
  • 网络social emotion;Social Mood
  1. 同伴关系是儿童社会情绪适应的重要背景,在儿童青少年的发展和社会适应中起着重要作用。

    Peer relations were an important factor of the adjustment of social emotion , it was important for the development and social adjustment of children and adolescents .

  2. 社会情绪的神经基础

    The Neural Bases of Social Emotions

  3. 社会情绪选择理论(SocioemotionalSelectivityTheory,简称为SST)是毕生发展心理学领域中的一个较新的理论。

    Socioemotional Selectivity Theory ( SST ) is a new theory in the field of life-span developmental psychology .

  4. 乡村治理中的农村青年消极社会情绪探析

    An Analytical Study in Negative Social Sentiments among Rural Youth

  5. 西北贫困地区少数民族社会情绪研究

    A Study of Minority People 's Social Mood in Northwest Poverty-stricken Areas

  6. 成人后期社会情绪问题处理取向的研究

    Social-Emotional Problems in Late Adulthood : Orientation of Coping

  7. 8&10个月婴儿社会情绪行为特点的研究

    Socioemotional Behaviors of 8 ~ 10-month-old Infants : Differences by Age and Gender

  8. 乡村治理有一定的社会情绪基础和背景。

    Rural governance has a certain social basis and background of social mood .

  9. 家庭养育环境是幼儿社会情绪发展的重要影响因素。

    The home nurture environment is an important factor in toddler social-emotional development .

  10. 异向社会情绪在中国乡村的蔓延应引起足够的重视。

    The spread of the negative social mood in China should arouse sufficient attention .

  11. 把握社会情绪维护和谐稳定&从近期一些地方社会冲突事件多发看和谐社会的构建

    Grasp the Socio-Emotional Maintain Harmony and Stability & from the Multiple Social Conflict Events

  12. 社会情绪经常是愤怒阴郁的。

    The mood is often resentful and sour .

  13. 科沃德从来就没有顺从新的社会情绪。

    Coward never adjusted to the new mood .

  14. 恐惧作为一种社会情绪,在史前社会极为常见。

    Fear is a kind of social emotional , very common in prehistoric society .

  15. 注意与记忆中的积极效应&老化悖论与社会情绪选择理论的视角

    Positivity Effect in Attention and Memory : Paradox of Aging and the Perspective from Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

  16. 并且由此介绍了社会情绪-认知整合模型及其对情绪过程的理解。

    Based on this model , Lmerise and Arsenio proposed an integrated model of emotion processes and cognition .

  17. 目的:婴幼儿期是依恋形成和社会情绪发展的关键期。

    Objective : Infancy and early childhood are critical period of attachment formation and social-emotional development of children .

  18. 社会情绪选择理论:未来时间知觉、年龄和社会目标的关系研究

    Socioemotional Selectivity Theory : A Research on Future Time Perspective , Age , Social Goals and Their Relationship

  19. 有机磷农药中毒患者重返社会情绪障碍的自评量表分析

    Analysis of the emotion disturbance self judge table for the patients with organophosphorus pesticide poisoning after return to society

  20. 博伦教授认为,从互联网上研究整体的社会情绪状态确实有价值。

    Prof Bollen believes there is indeed value in looking at the broader emotional states of society on the Internet .

  21. 本文拟从社会情绪和个人情绪两方面着手论述情绪与绘画的关系。

    This thesis draws up to discuss the relationship between painting and spirits both from social spirits and personal spirits .

  22. 本研究考察了婴儿情绪特征、母亲受教育程度和母亲社会情绪行为的关系。

    The present study examined the relationships between infants ' emotional characteristics , maternal educational level and maternal socio emotional behaviors .

  23. 8&10个月婴儿的社会情绪行为表现没有显著性别差异,但婴儿的社会情绪行为的发展趋势存在显著性别差异,男婴在分离焦虑、执拗表现频率的增加上高于女婴。

    There was no significant difference between 8 ~ 10-month-old boys and girls . But the developmental trends showed significant gender differences .

  24. 不同的地区、不同的经济发展水平、不同的历史文化传统的村庄会表现出不尽相同的社会情绪。

    Different regions and different levels of economic development , different historical and cultural traditions of the villages will demonstrate different social moods .

  25. 媒体全面参与、深度介入事件的过程,充分发挥了传递信息、整合社会情绪的作用;

    Actively and fully engaged in this event , press and media played well their parts in publicizing information and integrating social concerns .

  26. 一方面,当个体行为偏离了内化的规范时,社会情绪,如尴尬,内疚,羞愧等就会产生。

    On one hand , when individual deviates from the internal norms the social emotions arouse , such as embarrassment , guilt and shame .

  27. 要全面深入分析和理解当下乡村治理的现实,就不得不深入分析其内隐的社会情绪。

    We have to further analysize the implicit social mood if we want to analysize and understand the realities of rural governance comprehensively and deeply .

  28. 传统道德与现代意识、历史文化与现实文明相互生发,相互摩擦,相互碰撞,形成一种普遍的社会情绪:浮躁。

    Traditional morality and modern consciousness , historical culture and realistic civilization , influenced and contradicted each other , a social morale-impetuosity , thus emerged .

  29. 结果表明:(1)8&10个月婴儿已经出现多种性质、较复杂的社会情绪行为,并且在频率上随年龄变化而增加;

    The results indicated : ( 1 ) 8 to 10-month-old infants showed differentiated and complex socioemotional behaviors and the frequencies of socioemotional behaviors increased with age .

  30. 怀旧在90年代成为大众文化产品的共同爱好,成为流行的社会情绪和社会思潮。

    In 90 's , nostalgia , as the common fondness for the mass cultural product , became the popular social motion and social current of thoughts .