
jiān shì huì
  • board of supervisors;board of visitors
监事会[jiān shì huì]
  1. 公司监事会的职权研究

    Research on the Power of a Company 's Board of Supervisors

  2. 坚持内部制约和外部监督相协调;论独立董事与监事会监督的协调

    Talk about coordination that independent director and board of supervisors supervise

  3. 大多数监事会一年只开两次会议。

    Most supervisory boards meet only twice a year .

  4. 普拉特纳发誓要推动公司重返正轨。SAP监事会刚刚授予普拉特纳一个强大的角色,将提供技术和创新方面的建议。

    Mr Plattner , to whom the supervisory board has just entrusted a strong role advising about technology and innovation , vowed to push the company back on track .

  5. 在第二段中,一位叫做Maxine的总经理打电话给另一家公司的老板Peter,告知他自己公司的监事会已决定收购他的企业。

    In the second , a general manager , Maxine , calls the owner of another company , Peter , to tell him that her board of directors has agreed to buy his company .

  6. 他还与德国工业保持着紧密联系,并仍担任钢铁公司蒂森克虏伯(thyssenkrupp)的监事会成员。

    He has also retained close ties with German industry and still serves on the supervisory board of ThyssenKrupp , the steel company .

  7. 沃尔夫冈•保时捷(WolfgangPorsche)和下萨克森州州长斯特凡•魏尔(StephanWeil)需要联手,才能在监事会投票中胜过皮耶希。

    It took Wolfgang Porsche and Stephan Weil , premier of Lower Saxony , to outvote Mr Pi & # 235 ; ch on the supervisory board .

  8. 在大众汽车,费迪南德•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)试图动摇首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)的地位,结果自己反被包括工会代表和政治人士在内的监事会其他成员赶下监事会主席宝座。

    At VW , Ferdinand Pi ë ch was ejected as chairman of the supervisory board by other members , including union representatives and politicians , after he tried to destabilise Martin Winterkorn , the chief executive .

  9. 退役将军、现任议员瓦伦汀瓦连尼科夫(valentinvarennikov)是该组织的监事会负责人。

    Valentin varennikov , a former army general and member of Parliament , is the head of its Supervisory Council .

  10. 几起案例都与一种德国特有的制度有关:共同决议制(Mitbestimmung)。在这种制度下,员工在大多数监事会里拥有半数席位,并在决策过程中拥有重要的话语权。

    Several cases are linked by a particularly German thread : the system of Mitbestimmung , or co-determination , under which workers have half the seats on most supervisory boards and a big say in decision-making .

  11. 上市公司大股东与监事会治理

    Big Shareholders of Public Companies and the Governance of Supervisory Board

  12. 亟待完善的公司监事会制度

    The Urgent Perfection of the Supervisory Board System in the Corporation

  13. 本文的创新点是:第一,增加了监事会持股比例这一控制变量。

    Firstly article increased a control variable of supervisor board proportion .

  14. 监事会是我国公司内部的一个重要机构。

    Supervisor board is an important part within corporations in China .

  15. 会计信息质量与监事会制度之关系研究

    Research on Relationship between Accounting Information Quality and Supervisory Board System

  16. 在现代股份公司中,监事会制度非常重要。

    Supervisor board system is very important in modern stock corporations .

  17. 强化监事会的监督作用。

    To strengthen the board of supervisors ' function and so on .

  18. 熵理论与我国监事会制度

    Theory of Entropy and Institute of the Board of Supervisors in China

  19. 三是增强监事会力量;

    To strengthen the power of the Board of Supervisors ;

  20. 论独立董事与监事会关系之建构

    On the Construction of the Relationship between Independent Director and Supervisory Committee

  21. 大陆法系国家的监事会制度;

    The supervisory board system in the countries of civil law tradition ;

  22. 对监事会以财务监督为核心的思考

    On Financial Supervision as the Core of Board of Supervisors

  23. 强化监事会的角色和地位;

    The roles and positions of the board of supervisors ;

  24. 中国公司监事会制度探析

    The Analysis of the Board of Supervisors System in China

  25. 对我国监事会制度的认识与思考

    Cognition and Consideration to Our Country 's Supervisor Board System

  26. 第二、协调其与监事会的关系;

    ( b ) Coordinate the relationship with the board of supervisors .

  27. 关于国有独资公司设立监事会的几点思考

    Considerations on the Establishment of Board of Supervisors in Solely State-Owned Companies

  28. 监事会提议召开时。

    The board of supervisors proposes for such a meeting .

  29. 国有独资公司派出监事会制度的法律分析

    Legal Analysis on Supervisory Board System of Wholly State-owned Company

  30. 独立董事与监事会职能的协调

    Coordination of functions of the independent director and the Board of Supervisors