
  • 网络True error
  1. 首先分析真误差与残差的关系,并以此关系为基础,提出一种新的、有特色的多维粗差探测与定位方法。

    Based on the relation between true error and residual error , the author puts forward a characteristic method for detecting and locating multidimensional gross errors .

  2. 结合附合导线平差过程,文中用真误差分析方法推导了起始方位角误差对附合导线平差结果的影响公式;

    By its adjustment procedure , the effect formula of initial-bearing 's error on adjustments of a straight and equal-side connecting traverse are introduced with the method of true error analysis .

  3. 本文着重研究了数字高程模型生成方法的质量控制,主要研究了原始数据误差处理,模型精度评定与质量检查,通过对鞍山市DLG的数据特点进行分析进而判断真假误差并对真误差进行剔除。

    Second , the author study emphatically quality control of EDM method producing , original date error process , model accurate evaluate and quality check . According to Anshan DLG feature the author analyze and judge true and false error and clear up true error .

  4. 经比较测试,其电压、电流的系统测试误差(引用误差)小于0.3%,其他参数的系统测试误差(相对真误差)不大于0.4%。

    Through relative test , the system testing errors ( quotes the error ) of its voltage , electric current are smaller than 0.3 % , the system testing error ( relatively real error ) of other parameters is not larger than 0.4 % .

  5. 捷联惯导系统的真锥误差分析

    A True Coning Errors Analysis for SINS

  6. 本征真浑沌与误差赝浑沌&从舍入误差看浑沌运动

    See Chaos Motion by Round-off Errors

  7. 由本文的预测结果可知,这一思路能够较好地把握运价指数的发展趋势,预测结果与真值的误差率均控制在4%以内。

    From the forecasted results , that thought can realize better to grasp the development trend of BFI , the errors between forecasted and real results are held under 4 % .

  8. 通过分析估计值与真值的误差,可以看出,利用广义岭估计可以有效的改善最小二乘法用于求病态方程的不足。

    By analyzing the estimated value and the true value of the error , we can see that the generalized ridge estimate can effectively improve the least squares equation for the lack of pathological demand .

  9. 由于存在各种不确定性因素,测量值与被测真值之间有误差。

    Because of various uncertainties , there is measured error betweens measured values and the true value .

  10. 本文论述了铁路上常用的太阳高度法测定天体真方位角各类误差的影响。

    In this paper , all kinds of error 's influence was expounded of the sun altitude method often used on the railway upon determining heavenly body azimuth .

  11. 本导则的着眼点是在测量结果及其评定的不确定度上,而不是不可知量“真”值和误差。

    E.5.1 The focus of this Guide is on the measurement result and its evaluated uncertainty rather than on the unknowable quantities " true " value and error .

  12. 该模型用动态不确定度、估计区间、估计真值、平均不确定度、平均真值和系统误差测度等6个参数,描述滚动轴承振动的基本特征。

    The model characterizes vibration of rolling bearings by developing six parameters , viz . dynamic uncertainty , estimated interval , estimated true value , mean uncertainty , mean true value , and systematic error measure .

  13. 本文从理论上讨论了恢复符号位地震记录真振幅的问题,分别提出了随机噪声的概率密度呈均匀分布和正态分布时恢复真振幅的误差公式。

    This paper discusses theoretically the problem of recovering true amplitude of sign-bit seismic recording . It gives respectively the error formulas in recovering true amplitude when probability density of random noise is in uniform distribution and in normal distribution .