
  • 网络Eye contact;Make Eye Contact;eyecontact
  1. 直接的目光接触让人相信你的自信和诚实

    Direct eye contact reassures the person that you are confident and honest .

  2. 雷顿六岁T.S.六岁交联对话与视线方向模式图——作者:T.S.斯比维特父亲与T.S.的目光接触频率:零为什么?

    Layton Age six . T.S. Age six . Patterns of cross talk and directional eyelines by T.S. Spivet . Frequency of father 's eye contact to T.S : Nill Why ?

  3. 索皮似乎和她保持着目光接触。

    It appeared that he kept making eye contact with her .

  4. 较之往常,他们会试图与你产生更多的目光接触。

    They 'll try to make more eye contact than usual .

  5. 保持良好的目光接触是非常重要的,它显示了一个人的自信心。

    Maintaining good eye contact is very important . It shows confidence .

  6. 我静静的把后视镜移开,避免和她的目光接触。

    I quietly reached over and shut off the meter .

  7. 与任何人打招呼时,要保持亲切的目光接触,并微笑。

    Keep eye contact kindly and smile when greeting others .

  8. 因此除非在适当的场合,他们小心避免这样的目光接触。

    Therefore , they carefully avoid this , except in appropriate circumstances .

  9. 中断目光接触是切断这样联系的最好方法。

    Breaking eye contact is a surefire way to break the connection .

  10. 在西方文化里保持目光接触是很重要的。

    Keeping eye contact is very important in Western culture .

  11. 当他与你说话的时候保持目光接触。

    Maintain eye contact when he 's talking to you .

  12. 频繁的目光接触,或者紧张不安的手部活动都会为不诚实提供线索。

    There is no lack of eye contact or nervous hand movements .

  13. 记得要和对方有目光接触,并保持良好的姿势。

    Remember to make eye contact and maintain good posture .

  14. 微笑与目光接触都同样表明你非常自信。

    Like smiling , eye contact shows people that you 're confident .

  15. 说话的时候,要保持目光接触。

    Maintain eye contact when you talk to an idividual .

  16. 某个员工可能近期一直在避免与他人有直接的目光接触;

    Perhaps the employee has lately been avoiding eye contact .

  17. 那么没多少目光接触或者根本就没有意味着什么呢?

    What does little or no eye contact mean then ?

  18. 的确,在12个月大的时候,女孩就比男孩做更多的目光接触。

    Certainly , by12 months , girls make more eye contact than boys .

  19. 他很害羞,觉得很难与别人进行目光接触。

    He was very shy and found it difficult to make eye contact .

  20. 目光接触要贯穿整个演讲,这需要训练。

    Maintaining eye contact throughout your presentation requires preparation .

  21. 目光接触是交流中的一个重要环节。

    Eye contact is sometimes the key to communication .

  22. 而彼此之间的距离越近越应避免目光接触。

    The closer the proximity the greater the tendency to avoid eye contact .

  23. 问候客人的时候,请微笑并保持目光接触。

    Please smile and keep eye contact when you greet the our guest .

  24. 和顾客说话的时候目光接触是要的。

    It is important to keep eye contact while talking with the customers .

  25. 和雇主要一直保持目光接触。

    Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer .

  26. 把门关到正好避免和过往行人做目光接触的程度。

    Close your door just enough to avoid eye contact with people passing by .

  27. 做把手指放在嘴唇上,与学生保持目光接触。

    DO Put your finger to your lips ; make eye contact with student .

  28. 其它因素呢?例如,声音、手势和目光接触?

    Q.What about other factors , like your voice , gestures and eye contact ?

  29. 如果你保持沉默而且和他们保持目光接触,他们往往会继续讲下去。

    If you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking .

  30. 美国人对如何以及何时进行目光接触是较为认真的。

    Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another 's eyes .