
shén jīnɡ xuè ɡuǎn shù
  • neurovascular bundle
  1. MRI诊断前列腺癌侵犯神经血管束的价值

    Effects of MRI in the evaluation of the neurovascular bundle invasion by prostate cancer

  2. 其主要的缘由是对神经血管束较低的牵引。

    The major impact is on less traction on the neurovascular bundle .

  3. 与神经血管束最近的为螺钉d,平均距离为4.92±1.97(3.36-6.14)mm。

    And the average distance between the screw d and anterior neurovascular bundle was 4.92 ± 1.97 ( 3.36-6.14 ) mm , which was the closest one . 2 .

  4. 目的探讨MRI诊断前列腺癌侵犯神经血管束(NVB)的价值。

    Objective To investigate the effects of MRI in the evaluation of the neurovascular bundle ( NVB ) invasion by prostate cancer .

  5. 目的:涎腺腺样囊性癌(salivaryadenoidcysticcarcinoma,SACC),是最常见的涎腺恶性肿瘤之一,该肿瘤具有侵袭性强、浸润性生长、早期沿神经血管束向远处扩展和转移等特征。

    Radical cystectomy with sparing of cavernous neuro-vascular bundle Objective : Salivary Adenoid cystic carcinoma ( SACC ) is one of the most common malignant tumor of salivary glands .

  6. 目的认识盆丛、神经血管束(NVB)与周围组织器官的关系。

    Objective To investigate the anatomical relatation of nerve vessel bundles ( NVB ) with the adjacent organs .

  7. 盆腔神经血管束的解剖及与下尿路手术的关系

    Anatomy of the neurovascular bundle and its relation with lower urinary tract operation

  8. 手指神经血管束的巨微解剖

    A Macro-micro-anatomy of the Digital Neurovascular Bundle

  9. 颌面部撞击伤致下牙槽神经血管束间接损伤的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Indirect Injury of Inferior Alveolar Neurovascular Bundle Caused by Maxillofacial Impact Injury

  10. 腭神经血管束牵拉松解在腭裂整复中的临床评价

    The clinical evaluation of cleft palate repair using the method of stretching and dissecting the greater palatine neurovascular bundle

  11. 4神经血管束疏松结缔组织;5内脏器官门及被膜疏松结缔组织。

    The loose connective tissue around the neurovascular tracts , and 5.The loose connective tissue at the visceral hili and tunicae .

  12. 方法对25例口腔软组织缺损,应用以单侧腭大神经血管束为蒂的全硬腭岛状黏骨膜瓣转位修复。

    Methods The whole-palate flap pedicled with the unilateral greater palatine artery was used to repair 25 cases of oral soft tissue defects .

  13. 以该神经血管束背侧支为蒂,设计岛状皮瓣,移位修复指腹缺损,临床应用10例11指。

    According to this neurovascular structure , island flap was designed for reconstruction of finger pulp loss in 10 patients ( 11 fingers ) .

  14. 牙齿和下牙槽神经血管束位于颌骨上,在颌面部创伤时难免受到间接损伤。

    Teeth and inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle locate at the mandible ; they would be subjected to indirect injury if the mandible is wounded .

  15. 目的研究颌面部撞击伤导致的下牙槽神经血管束间接损伤的特点。

    Objective This study was designed to determine the characteristics of indirect injury of inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle caused by impact injury of mandible in dogs .

  16. 50%正常组和前列腺癌根治组的神经血管束定位于后外侧,并形成确定的束。

    The neurovascular bundle of 50 % patients in the normal group and radial prostatectomy group localized at the postero-lateral region with definite ' bundle ' formations .

  17. 为了提高保存性功能的膀胱癌根治术的手术效果,自1990年5月至1994年8月,对13例膀胱癌患者进行了保留海绵体神经血管束的根治性膀胱切除术。

    Radical cystectomy with sparing of cavernous neuro-vascular bundle From May . 1992 to Aug. 1994 , nerve sparing radical cystectomy was performed for 13 patients with bladder cancer .

