
yìnɡ kē xué
  • hard science
  1. 关于软科学与硬科学界定的思考

    The Boundary of Soft Science and Hard Science Boundary thinking

  2. 硬科学和软科学是借用计算机中的硬件和软件来命名的。

    Hard science and soft science are named after computer hardware and software .

  3. 硬科学,令人信服的理由

    Hard science , compelling reasons

  4. 软科学和硬科学一样都成为社会发展的动力。

    Soft science as well as hard science has operated as the motive force of social development .

  5. 因此,单纯地将经济学当作一门硬科学或一门软科学甚或是非科学都是不全面的。

    Therefore , it is not comprehensive to treat Economics as a hard science or soft science or nonscience .

  6. 一些人可能回应称,此类评判夸大了硬科学的硬度和经济学的软性。

    Some might respond that such a critique exaggerates the hardness of hard science and the softness of economics .

  7. 对于硬科学类的指标,由于它的目标函数较好用数学式表述,评估中比较容易掌握。

    It is easy to express the target function by mathematical formula in evaluation for the indexes of hard science .

  8. 在知识经济时代,医院要生存与发展,就必须造就一批素质较高、德才兼备、集软科学与硬科学于一身的现代医院集成型管理人才。怎样才能造就这类管理人才?

    In the knowledge economic times , hospitals must train higher integrated personnel for modern hospital management to survival and develop under the competition .

  9. 我在拿十九世纪的生命科学(那只在书房里耍诡计的狗)和二十世纪的硬科学进行比较。

    I had compared life sciences in the nineteenth century ( the scheming dog in the library ) to hard sciences in the twentieth .

  10. 那类研究所需要的实验室空间与硬科学更接近——斯坦福利用了这一点。

    And that type of work requires lab space that more closely resembles that needed in the hard sciences - a fact Stanford has exploited .

  11. 那种认为只有数学才能使经济学成为科学乃至硬科学的观点,是犯了诉诸权威的逻辑谬误。

    The opinion that believes only using mathematics can economics be a science or a hard science is under the lead of logical fallacy of appealing to authority .

  12. 很多硬科学如化学已经证实,客观实际只有一个,任何主观事物均不被当作事实。

    Many of the hard sciences like chemistry have supported the idea that there is only one objective in reality and anything that is subjective is not considered to be a fact .

  13. 天生拥有好奇心,在十多年来,总待在得克萨斯州西部油田,他和十一个硬科学博士培养了他设计和建造、修复各种致命小玩儿的技巧。

    Natural curiosity , ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields , and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design , build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions .

  14. 然而,经济学家似乎不太可能抛弃如下信念:与物理或化学等硬科学类似,他们的学科能够取得“进展”,解决问题。

    Yet economists seem unlikely to abandon the belief that theirs is a discipline that makes " progress " and settles issues , in a way that resembles a hard science such as physics or chemistry .

  15. 但他的课程,比如COM400“不可不知的社交媒体”则将社交网络提升到冰冷的硬科学,强调实际商业应用和如何衡量投资回报。

    But his courses like com 400 , social media u need 2 know , elevate social networking to cold , hard science , with an emphasis on practical business applications and measuring return on investment .

  16. “软”科学不支持,“硬”科学不支持。

    Not " soft " science , not " hard " science .

  17. 从硬道理到科学发展观&试论中国特色社会主义发展理论的三次飞跃

    From " Absolute Principle " to Scientific Development View & On the Three Leap-Forwards of the Socialist Development Theory with Chinese Characteristics

  18. 从发展是硬道理到科学发展观&兼论在发展实践中创新和发展马克思主义

    From Development is Inescapable Truth to the View of Scientific Development & also on blazing new trails and developing Marxism in development practice

  19. 从发展才是硬道理到科学发展观&论党的两代领导人发展战略思想的创新与发展

    From Development is the cardinal principle to the Development View of Science & On the Innovation and Development of the thoughts of the Party 's leaders

  20. 超硬材料是材料科学研究的热门课题之一。

    The super hard material is one of the most famous in materials research .

  21. 以科学发展观构建经济社会和谐发展新格局,就是要坚持发展是硬道理,坚持科学发展和协调发展;

    Using Science Development Outlooks to lead the whole economic society development is to persist in scientific and harmonious developing ;