
xiānɡ duì cè dìnɡ
  • relative determination
  1. 一种Ge(Li)γ能谱的简便相对测定法&重构响应矩阵简算法

    A Simple analysis method of Ge ( Li ) complex gamma-ray spectrum for the relative comparison determination by reconstructing standard response matrix

  2. 结直肠肿瘤细胞核形态计量和PCNA相对含量测定及其意义

    Measurement and significance of nuclear morphometric parameters and PCNA relative content in colorectal tumors

  3. 乳腺癌组织bcl-2和p53蛋白表达相对定量测定及相关性和预后关系

    The Quantitative Measurement of Expresion of bcl 2 and p53 Protein in Breast Carcinomas and their Correlativity and Relationship with Prognosis

  4. Faraday相对法测定磁化率的原理和方法

    The principle and method of measuring magnetic susceptibility with the way of Faraday relative

  5. 采用XRD方法结合粉体相对密度测定研究了热处理条件对沉淀法合成纳米CeO2的结构和性能的影响。

    Effects of different heat treatment conditions on the structure and property of CeO_2 nanocrystalline synthesized by precipitation method were studied with XRD method combining with measurement of relative density of CeO_2 nanocrystalline powders .

  6. GB/T12207-1990城市燃气相对密度测定方法

    Method of testing for relative density of gas in urban area

  7. 原油及液态石油产品-密度及相对密度测定方法-液体密度计法

    Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products-laboratory determination of density-hydrometer method

  8. 水驱气相对渗透率测定的实验研究

    Experimental study of measuring relative permeability in displacement of gas by water

  9. GB/T4472-1984化工产品密度、相对密度测定通则

    General rule for determination of density and relative density for chemical products

  10. 人体精液中乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的相对活力测定及其应用

    The Estimation of the Activity of LDH in Human Sperm and Its Clinical Use

  11. 液化石油气及轻烃体-密度及相对密度测定方法-液体密度计法

    Liquefied petroleum products gas and light hydrocarbons-determination of density or relative density-pressure hydrometer method

  12. GB/T217-1996煤的真相对密度测定方法

    Determination of true relative density of coa

  13. 人体睾丸组织乳酸脱氢酶同工酶相对活性测定的研究

    Lactic dehydrogenases in human testicular tissue

  14. 三种强心甙对豚鼠血流动力学的影响侧金盏花中强心甙的高效液相色谱分离和相对含量测定

    Separation and determination of relative content of cardiac glycosides from Adonis amurensis with high-performance liquid chromatography

  15. 相对距离测定表明其性状总体处在野生稻和籼稻的过渡阶段。

    Distance coefficient showed that the rice was in the transition stage from wild to indica rice .

  16. Cho/Cr-n相对值测定在脑脓肿与坏死囊性变胶质瘤和脑转移瘤鉴别诊断中的价值

    The Value of Cho / Cr-n in Differentiating Brain Abscess from Necrotic or Cystic Glioma and Metastasis

  17. 结果:曲克芦丁与其它羟乙基芦丁衍生物分离好,主要杂质相对含量测定结果的精密度高。

    RESULTS : The resolution between troxerutin and other rutin derivatives was good , the precision of relative contents of main impurities was fairly high .

  18. 用非稳定法油水相对渗透率测定实验研究了外加直流电场对水驱油藏的油水相对渗透率的影响。

    The variation rule oil-water relative permeability and influence factors of water-drive reservoir under DC electric field are investigated by experiments of unsteady-state oil-water relative permeability .

  19. 为准确测定沥青混合料体积参数,避免因体积参数计算不准确导致的沥青路面早期破坏现象,提出了用沥青浸渍法进行沥青混合料最大理论相对密度测定的方法。

    In order to measure volume parameters of asphalt mixture precisely and avoid asphalt pavement premature failure , using asphalt as medium , the asphalt immersion test method was put forward .

  20. 用相对电导率测定甜樱桃抗寒性,较好地反映甜樱桃细胞脂膜透性的变化,直观地反映出甜樱桃受伤害的程度。

    The cold resistance of Sweet Cherry was determined by relative conductivity , which better reflect the changes of cell membrane permeability and the extent of injury intuitively in different Sweet Cherry varieties .

  21. 以陇东油田为实际背景,应用石油天然气行业标准SY/T5345-1999《非稳态法油水相对渗透率测定方法》进行了油水相对渗透率的测定。

    Based on the actual practice of Longdong Oilfield , the oil-water relative permeability curve were measured according to the oil and gas industry standard of China SY / T 5345-1999 " Methods for Measuring Non-stable Oil-water Relative Permeability " .

  22. 凝胶电泳DNA相对分子质量测定的软件设计

    Design a Software for Determining DNA Relative Molecular Mass by Gel Electrophoresis

  23. 利用流式细胞光度术对草莓3个二倍体、1个五倍体、2个八倍体试管苗的细胞核DNA的相对含量进行测定。

    The relative nuclear DNA of diploid , pentaploid and octoploid was measured by flow cytometry .

  24. Wistar大鼠不同组织线粒体DNA相对含量的测定

    Analysis of Relative Content of Mitochondrial DNA in Different Tissues of Wistar Rats

  25. ASP驱油体系相对渗透率曲线测定方法研究

    Research in the Method of Measuring the Relative Permeability curve in ASP Flooding

  26. 单克隆抗体对HFRS病毒两种粗制抗原相对亲和力的测定

    Measuring the Relative Affinities of McAbs to Two Rough Antigens of HFRS Virus

  27. 利用流式细胞术对4个葡萄二倍体、2个三倍体、1个四倍体试管苗的细胞核DNA的相对含量进行测定。

    The relative nuclear DNA content of nuclei isolated from young leaves including 4 diploid , 2 triploid and 1 tetraploid was measured by flow cytometry in grape cultivars .

  28. PPA多元醇相对分子质量测定的影响因素

    Influencing Factors in the Measurement of Averaged Molecular Weight of PPA

  29. 异植物醇中ABX体系耦合常数相对符号的测定

    The determination of relative signs of coupling constants in ABX system for iso-phytol

  30. 介绍了无机聚磷酸盐水溶液的基本特性和其常用的相对分子质量测定方法,如滴定法、光散射法、黏度法、31P核磁共振法等。

    The properties of inorganic polyphosphates solution and conventional means in their molecular mass determination are introduced .