
  • 网络Disease Management
  1. 据有友好界面的MPC主要为患者提供治疗阶段,养生疗法,再住院,健康计划和疾病管理等方面的内容。

    The user-friendly MPC delivers subject matter specific to the patient 's stage of care , treatment regimen , rehabilitation , care plan and disease management .

  2. 对百事公司(PepsiCo)健康项目历时7年的一项研究得出结论,该公司的员工医疗成本的确降低了,但节省的资金全部来自于健康项目中“疾病管理”的部分:即帮助原本就患有糖尿病等疾病的员工的那部分。

    A seven-year study of PepsiCo 's programme concluded that the company did reap lower healthcare costs but all the savings came from the " disease management " part of the programme : the bit that helped people with existing problems such as diabetes .

  3. 结论绝大多数T2DM患者的病情控制远未达到理想的控制目标,建立和应用科学的疾病管理系统是改善和控制现状的有效方法。

    The application of scientific disease care system is effective for improving the disease control .

  4. 医学影像管理系统在骨科疾病管理中的应用

    Application of Medical Image Managment System in Management of Orthopedic Diseases

  5. 慢性病疾病管理在我国医疗保险制度中的实施探讨

    Discussion on Implementation of Chronic Diseases Management in Chinese Medical Insurance System

  6. 这两款血糖仪都令糖尿病患者可以更为便捷地通过智能手机进行疾病管理。

    Either of these meters could make disease management easier for diabetics with smartphones .

  7. 对由参与者记录的日常疾病管理影响按照文化主题进行分析。

    Narratives of everyday disease management challenges noted by participants were analyzed for cultural themes .

  8. 通过从战略角度平衡实施疾病管理和预防规划,可以有效减少血红蛋白疾患。

    Haemoglobin disorders can be effectively reduced through a strategic balance of disease management and prevention programmes .

  9. 关节炎自我管理项目是关节炎疾病管理的有效模式,在国外已经得到广泛开展。

    Arthritis Self-Management Program ( ASMP ), an effective model for arthritis disease management , has been widespread overseas .

  10. 我的第三个观点是,在资源紧缺环境下疾病管理的挑战几乎被完全忽略。

    My third point is that the challenge of managing these diseases in resource-constrained settings has been almost totally neglected .

  11. 减轻血红蛋白疾患所导致负担的最经济有效的战略是通过实施预防规划来补充疾病管理。

    The most cost-effective strategy for reducing the burden of haemoglobin disorders is to complement disease management with prevention programmes .

  12. 罗氏正在研发中的诊断试剂在将来对于肿瘤病人的疾病管理具有极为重要的意义。

    Roche is developing new tests which will have a significant impact on disease management for cancer patients in the future .

  13. 结论2型糖尿病双向转诊路径作为一个疾病管理模式具有一定的成本效益。

    Conclusion The clinical two-way referral pathway for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus may be a cost-benefit model for disease management .

  14. 尽管药物疗法治疗强直性脊柱炎是非常先进的,但是运动疗法仍然是疾病管理计划中不可或缺的一部分。

    Despite the advances in the pharmacological therapy of ankylosing spondylitis , physical therapy remains an essential part of the management plan .

  15. 管理人员知道如何衡量在引入疾病管理技巧后一名患有慢性病的员工为公司节省的开支。

    Executives know how to measure savings from disease-management techniques that reduce the cost of care for an employee with a chronic condition .

  16. 这一发现将帮助更有针对性的开发疫苗研制,以协助大西洋鳕鱼的疾病管理和驯化过程。

    This finding will potentially allow for the development of more targeted vaccine development – aiding disease management and the process of domestication of Atlantic cod .

  17. 回顾性实境研究皮肤血管性疾病管理数据库中年龄、皮损类型、部位、激光治疗前后的疗效及副作用。

    Age , type and location of the lesion , efficacy and side-effects after laser therapy were retrospectively studied in virtual reality in the database of skin hemangioma .

  18. 因此,它不仅通过疾病管理、信息网络等方式来治疗单个病人,同时通过社区健康诊断和社区健康处方来促进整个群体的健康。

    It not only treated individual patient by disease management and information network , but also improved the whole population 's health by community health diagnosis and community health prescription .

  19. 我不想讲课,但我希望其他糖尿病患者知道事情变得更好,当我们自我控制,做好我们的疾病管理的一部分。

    I didn 't want to lecture , but I wanted other diabetics to know that things get better when we 're self-controlled and do our part in managing the disease .

  20. 随着医学和科学技术的发展,研究者们开始致力于开发自我健康管理系统,以辅助慢性病患者进行日常自我保健与疾病管理。

    With the development of medicine science and technology , the researchers set out to develop self-management systems in order to assist patients with the daily self-care and the disease management .

  21. 方法:以属于木樨地社区站慢性疾病管理的并于2005-02/03来社区站就诊的66例2型糖尿病患者为调查对象。

    MEHTODS : Sixty-six type 2 diabetic patients , who were treated in the community station of chronic disease management in Muli area between February and March 2005 , participated in the study .

  22. 接着对系统进行了详细设计,包括用户登录、输入法设置、权限管理、疾病管理、项目分组、参合登记、门诊补偿、住院补偿一共8个功能模块。

    Fourthly , it designs the system in detail . There is eight function modules , including logging in , language setting , popedom management , illness management , item grouping , registration , clinic compensation , residency compensation .

  23. 结论2型糖尿病的社区照顾路径在提高医院运行效率的同时,规范了医疗服务,是一种比较实用的疾病管理方法。

    Conclusion The clinical pathway developed in urban community for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is necessary to enhance the efficiency of hospital and to standardize the medical care service . The clinical pathway may be a very practical method for disease management .

  24. 使医务人员在进行儿童疾病综合管理(IMCI)病例管理时准确地评估儿童和更好地咨询母亲。

    To permit health workers to assess the child correctly and to better advise the mother .

  25. 目的探讨5岁以内儿科住院病例常见病与儿童疾病综合管理(IMCI)的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the common diseases of hospitalized pediatric patients and integrated management of childhood illness ( IMCI ) .

  26. 深圳市慢性非传染性疾病综合管理模式探讨

    Explosion on Comprehensive Management Model of Chronic Non-infectious Diseases in Shenzhen City

  27. 武汉市新生儿疾病筛查管理模式研究

    Study of Management Model in Neonatal Screening in Wuhan

  28. 慢性疾病自我管理的研究进展

    Research advances in self - management of chronic disease

  29. 新生儿疾病筛查管理系统的设计与开发

    Design and Development of Screening of Neonatal Illnesses System

  30. 热带疾病研究管理信息系统

    Management Information System for the Tropical Disease Research Programme