
  1. 禁止权利滥用原则是指超出正当界限的权利行使为法律所禁止。

    It refers that any exercising rights that surpass its equitable scope shall prohibited by law .

  2. 关于民法中确立禁止权利滥用原则的思考

    A Ponderation on Setting up a Principle of Forbidding the Abuse of Rights in Civil Laws

  3. 文章以权利的本质和禁止权利滥用原则为分析出发点,阐述权利失效的构成及功能。

    Starting from analysing the essence of rights and Forbidding Misuse of Rights Rule , this paper elaborates the composition and function of invalidation of rights .

  4. 基于禁止权利滥用原则是权利社会性的要求,因此,权利滥用者对其行为应承担不利的法律后果。

    Basing on the fact that the demand of sociality of right needs the principle , those who abuse rights should be responsible for their deed .

  5. 这种滥用权利的行为是与民法中的禁止权利滥用原则、利益平衡原则和公平竞争原则所追求的价值目标相悖的。

    The abuse of copyright is contrary to value goal of the No Abuse of Rights Doctrine , the Balance of Interests Doctrine and the Fair Competition Doctrine in civil law .

  6. 调适两者冲突的原则有:公共利益原则、保密原则、尊重人格尊严原则和禁止权利滥用原则。

    The principles applied in adjusting these conflicts include the public interest principle , principle of confidentiality , principle of respecting personal dignity and principle of prohibition of abuse of rights .

  7. 专利联营的限制竞争行为仅靠民法的禁止权利滥用原则、专利法、合同法等我国相关立法来规制是远远不够的,反垄断法应被用来规制专利联营的限制竞争行为。

    Regulating the patent pool only by the principle of civil law-the prohibition of abusing rights , patent law , contract law and other relevant legislation in China is hardly enough .

  8. 比较了韩国、瑞士、德国、我国台湾地区及我国关于禁止权利滥用原则不同立法例的利弊。

    Compared Taiwanese region in Korea , Switzerland , Germany , our country and our countries to abuse the lawmaking gains or losses of the principle concerning the prohibition against right .

  9. 最后提出了禁止权利滥用原则在我国的展望,从理论、立法和实践三方面都提出了完善措施。

    Prohibit abuse of rights principle are put forth , and the prospect in our country , from the aspects of theory , legislation and practice three improvement measures are put forward .

  10. 本部分分析了规制格式条款效力的三大法律原则,即公序良俗原则、禁止权利滥用原则、诚实信用原则。

    In this part , three main principles are discussed . They are the principle of public policy , the principle of no abuse of right and that of being honest and trustworthy .

  11. 私法限制应当以禁止权利滥用原则为中心,具体制度则以相邻关系、善意取得、取得时效等为代表。

    Private law limit pays great attention to the principle of forbidding the abuse of rights , in which the system takes the adjacent relation , bona fide , acquisitive prescription as representative .

  12. 然而,法律的自由不是绝对的和毫无界限的,禁止权利滥用原则和不得违反社会公共利益原则是权利行使的界限。

    However , the law of freedom is not absolute and without limits , prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of public interest shall not violate are the exercise of rights boundaries .

  13. 在现代民商立法中,均衡的运用,发展了民法基本原则,如禁止权利滥用原则、诚实信用原则等。契约的死亡和再生也是运用均衡的结果。

    In the legislation of the modern Civil Law and Commercial Law , the Equilibrium develops the basic principle of the Civil Law , which results in the " death " and " rebirth " of contract .

  14. 禁止权利滥用原则的要旨是要求民事活动的当事人在行使权利及履行义务的过程中,实现个人利益与社会利益的平衡。

    The gist of Forbidding Misuse of Rights Rule is that the litigants of civil activities are asked to fulfill the balance of individual interest and social interest during the course of exercising rights and carrying out duties .

  15. 解决这些冲突应当遵循股东平等原则、禁止权利滥用原则与激励小股东投资原则,尤其是后两个原则对根本不分配利润的行为有重要的适用价值。

    Resolve these conflicts should follow the principle of shareholder equality , prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of small shareholders investment incentives , especially after the two principles do not distribute profits behavior has important practical value .

  16. 知识产权请求权,其制度的构建,应当遵循私权自治、利益平衡以及禁止权利滥用的原则。

    Claim of intellectual property , the construction of its system , shall follow the principles such as , the private rights of autonomy , the balancing of interests and the prohibition of abuse of rights .

  17. 夫妻扶养义务的例外符合公平正义、权利义务相一致、禁止权利滥用等原则,应让夫妻扶养义务的例外作为对夫妻扶养制度的必要补充。

    Support obligations of married couples exception accord with justice , the rights and obligations of consistent , prohibition of abuse of rights and other principles , should let the support obligations of married couples to married couples the exception as a necessary supplement to the system .

  18. 而禁止权利滥用的法律原则和企业社会责任的理论,在一定程度上也为反就业歧视法限制雇主的用工自主权提供了合法依据。

    The theory of the prohibition of abusing rights and the theory of corporation social responsibility also provide legal reasons for restricting the employing autonomy of employers with employment discrimination law .

  19. 广义的知识产权限制是指除知识产权的内部限制外,还包含民法上的诚实信用原则、禁止权利滥用等基本原则和竞争法(主要是反垄断法)对知识产权行使的外部限制。

    Except for the interior limitation , the broadly-defined limitation on intellectual property rights also includes exterior limitation which comes from competition law mainly refers to antitrust law and the basic principles of civil law such as the honest and trustworthy principle and forbidding right abuse principle .

  20. 其次是禁止权利滥用理论,即滥用市场支配地位行为有违禁止权利滥用的原则。

    The second is the " Prohibits the abuse of rights theory ", which means the abuse of dominant market position in violated the principle of Prohibition of abuse of rights .