
  • 网络Ionization interference
  1. 取一定量悬浮液,加入NaCl溶液以消除电离干扰,而配制成试液。

    Test solutions were prepared by adding NaCl solution to appropriate amounts of the suspension to eliminate ionization interference .

  2. 用水制备供试品溶液,加入氯化钠消除电离干扰,将供试品溶液喷入乙炔-空气火焰,用标准曲线法测定氯化钾的含量。

    The sample solutions were prepared with water and sodium chloride was added to eliminate ionization interference .

  3. 在此基础上,采用化学和电离干扰少的电感耦合等离子体(即ICP)法对原油样品中金属元素进行分析,达到了多元素准确测定的目的。

    Then oil samples are analysed for their metallic elements with the ICP method with less chemical and ionization interferences , providing an accurate measurement for multi-elements .

  4. 加入氯化铯作为抑制剂,消除了钠、钾的电离干扰。

    Cesium chloride was added as the ionization buffer to eliminate the ionization interference of sodium and potassium .

  5. 对样品溶解条件、电离干扰、试液与空白溶液粘度一致性进行了考察。

    The dissolving condition of sample , ionization interference , identity of viscosity for test solution and its blank solution , detection limit were studied .

  6. 本文通过对激光测距仪接收电路的调试,找到了一种确定此值的新方法,即完全消除消电离干扰法。

    I find a new way to determine the value of the inductance by debugging the receiving circuit in the range finder of laser , which can eliminates it completely .

  7. 返回散射电离图干扰噪声的消除方法

    A method for removing the interference and noise on backscatter ionogram

  8. 电感耦合等离子体-光发射光谱中抑制易电离元素干扰研究的进展

    The progress of study on the depression of interferences of easily ionized elements in ICP-OES

  9. 本文叙述了102G型气相色谱仪的高压电源故障和电离放大器噪声干扰的排除以及离子室电极的调整经验。

    In this paper , repairs of high voltage source malfunction and ionization amplifier noise interference , and adjustment experiment on electrodes in ionization chamber are discussed .

  10. 局部放电离散谱干扰的小波包变换熵阈值抑制法

    An entropy threshold method based on wavelet packet decomposition for discrete spectrum interference ( DSI ) rejection of PD monitoring

  11. 大功率微波诱导空气等离子体发射光谱中易电离元素的基体干扰研究

    Matrix Effects of Easily Ionizable Elements in High-powered Microwave Induced Air Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry

  12. 使用钾、钠混合消电离剂和镧释放剂,消除电离干扰和共存元素干扰,本法灵敏度高,可直接测定矿泉水中微量锶。

    The ionization interference and coexisting element interference have been eliminated by the potassium sodium mix ionization suppressor and the lanthanum diluent . The sensitivity of this method is higher . It can be direct determined that the trace strontium in mineral water .