
  • 网络cape cod;Cape Cod
  1. 有证据表明,这些清教徒原本就已经知道这里曾爆发过瘟疫,正是由于这样他们才选择在科德角(CapeCod)登陆。他们早就知道印第安人几近灭绝,留下大片领土和等待收割的玉米地。

    There 's also evidence that the Pilgrims already knew about the plague , and so chose Cape Cod because they knew that the Indians had already been wiped out , leaving cleared lands and corn fields ripe for the taking .

  2. 这对伙伴离开科德角后就前往罗得岛的纽波特市。

    The pair left Cape Cod and headed to Newport , R.

  3. CapeCodTimes曾举办了一项竞赛,要求读者提交款待总统的科德角菜谱。

    The Cape Cod Times has been running a competition asking readers to submit recipes of Cape Cod cuisine for the president 's delectation .

  4. 在1号线上游路段的哈夫迈耶公园(HavemeyerPark)战后住宅区,虽然遭到拆除的房屋数量还在不断增加,但也保留了许多原来的科德角(Capes)风格与殖民地风格的房屋。

    North of Route 1 , the postwar subdivision of Havemeyer Park retains many of its original Capes and colonials , though teardowns are increasing .

  5. 来自美国科德角(CapeCod)的布雷特•凯利(BrettKelley)重返皮斯卡塔韦(Piscataway),29岁的他正学习如何抵挡拳击。

    Back in Piscataway , Brett Kelley , a 29-year-old liquor-store clerk from Cape Cod , was learning to block a punch .

  6. 美国科德角半岛地貌

    Introduction to the geomorphological pattern on the Cape Cod Peninsula

  7. 因此,按照当地的习惯,人家都管他叫科德角佬。

    and hence , according to local usage , was called a Cape-Cod-man .

  8. 海水将该州的大部分与著名的科德角半岛分隔开来。

    This body of water separates most of the state from famous Cape Cod .

  9. 他是科德角人;

    He was a native of Cape Cod ;

  10. 这是我们认为典型科德角式住宅的图片。

    Here is a drawing of what we consider of a classic Cape Cod house .

  11. 一艘轻式小型飞船飞过马萨诸塞州科德角纯洁的瑙塞特海滩。

    A blimp passes over the pristine sands of Nauset Beach on Massachusetts 's Cape Cod .

  12. 旅游旺季到了,许多美国人选择到科德角或泽西海岸游玩。

    Travel season is here , when so many Americans decamp to Cape Cod or the Jersey Shore .

  13. 在科德角,玛许比尤160英亩(约合65公顷)的土地,但已有承诺不在那建赌场。

    It owns 160 acres ( 65 hectares ) on the Cape , but has promised not to build there .

  14. 科德角式小屋:一层或一层半高且结构紧凑的房屋,有一中央带烟囱的三角形屋顶。

    Cape Cod cottage : a compact house of one or one-and-a-half stories with a gabled roof and a central chimney .

  15. 本周末马萨诸塞州科德角发现两条巨大鲨鱼,今天一些海滩关闭。

    Some Massachusetts 's beaches are closed today after two great white sharks were ted at Cape Cod of the weekend .

  16. 许多科德角式住宅在一楼有3至4间房,在二楼有两间小房。两层式住宅。

    Many Cape Cods have three or four rooms on the ground floor and two small rooms on the second floor .

  17. 我告诉她房子要越大越好,最好是科德角式或乔治亚式的房屋。

    I told her that the bigger the better and that we 're looking for a large Cape Cod or Georgian-style house .

  18. 在电影《时时刻刻》里,梅丽尔斯特里普和埃德哈里斯回忆起多年前他们俩在科德角上的那间沙滩小屋里共度的时光。

    In The Hour Meryl Streep and Ed Harris recall a moment they shared years before at a beach house on Cape Cod .

  19. 直升机将76岁的肯尼迪参议员从他在科德角的家族住地转移到波士顿的麻州总医院。

    The 76-year-old senator was taken by helicopter from the Kennedy family 's estate on Cape Cod to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston .

  20. 警方说,这三个人在马萨诸塞州科德角的一个基地参加训练,随后就逃跑了。

    Police say the three men were taking part in a training exercise at a base in Cape Cod Massachusetts when they ran away .

  21. 教授:正是如此。看看这座房屋的外部装饰多么有限,这也是典型的科德角式房屋的特点。

    Professor : Exactly , now see how the house has very little exterior decoration , that 's also typical of early Cape Cod houses .

  22. 当客人们描述他们在最富盛名的景点海厄尼斯的科德角青年旅舍的经历时,“出色的员工”是他们最常使用的表述。

    ' Great staff'is the most frequent comment when the guests are asked about their experience of the hugely popular Cape Cod hostel , HI-Hyannis .

  23. 很多这种风格的房子被建在科德角,所以地名成为了建筑的名称。

    and so many houses in this particular style were built on Cape Cod , that the name of the place became the name of the style .

  24. 在回华盛顿的途中,我在科德角停留了一下,看望了汤米。凯普兰和吉姆。

    On the way back to Washington , I stopped in Cape Cod to visit Tommy Caplan and Jim Moore , who had also been at Kits wedding .

  25. (体型)最大的刺鳐之一;见于(美国)科德角到海特拉斯角。从广告中我得知你们这里有各种中国扇子出售

    One of the largest stingrays ; found from Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras . I know from the ad that you have a large collection of Chinese fans

  26. 那群男士中有一个叫布莱恩的,他建议他们7月4日那天去科德角,并且与他家人一起在普罗温斯顿度过那一天。

    One of the men , a guy named Brian , suggested they go to Cape Cod for Fourth of July and spend the day with his family in Provincetown .

  27. 美国的大部分住宅可以分为以下几类:科德角式住宅。科德角式住宅通常面积小,房顶斜度大。

    Most houses in america can be described in terms of the following categories . Cape Cod . The Cape Cod house is usually small and has a sharply sloping roof .

  28. 1850年,玛格丽特·福勒及其家人在火烧岛海难中罹难,爱默生派梭罗去搜寻遗体,这些稍后被记述在梭罗的《科德角》一书中。

    When Margaret Fuller and her family died in an1850 shipwreck off Fire Island , Emerson sent Thoreau there to search for remains , later described in his book Cape Cod .

  29. 对于你们不了解东北沿海地区的人而言,科德角是一个半岛,一个延伸到大西洋的窄条。

    For those of you who don 't know the northeast costal region , Cape Cod is a peninsula , a narrow strip of land that jets out into the Atlantic ,

  30. 现在,洛克伍德和肯德尔租住在堪萨斯州劳伦斯市东部的一座科德角风格的房子一层,距离她父母的住处只有30分钟车程。

    Today , Lockwood and Kendall live on the ground floor of a Cape Cod-style house on the east side of Lawrence , Kan . , a 30-minute drive from her parents .