
  • 网络social management innovation
  1. 本文第二章主要是论述了社会管理创新的域外经验。

    The second chapter discusses the extraterritorial social management innovation experience .

  2. 社会管理创新需要科学理论的指导。

    Social management innovation needs the guidance of scientific theory .

  3. 电子政务环境下政府社会管理创新动因分析

    Analysis of Social Administration Innovation Drives under Electronic Government Affairs Condition

  4. 推进社会管理创新显得越发重要。

    Promoting social management innovation becomes more important .

  5. 乡村和谐发展与农村基层社会管理创新的理性选择

    Harmonious Development of Villages and the Rational Choice of Innovation of Rural Social Management

  6. 法治化是社会管理创新发展的必然趋势。

    Rule of law is the inevitable trend of the development of social management innovation .

  7. 第二章主要介绍了社会管理创新体制改革的理论基础。

    The second chapter describes the " social management innovation ," the theoretical basis for reform .

  8. 推进依法行政和社会管理创新。

    It will run the government in accordance with the law and promote innovation in social administration .

  9. 法院参与推进社会管理创新,是时代赋予的政治责任。

    The courts participating in promotion of social management innovation is the political responsibility entrusted by the times .

  10. 社会管理创新作为与实践高度相关的热点问题受到了高度的关注。

    The innovation of social management and the practice as highly relevant issues by a high degree of concern .

  11. 社会管理创新包括理念创新、制度创新和技术创新。

    The innovation of social management consists of the innovation of the concept , the system and the technology .

  12. 面对经济全球化、信息化的发展趋势,各国都在进行社会管理创新。

    With the development of economic globalization and informationization , the countries are engaged in the innovation of social management .

  13. 同时为我国公共领域建构与社会管理创新提出了新的课题。

    It is in favor of proposes a new topic of Public domain and the innovation of social administration in our country .

  14. 社会管理创新执法、司法和守法是社会管理创新法治化的关键。

    The innovation of social management law enforcement , judicature and law-abiding is the key to social management innovation under the rule of law .

  15. 社会管理创新与法治是矛盾的对立统一体,彼此矛盾冲突又相互协调统一。

    The innovation of the social management and the rule of law is the unity of contradiction , conflict and coordinated with each other .

  16. 当前从中央到地方都高度重视社会管理创新,从理论和实践上作了很多有益的探索。

    Nowadays central and local governments have attached great importance to the innovation of social management , and make a lot of meaningful explorations .

  17. 长沙市作为全国社会管理创新综合试点城市,在城市社区自治方面进行了诸多创新,成绩斐然。

    Changsha city , as the social management innovation comprehensive pilot city , in urban community autonomy in many innovation and achieved great success .

  18. 社会管理创新与法治在限制权力和保障权利的价值取向上达致惊人契合。

    The innovation of the social management and the rule of law to get fit in amazing value restriction of power and protection of rights .

  19. 并在此基础上,通过反馈基模对策生成法与反馈基模对策实施效应分析法结合,进行网络民意表达推进社会管理创新的有效对策生成与应用研究。

    Then through the feedback base model generation methods and countermeasures implementation effect feedback base model , puts forward the countermeasures of social management innovation .

  20. 人民法院作为我国身负审判职能的司法机关,在推进社会管理创新中必然要发挥愈来愈重要的作用。

    As the judicial authorities with the trial function , the people courts are bound to play an increasingly important role in promoting social management innovation .

  21. 社会管理创新既是国家一个事关全局的重大决策,也是一个重要的公共管理研究课题。

    Social management innovation is both major policy decisions concerning the overall situation of a country , and also an important research topic of public management .

  22. 本文立足于社会管理创新的宏观场景,指出对当下的行政执法方式进行变革。

    Based on the macro scenario of social management innovation , this paper points out that the present ways of administrative law enforcement shall be reformed .

  23. 第二,地方政府社会管理创新存不存在某种限度;如果存在,这些限度体现在哪些方而。

    Second , whether does local government social management innovation exist a certain limit or not ; if it exists , what aspects do these limits reflect .

  24. 基层法院送法下乡服务是当前基层法院参与社会管理创新工作的重点内容,是基层法院对自身角色的反省与重新定位表现。

    The rural law campaign of lower court is the key content of its participation in social management innovation and the self-examination and relocation of its own role .

  25. 行政执法方式变革是社会管理创新大潮中的一条小流,变革之路任重道路远。

    The administrative law enforcement reform is like a rill in the grand innovation tide of social management . It is an arduous task and the road is long .

  26. 电子政务尤其是政府网站是支撑社会管理创新的重要手段,其建设和发展得到了中央的高度重视。

    E-government , especially government website , is an important means to support social management innovation , and its construction and development get the highly valued by central government .

  27. 当前,在社会管理创新的背景下,对社会领域反腐问题研究具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    At present , in the innovation of social management in the context of the social field , the study of corruption is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  28. 在征地拆迁中,法院发挥的不止是中立裁判的作用,还应切实化解实质矛盾,推进社会管理创新。

    In land acquisition and demolition , the courts not only play the role of a neutral referee , but also effectively resolve real conflicts and promote social management innovation .

  29. 行政执法方式的变革作为社会管理创新的基本内容之一,它只是社会管理创新中的一个子系统,二者之间区别明显。

    The reform on ways of administrative law enforcement , as one of the basic content and a subsystem of social management innovation , is obviously different from the social management innovation .

  30. 但是,目前哈尔滨市社区自治组织参与社会管理创新工作还处于起步阶段,社区自治组织发挥社会协同、公众参与的作用还没有充分展现。

    However , currently Harbin CAOs participating in social management innovation is still in the initial stage , and their function of " social cooperation , public participation " is not fully shown .