
  1. 高速公路间接社会效益指标体系研究

    The study of social benefit index system of Expressway

  2. 基于这样的思考,本文力图将反应信息化项目给企业带来的隐性社会效益指标因素纳入到评价体系中,对电厂信息化项目建设带给企业的显性和隐性的效益进行综合评价。

    We devote to introduce the index system of the social performance so that we can make better the evaluation of electric plant IT project .

  3. 采用经济效益指标和社会效益指标对中国旅游业绩效进行了综合评价。

    The authors adopt both indexes of the economic and social efficiency to evaluate comprehensively the performance of the tourist industry in China in this paper .

  4. 论文所建立的绩效评价指标体系由四个方面的指标构成,即财务指标、员工指标、客户指标和社会效益指标。

    Thesis created by the performance evaluation index system of indicators in four areas , namely financial indicators , indicators of staff , customers and social indicators of indicators .

  5. 生态效益指标有均化洪水、涵养水源、生物栖息地、气候调节、净化水质、水土保持等;经济效益指标有供水和湿地产品;社会效益指标有休闲旅游和科研文化。

    Ecological benefit indexes have flood homogenization , water conservation , biological habitat , climate regulation , purifying water quality , soil and water conservation , etc. ; Economic indicators have water and wetland products ; Social benefit indexes have leisure tourism and research culture .

  6. 添加了具有中国国情的社会效益指标;并且用经济利润代替财务利润进行计算,使绩效评价结果更加真实、全面、准确地反映企业的经营业绩。

    Have added the social benefit index with China 's actual conditions , and replace the financial profit to calculate with the economic profit , make the performance appraise the result and reflect the business performances of enterprises more true , more overall , more accurately .

  7. 指标权重的计算结果表明:二级指标中权重最大的是生态环境效益指标(0.4731),权重次大的是经济效益指标(0.2856),权重最小的是社会效益指标(0.2513)。

    The index weight results show that : the largest weight of the second indicators is of the ecological environment indicators ( 0.4731 ), the bigger weight is of the economic indicator ( 0.2856 ), the smallest weight is of the social indicator ( 0.2513 ) .

  8. 在建立了BOT高速公路社会效益评价指标体系的基础上,采用模糊物元分析方法对BOT高速公路社会效益进行了综合评价研究。

    In has established in the BOT highway social efficiency appraisal target system foundation , used the fuzzy element analysis method to conduct the quality synthetic evaluation research to the BOT highway social efficiency .

  9. 地质勘查经济社会效益及其指标体系

    On Geologic Exploration Economic & social Benefit and Target System

  10. 电子政务社会效益评价指标体系研究

    A Study on Social Benefit Evaluation Index System of E-government

  11. 运输物流的社会效益评价指标体系

    Evaluation System of Social Benefit for Transportation Logistics

  12. 在对目前的权重确定方法进行归纳总结后,本文选用层次分析法来确定电网建设改造项目社会效益评价指标体系的权重。

    Summarizing the current method for determining the weights , this article will use AHP to determine the weight of the power grid construction and transformation project evaluation index system of social benefits .

  13. 针对目前高速公路社会效益评价指标体系不完善的实际,在系统分析其特点基础上,确定指标设置的基本原则,建立了比较全面的社会效益评价指标体系。

    Aiming at imperfection of the target system at present , the paper determines basal principle for target setting up on the basis of systematic analysis of its features , establishing overall the target system for social benefit evaluation .

  14. 并针对经济效益评价指标数据和社会效益评价指标数据、发展能力评价指标数据的不同特性,分别采用主成分分析法和模糊综合评价法来计算其评价结果。

    And to economic benefits evaluation index data and social benefit evaluation index data , develop ability evaluation index different characteristics of datum , adopt main composition analytic approach and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation assessment calculate that it appraises the result separately .

  15. 这套指标体系包括经济效益评价指标、社会效益评价指标、生态效益评价指标、代际关系评价指标及区域的自我调控能力评价指标。

    This system of appraisal indicators includes the economic performance evaluation indicators , the social performance evaluation indicators , the ecosystem performance evaluation indicators , relation of two ages evaluation indicators and districts to the ability of adjust to control evaluation indicators .

