
  • 网络social production cost
  1. 招标投标机制作为社会资源合理配置,降低社会生产成本及完善市场交易规则和促进市场体系发育和完善的有效手段,它的迅速发展是市场经济发展的必然选择。

    As the perfect effective means that makes social resource reasonable disposition and reduces social production cost and perfects market trade rule , the quick development of bidding mechanism is the inevitable choice of market economic development .

  2. 黄金货币属性决定其价格受社会生产成本和平均利润以及货币购买力共同决定。

    As a money , its price is fixed by an average of production costs and profits , as well as the common purchasing power of the currency .

  3. 在水资源分配过程中,主要存在社会生产与环境成本的矛盾,个人利益与社会福利的矛盾,地域之间争夺水源的矛盾等,这些矛盾的解决都有必要诉诸于政治哲学的研究。

    In the distribution of water resource , we meet the conflict between Social Development and Environment Cost , between Individual Profit and Social Welfare , between regions and peoples . Political philosophy will be helpful in solving these conflicts .