
  • 网络Mastery of knowledge;penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan
  1. 结果临床护士对PE相关知识的掌握程度较低,临床护士的平均知识得分为(37.39±12.26)分;

    Results The clinical nurses had a limited PE knowledge and their mean score was ( 37.39 ± 12.26 ) .

  2. 乡级服务人员对计划生育避孕节育相关知识的掌握率普遍偏低,不同地区服务人员知识水平不同(P〈0.01)。

    Township of family planning service personnel contraceptive knowledge and mastery of the low rate of universal service level of knowledge in different areas was different ( P0.01 ) .

  3. 总结了大学分析化学教学中pH的计算方法,有利于学生对相关知识的掌握。

    In this paper , calculation of pH in analytical chemistry education was summarized , which would benefit the students in grasping the related knowledge .

  4. ACT考试是一种学科考试,它更强调考生对课程知识的掌握,同时也考虑到了对考生独立思考和判断能力的测试。

    ACT is much more inclined to test the learning of subjects , stressing on grasping the knowledge from courses and testing students'abilities of independent thinking and deciding as well .

  5. 为了增强对新知识的掌握与理解,我使用很多的工具,如卡片,电脑PPT和游戏来帮助孩子们。

    To reinforce new ideas I use tools such as flash cards , PowerPoint presentations and games to help the children .

  6. 结果强化组患者的健康教育效果无论从相关知识的掌握程度和遵医行为都明显高于对照组(P0.05),满意度高出13%。

    Results The health education effect of strength group is high that of control group in grasp degree of relative knowledge and the actions of observing doctor ( P0.05 ) , satisfaction degree is over 13 % .

  7. 目的:应用Orem自理理论护理肠造口病人,提高肠造口病人对相关知识的掌握程度,提高其生存质量。

    Objective : Using Orem self-nursing to treat patients with fistula enterostomy , to raise the level of quality life and mastering knowledge rlated to fistula .

  8. 结论应用GI的饮食概念对糖尿病病人进行饮食教育指导,能提高病人对糖尿病饮食知识的掌握程度,提高病人的营养与饮食水平,有利于病人调节糖代谢和降低血糖水平。

    Conclusion GI 's dietetic concept is helpful for diabetic patients to grasp the knowledge about rational diet , improve the status of nutrition and diet , reduce the level of blood sugar and improve their glycometabolism .

  9. 培训前对HIV检测知识的掌握较差,多数问题的答对率在50%以下,知识的欠缺主要表现在对ELISA实验的原理、敏感性、特异性以及艾滋病初筛实验室的必备条件和任务等。

    Before training the correct rate of most questions to the HIV examination knowledge was below 50 % , especially in the fields of the ELISA experiment principle , the sensitivity of ELISA , as well as the necessary condition and the duty and so on .

  10. 用SPSS软件对课后检测题成绩的分析结果表明,实验班和控制班在基础知识的掌握方面不存在显著差异,在知识应用方面实验班得分略高于控制班。

    The after-class test results analyzed by SPSS show that : there is no significant difference between the experimental class and the control class in terms of knowledge acquisition . The experimental class has a slightly higher score than the control class in terms of knowledge application .

  11. 谈对大倾角稳性知识的掌握和运用

    Talk about a Good Command and Application of Stability at Large Angle

  12. 本环节检测学生对新知识的掌握及其运用情况。

    Give Ss4 minutes to finish this exercise then check the answer .

  13. 目的了解尿路结石患者饮食预防知识的掌握情况。

    Objective To understand diet prevention in patients with urolithiasis .

  14. 这些基本知识的掌握,有助于营销渠道管理的开展,认清渠道管理的目标与内容。

    It makes us see clearly the goal and content of channel management .

  15. 知识的掌握和更新影响竞争;

    The grasp and the update of knowledge have an influence on competition ;

  16. 化学教师对这些知识的掌握情况如何呢?

    How much knowledge do chemic teachers grasp ?

  17. 煤油安全知识的掌握与安全操作呈正相关。

    Knowledge of paraffin safety and safe practices were positively correlated with each other .

  18. 有效使用学习策略以及监控自己英语知识的掌握情况。

    Making an effective use of learning strategies and monitoring their own English knowledge .

  19. 传统的教学模式过分强调语言知识的掌握而忽略了语言交际能力的培养。

    Traditional teaching pattern overemphasizes the language form and accuracy , rather than communicative functions .

  20. 目的了解县级综合医院医务人员对现代结核病控制知识的掌握现况。

    Objective To ascertain the knowledge on tuberculosis control among county level general hospital staff .

  21. 营养知识的掌握程度与居民的文化程度、体质指数有关。

    The diploma and body mass index had positive relation to the level of nutrition knowledge .

  22. 对低碳知识的掌握在预测低碳生活方式时作用最为突出。

    Grasp of low-carbon knowledge play the most important role in the prediction of low-carbon lifestyle .

  23. 目的:了解护士对危重患者口腔护理相关知识的掌握情况和实践状况。

    Objective : To learn the cognition of nurses about the oral nursing care for severe patients .

  24. 结论护士对气管插管气囊管理知识的掌握程度存在差异。

    Conclusions There was difference in the nurses ' recognition to the related knowledge of aerocyst administration .

  25. 目的了解保洁人员对医院感染知识的掌握程度及个人防护现状。

    Objective To understand hospital cleaners perceptions of hospital infection knowledge and the situation of their self-protection .

  26. 知识的掌握、巩固必在年复一年的教学过程中才能实现。

    The grasping and consolidation of knowledge must be realized in the year-after - year teaching courses .

  27. 因此,形成性评价对篮球技术动作和技术理论知识的掌握具有促进作用。

    Therefore , the formative evaluation can promote the basketball action and technical mastery of theoretical knowledge .

  28. 结果综合医院医务人员对结核病预防控制相关知识的掌握比例为33.6%,不同职业、科室、职称相比差异无统计学意义。

    Results The proportion of medical staffs known the knowledge to TB control and prevention was 33.6 % .

  29. 如果不掌握一定数量的英语词汇,就谈不上英语知识的掌握、英语能力的培养。

    Students cannot master English knowledge or develop their English ability if their English vocabulary is not enough .

  30. 课堂教学效果的好坏,直接影响着学生对汉语知识的掌握程度。

    The quality of the classroom teaching influence the degree of the foreign students acquiring of the knowledge .