
  • 网络Sand drain
  1. 砂井地基数值计算中的三维排水板单元及其验证

    3D PVD element in numerical analysis of sand drain foundation

  2. 本文对砂井地基的三向固结计算制作了一组应用图表,对设计计算参数的选用也作了介绍。

    A group of charts of three dimensional consolidation computation in sand drain foundation is presented , and selection of parameters used for design is suggested .

  3. 袋装砂井真空加堆载预压(C)区;

    Preloaded by bagged sand well with vacuum hea-ped soil ( C );

  4. 软土地基砂井加固三向固结问题的Bessel函数解

    Bessel Function Solution to the Problem of Three Dimensional Consolidation of Sand-well in Soft Soil Foundation

  5. 以四单元模型为基础,通过Laplace变换推导出砂井地基主固结度和次固结度粘弹性解。

    The visco-elastic equations of the degrees of primary consolidation & secondary consolidation of saturated soft clay are developed by Laplace transformations based on four-element model .

  6. 应用于防砂井涂敷砂的FSJ酚醛树脂胶粘剂

    FSJ Bakelite adhesive applied in coated sand for sand-Proof well

  7. 本文提出了基于均匀化理论确定了砂井地基水平等效渗透系数Kh的有限元数值计算方法。

    In this paper , the FEM-equations are obtained for lateral equivalent hydraulic conductivity ( Kh ) of sand-drained ground based on the homogenization theory .

  8. IADI法在砂井排水固结计算中的应用

    Application of IADI method in the DRAINAGE-CONSOLIDATION calculation of sand-wells

  9. 真空预压中,砂井和近年来使用得很多的预制竖向排水板PVDs是用来传递真空以及消散孔压的。

    Sand drains and more recently prefabricated vertical drains , PVDs are used with vacuum loading to distribute the vacuum and dissipate the pore-water pressure .

  10. 以Barron理论为基础推导了相应的砂井平面应变等效变换公式,该公式能同时考虑井阻和涂抹效应。

    Based on Barron theory , equivalent transpositional formula for corresponding plane strain of sand-drain was deduced and considering well resistance to drain and smearing effect .

  11. 将非线性弹性本构关系(Duncan模型)引入Biot固结理论有限元程序,模拟实际施工过程,对砂井地基进行平面应变有限元分析。

    This paper analyses the behavior of the sand drain subgrade in the process of filling and precompression with the plain strain FEM , incorporating the nonlinearity constitutive relation ( Duncan 's mode ) into the Biot 's consolidation theory program .

  12. 基于广义Viogt流变模型,提出了排水砂井未贯穿的均质地基的粘弹性固结分析方法。

    Based on general Viogt rheological model , consolidation theory of homogeneous ground with partially penetrated sand drains has been developed .

  13. 分析结果反映了土体结构性对经IFCO强制固结法和典型砂井预压法处理的砂墙地基砂墙区和下卧层固结沉降的影响。

    The influence of the structure character of soft clay on the consolidation behavior of sand-wall ground which improved by IFCO forced consolidation method and typical preloading method is modeled well .

  14. 砂井地基固结分析半解析方法的改进

    Improvement of Semi-analytic Method for Consolidation of Foundation with Sand Drains

  15. 夹薄透水层软土地基砂井固结机理

    Mechanism of Consolidating Soft Clays with Thin Aquifer by Sand Wick

  16. 自渗砂井在深基坑降水中的应用研究

    Applicating Study of Self-seepage Sand Drain for Deep Foundation Pit Dewatering

  17. 公路软基深层袋装砂井施工及质量控制

    Deep bag sand-well construction of highway soft foundation and quality control

  18. 袋装砂井处理铁路软弱路基

    Application of bag sand-well in treatment of soft soil railway bed

  19. 层状饱和粘性土砂井路基的固结变形分析

    Analysis of consolidation deformation of layered saturated clay with sand drains

  20. 水源新工程&河内潜砂井

    A New Water Source Project ── Sandy Well in River Bed

  21. 基于室内模型试验的砂井复合地基作用机理

    Behavior of the sand well composite foundation by indoor model test

  22. 袋装砂井&X型薄壁管桩组合复合地基;

    Sacked sand drain & X-style thin-wall pipe pile Composite Foundation ;

  23. 土工布与袋装砂井综合处理软土地基

    Combined Treatment of Soft Subgrade by Geosynthetics and Wick Drain

  24. 防砂井产能评价及预测方法

    Integrated model for sand control well productivity evaluation and prediction

  25. 袋装砂井地基加固技术在某客运专线中的应用

    Application of Sand Wick Foundation Stabilization Technique in a Special Passenger Line

  26. 袋装砂井处理软土地基中砂井间距计算方法探讨

    Discussion About Calculation Method of Sand Wick Space in Soft Foundation Treatment

  27. 堆载及真空预压砂井地基固结解析理论

    Consolidation Theory on Heaped Load & Vacuum Preloading of Sand Drain Foundation

  28. 砂井和砂桩加固软土地基的施工工艺

    Technology for installation of sand compaction piles to reinforce soft soil foundations

  29. 砾石充填防砂井砾石层堵塞机理实验研究

    Experimental study on pore-blocking mechanism in gravel packs of sand control well

  30. 砂井排水堆载预压软基处理的工程实践

    Engineering practice of pre-loading soft foundation treatment of sand drain