
  • 网络break-even analysis
  1. 运用盈亏平衡法和敏感性分析法对造纸项目的不确定性进行了分析和评价。

    By means of break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis , this thesis analyzes non-certain of the project .

  2. 用盈亏平衡法建立最小经济储量规模模型

    Least economic oil reserves model based on break even method

  3. 通过对边界品位法及盈亏平衡法的理论分析,确定下盘最大切岩高度。

    The greatest height of footwall cutting is determined through the theoretical analysis of cut-off grade method and breakeven point method .

  4. 对新型干法水泥项目进行财务评价,运用盈亏平衡法和敏感性分析法对新型干法水泥项目的不确定性进行了分析评价。

    Financial evaluation , uncertainty analysis of the new dry process cement project was performed using win-lost balance method and sensitivity analysis .

  5. 在此基础上,对汽车城建设项目的财务评价、国民经济评价进行了深入研究,运用层次分析法、盈亏平衡法和敏感性分析法对汽车城建设项目的经济效益进行了系统分析和评价。

    On the bases of above , the thesis then carries out a deep study on financial evaluation and national economy evaluation of the projects auto center construction .

  6. 本文首先介绍了基于房地产投资项目特征的内外风险,还介绍了几种常见的不确定风险评价方法,如盈亏平衡法、敏感性分析法和蒙特卡洛模拟法。

    The thesis introduces unsystematic risk and systematic risk based on the characteristics of the real estate investment project and several common probable risky evaluation methods , such as break-even method , sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo simulation firstly .

  7. 项目盈亏平衡分析法的问题与改进

    The Shortcoming and Improvement of the Project Break - Even Analysis Method

  8. 应用盈亏平衡分析法确定低品位矿利用的临界品位

    Determining critical grade of low grade ore utilization by break even analysis

  9. 用盈亏平衡点法编制企业生产计划的体会

    Experience of Making Enterprise Production Plan by Breakeven Point Method

  10. 不确定性分析方法主要有盈亏平衡点法、敏感性分析法及概率分析法等。

    Break-even point , sensitive analysis and probability are used in indefinite evaluation .

  11. 不确定条件下投资项目的盈亏平衡分析法&传统盈亏平衡分析的扩展

    Breakeven Analysis on Investment Item Under the Undeterminate Conditions

  12. 盈亏平衡分析法在电力企业生产经营中的应用

    Application of Break-even Point Method to Production and Management of Electric Power Enterprise

  13. 用盈亏平衡点法建立单井采油极限含水率模型

    Limit water cut model of single well oil extraction based on break even point method

  14. 为提高项目经济评价的可靠性和决策的科学性,本文还采用了盈亏平衡分析法和敏感性分析法对项目的不确定性和风险性进行了探讨。

    Considering the market uncertainty , the method of Break-Even Point analysis , and sensitivity analysis are used in uncertainty and risk analysis .

  15. 近年来,静态盈亏平衡分析法在油气田开发投资项目中已得到广泛应用。

    In recent years , the method of static break even point has widely been applied to investment decision to oil and gas exploitation .

  16. 本文还用盈亏平衡分析法和敏感性分析法对项目的不确定因素和风险因素进行分析,为企业对本项目的决策立项提供科学客观的依据。

    This paper also discussed the project uncertainty and risk by means of break even analysis and sensitivity analysis which could provide the enterprise scientific decision-making objectively .

  17. 房地产投资企业一般都是用财务指标来判断,如财务指标分析法、盈亏平衡分析法、敏感性分析法和概率分析法等。

    Real estate investment companies are generally used to determine the financial indicators , such as financial indicators analysis , break-even analysis , sensitivity analysis and probability analysis , and so on .

  18. 制造型企业在进行市场导向的生产经营决策时,盈亏平衡分析法由于其假定价格不变,固定成本和变动成本不变的假设条件下找出盈亏平衡的产量,脱离了不确定的市场环境。

    When manufacturers make market-oriented production decision , the breakeven point analysis loses the contact in some degree with the uncertain environment because of the assumption of fixed prices , unchanged fix cost and variable cost .

  19. 通过分析实施物业管理的固定成本、变动成本与接管物业面积的规模之间的关系,采用盈亏平衡分析法来研究物业管理不亏本状态下的最低经营规模,并在此基础上提出实施规模经营的建议。

    By means of analyzing the relationship among fixed cost , variable cost and the scale of property management , using the break even analysis to deliberate the least scale of property management with no loss . On this basis the proposals on scale operation were put forward .