
fú lì ɡuó jiā
  • welfare state
  1. 我认为政府总的目的是要削弱福利国家体制。

    I believe that the Government 's general aim is to whittle away the Welfare State

  2. 他认为,必要的转型可能堪比19世纪德国福利国家的创建或者上世纪30年代的美国新政(NewDeal)。

    He suggests the necessary transformation could be on a par with the creation of the German welfare state in the 19th century or the New Deal of the 1930s .

  3. 如果政客们真的试图使GDP最大化,他们就会立即废除所有的市政规划限制、废除所有移民障碍以及福利国家制度的一大部分。

    If politicians truly sought to maximise GDP they would immediately abolish all planning restrictions , all barriers to immigration and a good chunk of the welfare state .

  4. 1960年至1980年,随着福利国家制度的扩张,一个黄金时期来临:发达国家的政府支出增至占GDP大约43%。

    The golden period came with the expansion of the welfare state between 1960 and 1980 , when government spending in the developed world rose to around 43 per cent of GDP .

  5. 上周,美国自由派人士汤姆帕尔默(tompalmer)来到伦敦,谴责“跨越世界的带动偷窃、堕落、操纵和社会控制等各种现象的火车头我们称之为福利国家”。

    Last week , Tom Palmer , the American libertarian , came to London to denounce the " world-straddling engine of theft , degradation , manipulation and social control we call the welfare state " .

  6. 在解决福利国家困境过程中,新右派思想崛起,他们主张在经济领域引入市场机制,这为NHS改革奠定了理论基础。

    Political theories rose abruptly when the straits of welfare state was dealt with . The New Right advocated that government introduced market system into economic realm . The New Right established theory base for the NHS reforms .

  7. 首先从不同方面分析了这次改革的历史背景,由于73&75年世界性经济危机给英国带来了严重影响,致使福利国家面临困境,NHS体系首当其冲。

    At first , this dissertation analyses the historical background of reform from different sides . The world economic crisis in 1973-1975 brought about serious consequence for U.K. So the welfare state system was in trouble and NHS was firstly affected by the condition .

  8. 霍布豪斯已经简略地介绍了福利国家这一概念。

    Hobhouse had already adumbrated the idea of a welfare state .

  9. 第四,由理论与实践困境来反思福利国家的理论。

    Fourthly , reflects the theory and practice of welfare state .

  10. 如何实现我国从社会福利国家向竞争国家转型

    How to Convert a Social Welfare Country into a Competitive One

  11. 浅析德国福利国家的困境

    A Brief Analysis of the Welfare State Dilemma in Germany

  12. 西方福利国家:全球化下的问题与挑战

    Western Welfare States : Problems and Challenges under the Background of Globalization

  13. 失业给福利国家增加了沉重的负担。

    Unemployment places a heavy burden on the welfare state .

  14. 福利国家的变迁&政治学视角下的解析

    The Evolution of the Welfare State : An Analysis of Political Science

  15. 他们被控破坏了这个福利国家。

    They 've been accused of dismantling the welfare state .

  16. 在一个具有活力的开放经济体内,“公司福利国家”是不可持续的。

    Corporate welfare states are unsustainable in a dynamic and open economy .

  17. 丹麦教育投资的特点及其未来走向&兼析经济高度发达、高税收、高福利国家教育投资的特点及未来走向

    The Features and Trends of Educational Investment in Denmark

  18. 全球化与西欧福利国家制度的困境

    Globalization and Dilemma of Welfare System in West Europe

  19. 福利国家不授予艺术家正式的“社会职责”。

    The welfare state has invested the artist with no official'social duty ' .

  20. 它们依然以身为慷慨的福利国家为豪。

    They continue to pride themselves on the generosity of their welfare states .

  21. 福利国家前途特别专题讨论会

    Special Symposium on the Future of the Welfare State

  22. 进步福利国家的所谓“福利”。

    The supposed benefits of a progressive welfare state .

  23. 后福利国家:走向积极多元的福利再生产

    After the Welfare State : Toward a Positive and Pluralistic Reproduction of Welfare

  24. 《贝弗里奇报告》与英国福利国家的建设

    Beveridge Report and the Process of British Welfare Building

  25. 在资本主义市场经济发展的进程中,产生了福利国家。

    Welfare country came into being in the development of capitalist market economy .

  26. 第三部分主要对艾德礼政府的福利国家政策进行综合评析。

    The third part mainly evaluates the welfare state policy of Attlee government .

  27. 是一个典型的高福利国家;

    It is a typical country with high welfare .

  28. 本论文研究发现福利国家的发展与中央&地方关系相互作用。

    The research also discovers the interactions between welfare state and central-local relations .

  29. 试论英国艾德礼政府的福利国家政策

    On Welfare State Policy of Attlee Government in Britain

  30. 20世纪中叶的福利国家已经不堪重负。

    The mid-20th century welfare states are already eroding .