
zū zhù
  • lodge;rent a place to live in
  1. 原来,他租住的那栋建筑是一座教堂。

    The building he was lodged in turned out to be a church .

  2. 他和其他人回到了他们租住的房间。

    He and the others withdrew to their rented rooms

  3. 最近的调查发现,20%的私人租住房屋并不适合人居住。

    The recent survey found that 20 per cent of private-rented dwellings are unfit for human habitation

  4. 他以前租住的那栋楼后来变成一座教堂。

    The building he was lodged in later became a church .

  5. 我租住的房子只有3间。

    My lodgings only include three rooms .

  6. 离开租住的屋子时,主人要求我们把墙冲洗干净。

    We were asked to clean down the walls when we left the house that we had been renting .

  7. 在拉各斯,外国石油工人每年为了在该城市治安较好的位置租住一套普通的公寓,就要支付高达65,000美元。

    In Lagos , foreign oil workers can pay as much as $ 65,000 per year in rent for a modest apartment in a safe part of town .

  8. 第一天早晨,我们从在圣胡安老城(OldSanJuan)租住的公寓出发。圣胡安老城是大西洋海岸一个带有城的区域,已经有几个世纪的历史。

    The first morning , we stepped out of our rental apartment in Old San Juan , a walled , centuries-old neighborhood on the Atlantic coast .

  9. 这个公寓就处在浪漫诗人约翰·济慈(JohnKeats)租住房屋的三楼,可供4人住宿。

    Sleeping four , this apartment is located on the third floor of the house formerly rented by the Romantic poet John Keats .

  10. 夫妇俩通过Airbnb在另一个社区找了套公寓,又和租住在自己家里的房客续签了一年租约。

    They stayed in an Airbnb apartment in a different neighborhood and renewed the agreement with their tenants for another year .

  11. 他开始时租住在山上的一所大红砖房子里,房东名叫让-巴蒂斯特·丹尼斯(Jean-BaptisteDenis)。

    He had started out in a large home up the hill from the local mine , in a red brick house he rented from a landlord named Jean-Baptiste Denis .

  12. Antizen(蚁族)是指那些工资少得可怜、租住在狭小公寓里的大学毕业生。他们像蚂蚁一样渺小,辛劳。

    " Antizen " referred to the group of college graduates who , earning a meager salary and living in small rented apartments , were like the tiny and laborious ants .

  13. 一个租住我房子的富有才华的作家。

    A talented writer who rented a room in my house .

  14. 租住公屋/居屋综合发展计划

    Housing Scheme for Local Government Officers combined rental / HOS development

  15. 那么她租住你这一年了?

    So she rented from you for about a year ?

  16. 他上大学时租住在一位女房东家里。

    When he was at college , he lodged with a landlady .

  17. 我猜你的慈善租住也接受普通捐款吧

    I assume your charity accepts simple donations as well .

  18. 租住在这里,你的家人、朋友都知道吗?

    Do your family and friends know that you are living here ?

  19. 我知道了!你租住其中一间房,是不是?

    I see . you 're renting one of the rooms , right ?

  20. 你负责送货并租住在这里。

    You work delivery and the rent goes down .

  21. 伦敦或巴黎供大学生租住的顶楼。

    Student garrets in london , or paris .

  22. 在北京,我们租住在一个地下室里。

    In Beijing , we rented a basement .

  23. 租住一个房间的费用是多少?

    What is the charge for a room ?

  24. 那对新婚夫妇因买不起一套房子而只好租住一个房间。

    Unable to afford a flat , the newly-weds have to rent a room .

  25. 这所房屋为一个艺术家所租住。

    This house is tenanted by an artist .

  26. 由房委会及房协管理的租住房屋单位约有723000个。

    The HA and HKHS together manage about 723 000 public rental housing flats .

  27. 膝关节脱位多发韧带损伤的急性期原位缝合修复恢复原居单位租住权

    In situ suture repair procedure of knee dislocation with multiple-ligament injury at acute stage

  28. 房租月付,带停车位,长短期租住皆可。

    Monthly paid rent , car park available .

  29. 妈妈决定把房间租住去。

    Mum decide to let those rooms out .

  30. 完成的交易共有12274宗,收回的租住公屋单位有10080个。

    12274 transactions have been completed and10080 public rental housing flats have been recovered .