
shí kè
  • Stone Carving;stone inscription;carved stone;lithoglyph;stonecutting
石刻 [shí kè]
  • (1) [carved stone]∶刻着文字、图画的碑碣等石制品或石壁

  • (2) [stone inscription]∶石碑或其石制品上面刻的文字、图画

石刻[shí kè]
  1. 风景名胜区范围界定方法初探&以重庆市大足石刻风景区为例

    Discussion on the Boundary Definition Method in Scenic Spots & taking the Dazu Lithoglyph for Example

  2. 本文针对风景区范围界定的复杂性、多样性和特殊性,试图通过重庆市大足石刻风景名胜区总体规划中对风景名胜区的范围界定的探索来寻求解决该问题的基本方法。

    In allusion to the complexity , diversity , and particularity of the boundary definition in scenic spots , this paper tries to find the basic method to solve the boundary definition problems in the general planning of Dazu lithoglyph scenic spot .

  3. 这座石刻虽然形式古拙,但是很有艺术价值。

    Though primitive and crude in form , this stone carving has very high artistic value .

  4. 基于MATLAB实现石刻浮雕图像数字拓片技术的研究

    Study on MATLAB Based Stone Relief Image Digital Rubbing Technique

  5. 新疆古代草原石刻艺术的发展

    The Development of Carved Stone Art on Ancient Prairie in Xinjiang

  6. 析蔡氏古民居石刻艺术

    Analyzing the stone carving art of Cai Qian ancient folk house

  7. 大足石刻是佛教工艺极高的雕刻品。

    Dazu Stone Carvings are superb works of Buddhist religious art .

  8. 六朝陵墓石刻的保护与利用

    The Protection and Utilization of Liu Chao Tombs and Stone Carvings

  9. 卢沟桥还以其精美的石刻艺术而闻名世界。

    Lugou Bridge is also famous for its stone sculpting art .

  10. 唐代建陵石刻雕塑造型语言的再探讨

    Study on Stone Sculpting Language of Jianling Mausoleum of Tang Dynasty

  11. 为什么这些精致的石刻被掩盖起来呢?

    Why were the fine carvings executed only to be covered up ?

  12. 六&十五世纪柬埔寨石刻艺术

    The Stone Carving Art of Cambodia in the 6-15 Century

  13. 复合形优化方法在石刻岩体渗流反演分析中的应用

    Application of Complex Method for Reverse Analysis on Seepage of Carved Rock-mass

  14. 云南景颇族的体质特征云南蒙古族的石刻档案

    The stone archives of Yunnan Mongolian nationality Impression of Yunnan

  15. 走进石刻之乡感受神奇魅力

    Step on the Land of Rock Carvings to Feel the Magic Charm

  16. 隧洞排水法治理大足石刻渗水病害

    Treating seepage water disease of Dazu stone carvings by tunnel drainage method

  17. 石刻凿(不包括电动的),贱金属制

    Chisel , stone-cutting ( excl. power-perated ), of base metal

  18. 广西历代石刻档案述略

    A Summary of the Carved Stone Archives in the History of Guangxi

  19. 明代木刻与元代石刻中的基督教画

    Christian Pictures in Woodcut of Ming Dynasty and Stone-engraving of Yuan Dynasty

  20. 石刻保护有机硅-丙烯酸酯乳液涂料的研究

    Study on the Silicone Acrylate Emulsion Coatings for Protection of Stone Sculpture

  21. 陵墓前的石刻,基本符合文献记载。

    The stone carving before the tomb conforms to the classical document .

  22. 关于徐家寨村石刻佛像的民族学解读

    About Xu Village Carved Stone Image of Buddha Ethnology Explanation

  23. 石门摩崖石刻文化价值再认识

    Shimen Rock Inscription : a Re-study of Its Cultural Value

  24. 大足石刻;假日旅游;可持续发展;

    Dazu Rock Carvings ; holiday tourism ; sustainable development ;

  25. 这种印刷术是从印章和石刻发展而来的。

    It was developed from the use of seals and stone engraving .

  26. 中国汉画像石与古埃及石刻艺术的比较

    Comparison between Chinese Han Dynasty stone portrait and ancient Egyptian stone inscription

  27. 因此,它又是一座大型的石刻艺术博物馆。

    Therefore , they are also a large museum of stone carving art .

  28. 硅聚合物石刻涂料的合成

    Synthesis of the Silicon Polymer Coating for Stone Sculpture

  29. 啊,原来是石刻大象啊!

    Oh , it 's a stone carved elephant !

  30. 是云南所有石刻中最大的一窟。

    It 's the largest rock cave in Yunnan .