
  • 网络social belief
  1. 目的:探讨大学生的一般社会信念结构,研究一般社会信念与人际冲突解决策略的关系。

    Objective : To explore the structure of general social beliefs in university students , and the relations between general social beliefs and interpersonal conflict resolutions styles .

  2. 结果:大学生的一般社会信念主要由四个因素构成,包括人性本恶观、精神超越观、修行正果观和社会灵活观。

    Results : Four factors were found in the structure of general social beliefs in university students , namely social cynicism , spirituality , reward for application and social complexity .

  3. 在坚持社会主义理想信念法权地位的基础上,加强和改进大学生理想信念教育,必须实现社会理想信念与大学生个体价值认同的统一。

    So the moral education of college students should emphasize the unification of the socialist beliefs and the individual values of the students .

  4. 诚信是一种伦理德性,也是一种经济伦理原则和社会责任信念。

    As a morality , an economic ethic principle as well as a social responsibility , honesty and credit is greatly challenged by utilitarianism in current society .

  5. 总体上,笔者认为高校青年教师理想信念教育应着重加强社会理想信念和职业理想信念两方面教育。

    The author supports that the ideals and conviction education should strengthen the education in two parts , social ideal and conviction education and professional ideal and conviction education .

  6. 现代社会理想信念教育的基本特征体现在理想信念教育的科学性与价值性的统一,理性与感性的统一,理想信念教育与纪律教育的统一等方面;

    The basic characteristics of the education of modern social ideals and beliefs are embodied in the unification of the education 's scientificalness and value , of rationality and sensibility , and of education of ideals and beliefs and education of discipline .

  7. 制度的价值追求与现代社会的生存信念

    Inherent Values of the System and Survival Concept of Modern Society

  8. 和谐社会与理想信念、价值观教育

    Harmonious Society and Education of Ideal , Faith and Concept of Value

  9. 构建和谐社会需要理想信念的导航、民族精神的凝聚和人格素养的支撑。

    Setting up harmony society needs the support of navigate of ideal conviction , ethos and personality manners .

  10. 大洋国社会的根本信念是,老大哥全能,党一贯正确。

    Oceanic society rests ultimately on the belief that Big Brother is omnipotent and that the Party is infallible .

  11. 他称,那些举措“确实违反了美国的核心信念”,即风险承担者不得不承担事情出错的后果,“如果你违反一个社会的核心信念,确实会造成极大的愤怒”。

    Those actions had " really violated a core American belief " that risk takers had to bear the consequences of things going wrong , he said , and " it really leads to great anger if you violate the core beliefs of a society . "

  12. 道德评价主要是通过社会舆论和内心信念来实现的。

    Moral appraisal is mainly composed of social consensus and personal intra-faith .

  13. 他们通过故事的形式表达人类社会的想法和信念。

    They express the ideas and beliefs of human societies through stories .

  14. 社会转型期理想信念教育的几点思考

    Some Considerations about the Education of Ideal and Belief during the Period of Social Transformation

  15. 问:社会价值观和信念对以证据为基础的决策理念的接受程度如何?

    Q : Where do a society 's values and beliefs fit into evidence-based decision-making ?

  16. 社会转型期人们信念产生动摇的原因是复杂的,需要深入分析并从理论上给予回答。

    The reasons for the vacillation of belief during the transformation period are complicated and required to be analyzed intensively and explored theoretically .

  17. 奥林匹克理想是以奥林匹克主义为奋斗目标的一种对未来社会的设想和信念。

    The Olympic ideal refers to a kind of imagination and faith of the future society that has been the goal of the struggle of the Olympism .

  18. 以期对后道德社会主体道德责任信念的提升有所启示,使人们能确立合理的价值目标、树立坚定的道德信念,并找到安身立命的道德家园。

    And enables people to establish the reasonable value goal , set up the firm moral faith , and found the moral homeland which we can settle down and gets on with life .

  19. 结论护理诊断临床应用构成比受护士评估能力、决策判断能力的影响,不同的社会意识形态、价值信念和区域文化亦影响不同型态的护理诊断在临床上的应用。

    Conclusions The composition of clinic application with nursing diagnosis was affected by nurse 's estimation and decision , and different social consciousness , valuing belief and local culture was different on clinic experiment with nursing diagnosis .

  20. 十六届六中全会提出建设和谐文化的价值取向,而和谐文化最核心的内容是,崇尚和谐理念,体现和谐精神,大力倡导社会和谐的理想信念和价值取向。

    The Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Party proposes value orientation about harmonious culture . The harmonious cultural most cores content is , advocating the harmonious concept , manifesting the harmonious spirit , vigorously initiating the social harmonious ideal faith and the value orientation .

  21. 人文精神的缺失在精神领域的表现:首先,物质利益的诱惑和驱动消解了相当一部分社会成员的理想信念;其次,随着高科技的发展,人日益被异化为信息技术的奴隶。

    Lack of humanism in the spirit of the performance areas : first , the temptation of material interests drive members of digestion a considerable part of the social ideals and beliefs ; Second , with the development of high technology , people are increasingly alienated slaves of information technology .

  22. 本文基于中国倡导构建社会主义和谐社会的背景,以引导乃至坚定人们的社会主义和谐社会信念为宗旨,对和谐社会机制与价值探讨的历史脉络和逻辑线索进行了系统梳理和探究。

    The thesis is based on the background of the foundation of harmonious society in China .

  23. 中国封建社会虽以儒家学说为正统,但封建君主统治的狭隘、专横、冷酷与儒家学说所倡导的社会理想和个人信念格格不入。

    In Chinese feudal societies , the Confucian theory was taken as the orthodox , but it proposes the social ideal and personal belief which were incompatible with the monarchs ' narrow , imperious and callous control .