。

    The degree complement , the modal complement and the result complement acting by adjective can meet the demand of the predication about degree .

  27. 构成述补结构的语义成分包括动作行为、状态状况、程度、结果、方向、趋向等成分。补语又可以分为结果补语、趋向补语、可能补语、动态补语、程度补语、数量补语等等;

    Semantic component includes movement behavior , condition , degree , result , orientation , direction , etc.

  28. 如今,随着语言研究的深入,越来越多的人开始关注和认识到,程度副词的范围正在逐渐扩大,而能够充任程度补语的副词也不在少数。

    Nowadays , with the in-depth study of language , a great number of people begin to pay attention to and to recognize that the scope of degree adverb is gradually expanding , and the adverbs which can act as the complements of degree are not a few .

  29. 岳阳县方言的程度表达法比较丰富,主要有形容词重叠、程度状语、程度补语等方式,通过这些形式来表达或强或弱的程度。

    The Yueyang County dialect has various forms of expression of degrees of , including reduplication , stative adjectives , degree adverbs , degree complements and so on . It expressess the strong degree or weak degree with these forms .