  18. 方法首先将一侧的指固有神经血管束包纳入皮瓣中,以保证对皮瓣的血供,保留另一侧的血管束在原指位,以保证术指血供的完整。

    Methods First , one of the neurovascular bundles was included in the flap to supply the flap and another bundle was left in the original position to supply the finger .

  19. 目的探讨保护尿道膜部括约肌和神经血管束及重建膀胱颈部对前列腺癌根治术后尿失禁的预防作用。

    Objective To discuss the effect of urine control after radical retropubic prostatectomy by preserve the membranous part of sphincter urethrae and the neurovascular bundle , or to rebuild the bladder neck .

  20. 结果盆丛发出分支与血管一起构成神经血管束,分成两支沿前列腺后外侧和前外侧走行到达尿生殖膈。

    Results The neurovascular bundle , which stemed from the pelvic plexus , together with the corresponding vessels were formed and divided into 2 branches to pass the lateral border of the prostate .

  21. 改进耻骨后前列腺癌根治技术,包括广泛盆腔淋巴结清扫、保护神经血管束、缝扎背深静脉、多保留尿道后壁组织、膀胱尿道吻合时的膀胱颈部套叠等。

    Technical improvements included extensive lymph node clearance , protection of the neurovascular bundle , suture and ligation of the dorsal vein complex , preservation of the distal prostatic urethra , and intussusception of the bladder neck .

  22. 方法:对15例前列腺癌采用保留尿道膜部括约肌及前列腺侧旁神经血管束的方法进行前列腺癌根治术。

    Methods : Surgical techniques such as preservation of prostatic striated sphincter , nerval fibre and vessels around bladder neck or lateral to the prostate were carried out in the radical prostatectomy of 15 cases of prostate cancer .

  23. 方法:对47例口腔癌患者术后软组织缺损,选择以腭大神经血管束为蒂的半腭瓣及单侧腭大神经血管束为蒂的全腭瓣转位修复,并分析其优缺点。

    METHODS : 25 half-palatal flaps and 22 whole-palatal flaps with vascular pedicles of the palatal nerve vessels were harvested to repair the postoperative defects of oral soft tissues in 47 patients with oral cancers , the merits and shortcomings were analyzed .

  24. 方法:用游标卡尺测量100个颅骨和50具尸体的硬腭、软腭的曲线长度、腭大孔间的距离,并观察穿经腭大孔的神经血管束位置关系。

    Methods : The curve length of hard palate and soft palate , the distance between the greater palatine foramen were measured with vernier caliper and the position relation of the nerve and vessels passing through greater palatine foramen was observed in 100 oranium and 50 cadaver .

  25. 本实验利用大白鼠证明只保留一条静脉的单纯静脉皮瓣可以成活,成活率和切断所有神经血管束的对照侧皮辩比较有非常显著性差异。

    The experiment on rats showed that the simple venous flap ( the SVF ) with one vein could survived . When the survival rate of the SVF compared with that of the contrary side flap without the nerve and vessel bundle , the difference was remarkable .

  26. 方法:显微放大镜下分离指固有神经与血管束,保留指神经干,结扎血管束近端,将皮瓣逆行转位修复指端创面。

    Methods : The nerve and blood vessel of the finger were exposed under the microscope and the vessel was cut to form reversed island skin flap to repair the finger tip defect .

  27. 方法采用集束血管钳法保留尿道外括约肌及其神经支配、保留神经血管束(NBV)、耻骨前列腺韧带等方法行前列腺癌根治性切除术43例。

    Methods Radical retropubic prostatectomy with preservation of external striated sphincter and nerve-sparing technique has been carried out for 43 prostate cancer patients .

  28. 下颌管内的下牙槽神经、血管被-层被膜包裹形成下牙槽神经血管束,下牙槽血管位于下牙槽神经的上方,且位置较恒定。

    The inferior alveolar nerve and vessels were enclosed by the connective tissue to form a neurovascular bundle in the mandibular canal , and the inferior alveolar vessels were laid above the inferior alveolar nerve .

  29. 方法根据三叉神经痛患支走行骨管,局麻下行患支骨管扩管术,充分游离神经血管束。

    Methods Bone tube dilatation was performed with local anethesia to fully free the neural vascular bundles according to the actual situation of the pathologic branches .