
  • 网络Investigative;research;master by research;investigative type;by research
  1. 创新研究型物理实验教学平台的建设与实践

    Construction of platform for innovative and investigative physics experiment teaching

  2. 独立成就,智力效率对研究型有正性预测关系。

    Achievement via independence , intellectual efficiency were positively related to investigative type .

  3. 位于福布斯顶尖大学排行榜第466位,研究型大学排行榜第183位,南部大学排行榜第,108位,我不能说这所大学是我的首选。

    Rated No.466 overall on Forbes ' Lists Top Colleges , No. 183 in Research Universities , and No. 108 in the South , I can 't say it was my top choice .

  4. 那些不在大型公司、大型国防实验室、研究型大学的普通人也可以进行制造。

    Making is available to ordinary people who aren 't tied to big companies , big defense labs or research universities .

  5. 也许会。好吧,所以猫也许不会成为美国最重要的研究型大学的物理学教员。

    Maybe . Okay , so cats may not be the next physics faculty members at America 's most important research universities .

  6. 主要讨论DEA反方法在研究型高校科研绩效评价中的应用

    The theory and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) were discussed .

  7. Informationcommons:一种新的研究型图书馆服务模式

    Information Commons & A New Service Model in Academic Libraries

  8. 基于Matlab的数字滤波器设计研究型实验探讨

    Exploration in Research-type Experiment of Digital Filter Design Based on Matlab

  9. Lab为开发环境建立。研究型大学实验技术队伍建设探析

    Exploration on construction of lab technician team in researching university

  10. 引入5S提升高校研究型实验室管理水平

    Improving the Management Level of Research Laboratory by Applying " 5S "

  11. 研究型大学探索:PHA教育模式的理念与实践

    Exploration on University of Research Type : Concept and Practice of PHA Education Type

  12. 基于Moodle的高校研究型教学设计

    Based on Moodle university research teaching design

  13. 长达5年的教学实践证明,EDA技术的确是实现电工学研究型教学的一种极其有效的手段。

    The teaching experience in past 5 years proves that the EDA technology is truly an effective approach for realizing the research-type education in electrical engineering course .

  14. 为此,论文以西南电子电信技术研究所ERP系统为工程应用背景对研究型企业集成环境下的基于组件技术的成本管理信息系统进行了研究和开发。

    Therefore , the paper discusses and develops the component-based cost management information system for enterprises of research type in integrated environment on the basis of Southwestern Electron and Telecom Technology institution ( SETT ) 's ERP project .

  15. 研究型高等学位(HDR)类别澳大利亚政府重视研究型高等学位(简称HDR)学生在促进和保持澳大利亚创新经济中所发挥的作用。

    Higher Degree by Research ( HDR ) sector The government values the role that HDR students play in fostering and maintaining Australia 's innovation economy .

  16. 本文介绍在8m×6m低速风洞中进行的某研究型冲压式翼平力矩特性试验研究。

    In this paper , the testing study of a type of parafoil 's aerodynamic moment characteristics in CARDC 8m × 6m low speed wind tunnel is introduced .

  17. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  18. 现代控制理论研究型自主性综合实验教学方法

    The Teaching Methods of Making Autonomous Integrated Modern Control Theory Experiments

  19. 研究型大学创新团队领导问题探析

    Study on the Leadership of Innovative Research Team in Research Universities

  20. 因地制宜开发研究型课程及课程资源

    Study on Curriculum Resource and Exploitation Inquiring Learning Curriculum of Shangluo

  21. 研究型学习在程序设计实践课程中的尝试

    Attempt Application of Research-based Study in Teaching of Program Design Course

  22. 我国研究型高校薪酬制度的研究

    An Empirical Study on the Compensation System of ROUs in China

  23. 数学公共课研究型教学模式之研究

    On the Research - teaching Model of the Public Mathematics Course

  24. 基础物理演示研究型多功能开放实验室建设

    Construction of a Demonstration and Multi-functional Opening Laboratory of Basic Physics

  25. 植物生理学实验教学中研究型综合设计性实验的探究

    Explore on disquisitive comprehensive experiment design to plant physiology experiment teaching

  26. 要么发表要么出局,研究型大学内部的潜规则?

    Publish-or-Perish : Is It an Unwritten Rule at Research Universities ?

  27. 培养研究型教师群体的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice of the Training of a Research-Type Teacher Group

  28. 我国研究型大学基层学术管理研究

    Research on Bottom-Level Academic Management of Research University in Our Country

  29. 基金会:影响美国研究型大学管理的重要力量

    The Influence of Foundations on the Management of American Research Universities

  30. 研究型学习是当前教育界的一个热点论题。

    Research based study is a top hot topic in education currently .