
  • 网络Private Investor
  1. 新普雷西迪奥风景公路(PresidioParkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的六车道收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

    The Presidio Parkway , a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge , is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

  2. 而纳税人作为私人投资者时,可以获得相同的待遇。

    The taxpayer would get the same terms as the private investor .

  3. 红利股票的高收益率对私人投资者极具吸引力。

    The high yields available on the dividend shares made them attractive to private investors .

  4. 政府介入行为所引发的恐慌也许会吓跑部分私人投资者。

    The threat of the government taking stakes would scare off some private investors .

  5. BlueMarble是一个由私人投资者开办的公司。

    Blue Marble is a start-up company with private investors .

  6. 私人投资者在基础设施PPP项目中的若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems Existing in Private Investors Participating in Infrastructure PPP Projects

  7. 拉赫曼认为,FairFinance可以在经营到第5年时达到收支平衡。他正准备吸引私人投资者的资金。

    Mr Rahman believes Fair Finance can break even on its operations by its fifth year and is preparing to pitch for money from private investors .

  8. 不过,目前熔盛正与私人投资者洽谈在ipo前出售股权的事宜。

    However , Rongsheng is now in talks with private investors about selling a stake ahead of a IPO .

  9. 相关报道投资公司SilkRoadFinance最近在仰光开了一家办事处。该公司说,目前为止它已经从私人投资者手中筹集资金2500万美元。

    Silk Road Finance , an investment firm that recently opened an office in Yangon , says it has raised $ 25 million so far from private investors .

  10. 前会员制团体近来的上市活动,为SolidSolutions的三人团队带来了额外收益。这些共同团体拥有数以千计的私人投资者,而SolidSolutions专门处理公司与散户投资者的关系。

    Recent corporate activity among former mutual societies with thousands of private investors has been a bonus for the three-man team at Solid Solutions , which specialises in handling relations with retail investors .

  11. 最近AIM上市火爆在一定程度上可归因于:由于税收政策的改变,该市场比以前更能吸引寻求避税的私人投资者。

    The recent popularity of Aim offerings is partly explained by changes to the tax rules that have made the market even more attractive to private investors seeking a shelter than it was before .

  12. 不过,NASA面临着来自“火星一号”(MarsOne)的竞争,后者是一项有争议的计划,主要面向私人投资者和众筹,不花费公帑。

    Nasa , though , faces competition from Mars One , a controversial mission [ WHO IS BEHIND THIS ? ] that has looked to private investors and crowdfunding rather than the public purse .

  13. 与此同时,“迷你债券”丑闻仍在持续,雷曼(lehman)破产导致成千上万私人投资者的储蓄化为乌有。

    Meanwhile , the minibonds scandal in which tens of thousands of private investors saw their savings wiped out by the Lehman bankruptcy drags on .

  14. 特许期是PPP融资中最重要的参数,它是划分政府和私人投资者利益的时间界限,其合理程度直接关系到项目成败。

    The concession period is the most important parameter of the concession agreement , as it can divide the interests both of the government and investors at time dimension .

  15. 黄金ETF(交易所交易基金)和当前极低的利率也是利好因素,它们让私人投资者更容易以更低的成本拥有黄金。

    Exchange traded funds and very low interest rates are other helpful factors , making it much easier and less costly for private investors to own gold .

  16. 正在探讨中的替代债务减记的其他方案包括,欧洲央行(ecb)以及欧元区国家放弃收回贷款,或启动面向已经遭受损失的私人投资者的另一轮减值债券回购。

    Alternatives are being ex-plored to a writedown , including the ECB and eurozone countries giving up cash they are owed or launching another discounted bond buyback from private investors who have already suffered losses .

  17. 瑞士信贷(CS)称,欧洲稳定金融机制将创造一个新的“欧元债券”,以帮助融资赎回由私人投资者所持有的周边国家几十亿欧元的主权债务。

    The EFSF would create a new " Eurobond ," as Credit Suisse ( CS ) is calling it , to help finance the acquisition of billions of euros worth of peripheral sovereign debt held by private investors .

  18. BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)模式,就是在此背景下所兴起的一直以私人投资者为主导的、用于公共基础设施及公用事业项目建设的融资方式。

    BOT mode , rised on the certain background , is a financing method applying in the construction of public infrastructure projects and public utilities mainly led by private investors .

  19. 此番和解阻止了房价的进一步下降,大体上解决了GSE的回购要求,但却没有解决私人投资者的要求。

    Barring further declines in home prices , the settlement largely resolves the GSE repurchase requests , but does not cover claims brought by private investors .

  20. cheyne资本管理公司的碳排放产品负责人米切尔费尔斯坦(mitchellfeierstein)表示,碳排放市场为私人投资者提供了机遇。

    Mitchell feierstein , head of emissions products at Cheyne capital management , says the carbon markets offer opportunities for private investors .

  21. IFC为私人投资者提供贷款、股本、投资顾问服务和贸易信贷,所提供资金往往在项目总价值中占相对较小的份额。

    The IFC , which provides private investors with loans , equity , investment advisory services and trade credit , often finances a relatively small proportion of the overall value of a project .

  22. 然而,由于BOT项目是由政府与私人投资者,私人投资者与承包商等多方通过签署合同与协议完成合作,其中存在的风险管理与规避一直在该项目顺利运行的过程中扮演者举足轻重的角色。

    However , since BOT involves many contracts and cooperation between government and private sector investors , and other contracts between private sector investors and contractors , the mitigation and management of risk is critical in the successful operations of such projects .

  23. 与此同时,repsol自两年前将ypf公司15%的股份售予阿根廷一个私人投资者以来,一直急于出手更多股份。

    Repsol , meanwhile , has long been anxious to offload more of YPF than the 15 per cent it sold to a private Argentine investor two years ago .

  24. 例如,去年末,总部位于纽约的家族机构KierGlobal开始分发对冲基金有限合伙人原则声明,目的是让私人投资者就流动性和收费方面的规定达成共识。

    Late last year , for example , Kier Global , a family office based in New York , began circulating a hedge fund LP [ limited partner ] statement of principles in an effort to forge a consensus among private investors on liquidity and fee provisions .

  25. 纽约为高净值家庭服务的私人投资者学院(InstituteforPrivateInvestors)的执行董事明迪•罗森塔尔(MindyRosenthal)说,相对对冲基金投资和私募基金投资这些比较难以估价的资产,银行更愿意以证券等流动性更强的资产为抵押发放贷款。

    Banks are more likely to lend against more liquid offerings , like securities , than against assets like interests in a hedge fund or private-equity fund that are harder to value , says Mindy Rosenthal , executive director of the Institute for Private Investors , a New York group for high-net-worth families .

  26. 公私合作(Public-Private-Partnership,PPP)作为一种能够有效缓解政府部门在公共基础设施投资领域资金不足的融资模式,近年来越来越受到政府部门和私人投资者的青睐。

    As a form of project financing , Public-private partnership ( abbreviated as PPP ) which can effectively alleviate the shortage of funds of the government department has become more and more popular by both the government and the private investors in recent years .

  27. 私人投资者正受到比以往几次航运危机更为沉重的打击。

    Private investors are being harder hit than in earlier shipping crises .

  28. 与大型私人投资者一样,它们最主要的目标在商业方面。

    Like large private investors , their purpose is above all commercial .

  29. 它为私人投资者购买不良资产提供了显而易见的激励。

    It provides no-brainer incentives for private investors to buy toxic assets .

  30. 我们试着从一些私人投资者身上找钱。

    We tried to hustle some money from private investors .