
  • 网络over voltage protection
  1. 另外,介绍了一种利用BOD(转折二极管)器件实现晶闸管过电压保护的方法。

    Besides , an over voltage protection method for thyristor by BOD is introduced .

  2. 500kV线路过电压保护整定方法

    Over Voltage Protection Setting Method for 500 kV Transmission Line

  3. 基于DSP的消弧过电压保护装置控制器设计

    Design of arc suppression and over voltage protective device controller based on DSP

  4. SiC与高能型ZnO非线性电阻在灭磁与过电压保护方面的应用

    The Application of SiC and High Energy ZnO Non-linear Resistor to De-excitation and Over-voltage Protection

  5. 过电压保护的关键在于限制电缆首端的过电压,电缆末端和GIS不需加装避雷器;

    It is crucial to limit the overvoltage of cable entrance , and the arresters installed at cable terminal and GIS are unnecessary .

  6. IGBT的开关过电压保护电路研究

    Research on Protection Circuit for IGBT Switch Overvoltage

  7. BOD在晶闸管过电压保护中的应用研究

    Study of BOD 's application in thyristor protection against overvoltage

  8. 500KVGIS变电站雷电过电压保护研究

    Lightning Over-voltage Protection for 500 kV GIS Substation

  9. 10kV20MVA并联电抗器过电压保护MOA选择计算

    Calculation for Selection of 10 kV 20 MVA Parallel Reactor Overvoltage Protection MOA

  10. 过电压保护器(SPD)的具体分类及其应用

    The Concrete Types and Application of Surge Protective Device

  11. TCSC过电压保护方式研究

    Research on over-voltage protection mode of TCSC

  12. 本文主要研究了TCSC的装置特性和主动过电压保护及其控制。

    This dissertation focuses on the characteristics of TCSC installation , active overvoltage protection and control .

  13. TBP过电压保护装置浅析

    The Simple Analysis of The TBP Overvoltage Protector

  14. 分析H型桥式驱动电路原理,利用大功率三极管设计出线性度较好的桥式驱动电路,并在电路中设计了电流和电压保护电路。

    According to the principle of the H-bridge driver circuit , a driver circuit is designed using high power triodes , which has a better linearity and contains overcurrent and overvoltage protection circuits .

  15. 氧化锌避雷器(MOA)是电力系统重要的过电压保护设备,对其进行在线监测,及时、准确地了解其运行状况,对电力系统安全运行十分重要。

    Metal Oxide Surge Arrester ( MOA ) is an important over-voltage protective equipment of power system .

  16. 并对计算机网络防雷中网络接地、网络布线及过电压保护设计进行了初探,认为室内计算机与通讯设备的位置与建筑物外墙应保持1.5m的距离。

    The computer grid grounding , wiring and over-voltage protection facilities were approached .

  17. 确定了过压保护的重要元件MOV的过电压保护水平和最大允许能耗。

    Overvoltage protection level and maximum allowable energy dissipation of MOV are ascertained .

  18. MOV;变压器;绕组内保护;过电压保护;降压真型试验;

    MOV inner protection of transformer overvoltage protection real transformer experiment by reducing voltage ;

  19. 城市10kV配电所真空断路器的过电压保护问题

    Over-voltage Protection of Vacuum Circuit-breaker in Urban 10 kV Distribution Station

  20. CTB型电流互感器二次过电压保护器

    CTB protector for current transformer 's secondary over voltage

  21. 10kV并补装置中电感元件过电压保护

    Overvoltage Protection of Inductors in 10 kV Parallel Reactive Power Compensating Devices

  22. 3~10kV配电网的过电压保护问题

    The Overvoltage Protection of 3 ~ 10 kV Distribution Network

  23. 介绍了三相组合式过电压保护器(TBP)的主要特点;

    The main characteristics of the over-voltage protection device of three phase combined type ( TBP ) are intruduced ;

  24. 35kV及以下架空绝缘电缆过电压保护技术

    Overvoltage Protection Technology of Insulated Overhead Line up to 35 kV

  25. 500kV线路过电压保护误动作的原因分析及处理

    The Analysis and Processing of 500 kV Line Overvoltage Protection False Trip

  26. 坦尾变电站10kV电容器电压保护改造的原理分析

    Theoretical analysis on voltage protection modification for 10 kV condenser bank in Tanwei Substation

  27. 并对包括三段式电流保护、反时限零序电流保护、电压保护等算法详细分析,给出了在实现DSP编程中流程图。

    This paper carried on the detailed analysis of many algorithm including three-step current protection algorithm 、 inverse time zero sequence current protection algorithm and voltage protection algorithm , and gave the DSP programming flow chart .

  28. 110kV分级绝缘变压器中性点过电压保护探讨

    On over-voltage protection for neutral of 110 kV graded insulated transformers

  29. 110kV和220kV变压器中性点过电压保护方式的选择

    Selection of over-voltage protective schemes on 110 kV and 220 kV transformer neutral

  30. 氧化锌避雷器(MOA)是一种新型保护器,具有优良的过电压保护特性,在电力系统中得到广泛的应用。

    MOA is a newly developed protector and has very good over voltage protection characteristics , which makes it is applied widely in power system .