
  • 网络Eurosceptic;Euroskeptics
  1. 以前,国家主权主要是英国“疑欧派”高举的旗帜。

    National sovereignty was previously a standard held aloft mainly by British Eurosceptics .

  2. 疑欧派会认为这些报道倾向于布鲁塞尔,而亲欧派则会抱相反的看法。

    Eurosceptics will perceive a pro-Brussels slant , Europhiles will see the opposite .

  3. 英国现在之所以走到可能退出或者至少被边缘化的地步,根本原因不是有一个疑欧派首相,而是在于15年前英国做出的不加入欧元区的决定。

    The fundamental reason why Britain is now headed for a probable exit , or at least for marginalisation , is not a Eurosceptic prime minister but the decision taken 15 years ago not to join the euro .