
  • 网络private library;a private-member library
  1. 波士顿有个大学里有一家私人图书馆,

    There 's this private library at a university in Boston .

  2. 当然,绝大多数公众可以读不起自己的一个私人图书馆。

    Of course , the vast majority of the reading public could not afford to own a private library .

  3. 除了公共图书馆和私人图书馆,古希腊还有相当数量的专门图书馆。

    In addition to public and private libraries there were many specialized collections in ancient Greece .

  4. 我们很容易在他的私人图书馆找到马克?吐温的简介。

    It is easy for us to get a profile of Mark Twain in the his personal library .

  5. 在上个世纪,那些拥有私人图书馆的富人的确是幸运的,但是如今有了公共图书馆。

    In the last century the wealthy man with his own library was indeed fortunate , but today there are public libraries .

  6. 服装学院还建有私人图书馆,这儿正是我与波顿共进茶点的地方,2014年重新装修使用的木板,还不时沁着阵阵清香。

    It also has a private library , still smelling of fresh wood from the 2014 renovations , where Bolton and I are now sharing tea and biscuits .

  7. 在我国利用私人慈善资本合办图书馆分馆的探讨私人读书俱乐部还为读书爱好者个人提供了不断给他们的个人图书馆增添新书的好借口。

    Discussion on Setting Up Branch Libraries Utilizing Personal Philanthropic Funds in China a book club provides a great excuse for book lovers to keep adding to their personal libraries .

  8. 美国联邦和州立政府就如同私人基金,对于图书馆的科技投资上升,但在训练学生在来提升有效的使用科技,经费却是相当少的。

    While both federal and state money , as well as private funds , are being invested in upgrading technologies in school libraries , very little resources are allocated for training students in the effective use of this technology .