
sī rén chǔ xù
  • Private savings;individual savings
  1. 日本的私人储蓄率为gdp的26%。

    Japan 's private sector savings were 26 per cent of GDP .

  2. 日本需要将其庞大私人储蓄中的更大一部分出口。

    Japan needs to export more of its surplus private savings .

  3. 养老金替代率对私人储蓄的影响:一个理论模型

    Effect of Pension Replacement Rate on Private Savings : a Theoretical Model

  4. 意大利负债高,但私人储蓄也高。

    Italy has high debts but it also has high private savings .

  5. 1980年,智利推出了基于私人储蓄账户的养老金改革。

    Chile introduced pension reforms based on private savings accounts in 1980 .

  6. 强制性私人储蓄属于此类。

    Private mandatory savings fall in this category .

  7. 增长私人储蓄和国内投资。

    Promote private saving and domestic investment .

  8. 的确,美国国内私人储蓄的恢复并不是坏事。

    Indeed , it is no bad thing that domestic private savings will be rebuilt .

  9. 同时,不仅仅是私人储蓄在减少,政府储蓄同样也在减少。

    Moreover it is not simply private savings that has collapsed but government savings as well .

  10. 这样一项美国战略当然会聚焦于中期财政修正和增加私人储蓄。

    Such a US strategy will of course focus on medium-term fiscal correction and increased private saving .

  11. 但是,如果联邦政府赤字居高不下,光是增加私人储蓄,是不足以使美国国民储蓄增加的。

    But increasing private saving is not enough to raise us national saving if federal deficits remain high .

  12. 对大多数亚洲国家来说,这是简单的,因为这些国家私人储蓄率很高。

    This is relatively simple for most Asian countries , because the saving rates of their private sectors are high .

  13. 美国将采取措施,增强长期财政责任,并采取新措施鼓励私人储蓄。

    The United States will implement measures to increase long run fiscal responsibility and introduce new ways to encourage private saving .

  14. 最重要的是,近来的金融危机导致在受到冲击的经济体中,投资显著减少、私人储蓄大幅增加。

    Most importantly , recent financial crises have caused investment to collapse and private savings to jump in the affected economies .

  15. 而美国财政政策的放松以及私人储蓄的下降对经常账户的恶化所起的作用不大。

    However the loosening of American finance policy and the decrease of private savings have little effect on the frequent account deterioration .

  16. 实际上,推迟退休年龄甚至有可能降低私人储蓄需求,从而促进消费。

    Indeed , an increase in the retirement age may even decrease the need for private saving , and thus increase consumption .

  17. 为此,美方致力于将联邦预算赤字降到一个可持续发展的水平并采取措施鼓励私人储蓄。

    To achieve this , the United States is committed to returning thefederal budgetdeficit to a sustainable path and pursuing measuresto encourageprivate saving .

  18. 其一,中国企业一直得益于人为的低成本资金,这是私人储蓄的收益受到抑制的结果。

    For one , firms in China benefited from artificially low costs of funds , held down by repressed returns on private savings .

  19. 美国也宣布了几项举措,包括支持私人储蓄的税收激励政策,以及提高能源效率的措施。

    The US has also announced several steps , including tax incentives to support private saving , and measures to enhance energy efficiency .

  20. 美国家庭和企业必须重建资产负债表,这需要增加私人储蓄,减少经常账户赤字。

    American households and businesses have to rebuild their balance sheets , which requires higher private savings and a lower current account deficit .

  21. 在传统的生命周期模型框架内,社会保障的引入会导致私人储蓄1:1地减少。

    Within the framework of the traditional life cycle model , the introduction of social security may result in reducing private savings by one-to-one .

  22. 然而,一些经济学家认为,如果完全放开资本管制,可能导致巨额私人储蓄外流。

    However , some economists believe that if the controls were substantially eased , it could lead to a huge outflow of private savings .

  23. 正是以此为基础,本书得出了社会保障对私人储蓄的净影响可能并不大的结论。

    Just based on this , this paper draws a conclusion that the net effect of social security on private savings is not significant .

  24. 差不多所有私人储蓄公司,都购买了由联邦政府公司所提供的保险,保障私人储蓄户,每人达四万美元。

    Almost all the private savings institutions buy insurance offered by federal government corporations to protect individual savings accounts up to $ 40000 each .

  25. 毫不奇怪,上海男人最厌恶的话题是当他们约会对象试图探明他们的私人储蓄。

    Not surprisingly , the topic that the Shanghai men detested most was when their dates tried to dig out info about their personal savings .

  26. 在声明中,亚太经合组织的巨大赤字承诺要鼓励私人储蓄,当这些人有巨大的盈余以增长国内经济增长。

    In the statement , APEC economies with large deficits pledged to encourage private savings , while those with large surpluses pledged to strengthen domestic growth .

  27. 银行仍在亚洲金融中占据主导地位(同样,尤其是在中国),将私人储蓄输送至资本市场的机构投资者仍然缺少。

    Banks still dominate Asian finance – again particularly in China – and institutional investors , which funnel private savings to capital markets , are lacking .

  28. 这意味着既要推升私人储蓄,又要在那些处于危机核心的国家大力削减赤字。

    This means both driving up private savings and taking substantial action now to reduce deficits in the countries that were at the core of the crisis .

  29. 根据该工作组的一份声明,非法集资指的是在未经监管机构批准的情况下,以提供较高回报的方式公开从私人储蓄者那里募集资金。

    According to a statement from the task force , illegal fundraising refers to soliciting funds publicly from private savers by offering a high return without regulatory approval to operate .

  30. 由於亚洲的政治及宏观经济环境稳定,大部分亚洲地区的私人储蓄和投资比世界其他地方高出一倍。

    Thanks to Asia 's stable political and macroeconomics environment , private savings and investment in most of Asia have been twice as high as the rest of the world .