
  1. 结论:通过生物氮素在头孢菌素C发酵生产上的替代,能够大幅度提高发酵单位,降低成本。

    Conclusion : through the replacement at the fermentation of Cephalosprin C , we can reduced the cost and rise the fermentation unit .

  2. 结果:只有生物氮素能够满足条件,进行部分替代。

    Result : only the Biologic N can meet the requirement to replace a-part .

  3. 生物氮素作为微生物发酵的一种新型氮源,我们首次在青霉素发酵生产上应用。

    A new kind of nitrogenous product Bionitrogen was tested as a supplemented nitrogen source instead of the corn protein in penicillin fermentation .

  4. 方法:通过实验找到可替代氮源的生物氮素,在发酵过程中的地位、作用关系,利用实验寻找其合理的配比或找到最佳的替代比例。

    Methods : the organic N which can take place of N-resource , the ferment status relation in the production were found during the experiment .

  5. 另外,常氮水平下的生物产量氮素生理效率及籽粒产量氮素生理效率低于氮胁迫水平。

    In addition , nitrogen physiological efficiency of biomass and grain yield in normal N condition was lower than that in N deficient condition .

  6. 探讨休眠期苹果树体不同器官生物量与氮素分布的规律。

    The objective of this study was to find biomass and nitrogen distribution in different parts of dormancy apple trees .

  7. 氮肥对不同质地土壤棉花生物量与氮素积累的影响

    Effect of Nitrogen Applied Levels on the Dynamics of Biomass , Nitrogen Accumulation of Cotton Plant on Different Soil Textures

  8. 油菜生物量与氮素吸收量及生理效率的动态变化

    Effects of different nitrogen applied level on nitrogen Dynamic Variation for Biomass and Nitrogen Absorbing Amount and Nitrogen Physiological Efficiency in Oilseed Rape

  9. 氮素水平对初花后棉株生物量、氮素累积特征及氮素利用率动态变化的影响

    Effect of nitrogen applied levels on the dynamics of biomass , nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen fertilization recovery rate of cotton after initial flowering

  10. 相关性分析表明,小黑麦株高和地上部生物量与氮素利用效率呈现较强的正相关性。因此,这两个植株性状可作为小黑麦氮高效利用基因型评价的辅助指标。

    The plant height and shoot biomass were significantly correlated with the nitrogen use efficiency , which can be used as the indirect indexes to evaluate nitrogen use efficiency of triticale .

  11. 结果表明,接种根瘤菌对鸡骨草的株高、植株生物量、氮素相对积累量和固氮效率有明显的促进作用;

    The results were as follows : The height , biomass , total nitrogen accumulation and nitrogen fixation efficiency were significantly increased after the seedlings were inoculated with rhizobia in pot culture .

  12. 新模型的状态变量包括植被的绿色和非绿色生物量及其氮素浓度,3层土壤的水分,土壤的全氮和速效氮含量。

    Biomass and nitrogen concentration of green and non-green portions of vegetation , moisture contents of three soil layers , and total and available soil nitrogen , are included as state variables in the revised model .

  13. 正是因为生物固氮在自然界氮素循环中的重要地位以及它在应用上的潜力,促使各国对生物固氮进行了大量的研究。

    Many countries are doing a great deal of research work on that not only because of the important role in the nitrogen circulation among nature but also the potential application value .