  16. 本文在研究了中外项目评估体系的差异后,指出发达国家异常重视生态环境、社会效益等指标的评估,而我国仍然处在对投资项目商业盈利评估的过分倚重上。

    Based on the study of the differences of the project evaluation system in China and other countries , the paper points out that the evaluation is focused on ecological and social benefits in the developed countries while our country just concentrates on economic benefits .

  17. 文章针对目前企业绩效评价的缺陷,结合我国实际国情对指标进行了改进,添加了社会效益评价指标,并且用经济利润代替财务利润。

    This article , concerning the defects in the performance appraisal of enterprises and the real national conditions of our country , has improved the index and added the appraisal index of the social benefit , and replaced the financial profit with the economic profit .

  18. 库区经济社会生态效益评价指标体系设计探讨

    Studies on the Evaluation Indicator System of Economic-ecological-social Effects in Chinese Reservoir Areas

  19. 泥石流防治的社会效益评估及其指标体系探讨

    Preliminary Study on Social Benefit Assessment and Its System Targets of Debris Flow Control

  20. 目的探讨医院的社会及经济效益指标系统的评价方法。

    Objective To inquire into the designing , counting and evaluating method about the system of social and economic benefits indices of a hospital .

  21. 系统整合模型和互动关系共同作用的最后结果表现为公司经济、技术和社会效益的评价指标。

    The outcome of their systematic integration and interaction will be represented by the corporate 's condition in economic benefits , technology and social benefits .

  22. 通过德尔菲法建立包括生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定指标权重,以传统烟草农业数据为标准,对指标数据进行标准化处理。

    The evaluation index system is established by the Delphi method and weight coefficient is determined using AHP . The index data is standardized by using traditional tobacco agriculture data as the standard .

  23. 结果表明:两所医院经济效益各项指标逐年增加,但综合评价结果不甚理想,社会效益的质量指标有待提高。

    The results showed that the indexes of economic benefit increased every year , but the results of the comprehensive evaluation were not very good , and the quality index of social benefit must be improved .

  24. 通过对停车场社会经济效益评价指标的深入分析,选择了投资成本、停车供需满足程度、道路通行能力影响等六项指标作为评价影响因素。

    Six evaluated indexes such as investment costs , meeting degrees of supply and demand , and effect of traffic capability are chosen as affecting factors to appraise urban parking planning project , through the deep analysis on evaluation indexes affecting societal economy benefits .

  25. 森林社会效益内涵及主要指标的计量方法

    Study on the Connotation and Main Index Measurement Method of Forest Social Benefit

  26. 本文着重研究农村电气化的社会经济环境效益多指标综合评价方法。

    This paper studies the multi - indices comprehensive evaluation method for social , economic and environmental benefits of rural electrification .

  27. 在服务产品理论基础上,探讨医院服务的经济效益与社会效益范畴及其评价指标。

    Based on the theory of service product , we tried to study the category and guidelines of the service benefit of hospital .

  28. 研究结果表明,荣文高速公路建设项目能在预定的时间内收回成本并带来可观的经济效益和社会效益,从财务指标看,该项目是积极可行的。

    The results show that Rong-Wen highway construction project at the scheduled time can recover costs and generate considerable economic benefits and social benefits . In view of financial indicators , the project is positively feasible .

  29. 在此基础上建立了数据包络分析测算模型的投入指标体系;同时对住宅小区建设的产出指标进行分析筛选,以经济效益――住区市场总价值和社会环境效益为产出指标。

    On this basis , we establish the input indexes system for the DEA model . On the other hand , we chose the economic efficiency & total market value and environmental benefits to society as the output indexes .

  30. 结论:通过3年医院社会效益、经济效益指标对比,医德医风教育年中各项社会效益、经济效益指标明显变化,有显著性差异,医德医风教育有利于医院无形资产积累。

    Discussion : With comparison of the data of social and economical returns during 3-year study , we found that the remarkable difference in the medical ethics education year , at the certain degree , that means that medical ethics can create better social and economic effects .