
  • 网络Biological experiments;biology experiment;bioexperiment
  1. 江苏省部分市高中生物实验教学改革调研与实践

    Research and Practice in Biology Experiment Teaching Reform of Senior High

  2. 优化教学设计,提高生物实验课教学质量

    Optimizing instruction design to improve biology experiment class ' effect

  3. 在实际应用中,VBL可以帮助验证DNA计算的理论模型,提高生物实验效率。

    VBL can help verifying DNA computing theoretic model and improving biological experiment efficiency .

  4. 然而,获得RNA二级结构或三级结构信息并非易事,采用生物实验的方法代价高,不易普及和推广。

    However , RNA secondary structure or tertiary structure information is not easy to get . Because the method of biological experiments is costly , it is difficult to popularize and promote .

  5. 细胞生物实验表明,PRPs具有调节细胞生长活性,弱化氧化应激和抵抗细胞衰老的作用。

    Studies on cells revealed that PRPs adjusted cell viability , weakened oxidative stress and resisted to cell senescence .

  6. 高中生物实验课程评价探讨

    The Exploration in Experimental Curriculum Evaluation of Biology in High School

  7. 带噪生物实验数据的不确定支持向量数据描述

    Uncertainty Support Vector Domain Description for Biological Experiment Data with Noise

  8. 生物实验的玻璃和塑料器皿的绿色环保清洗方法

    Environmental cleaning of glass and plastic wares in biological laboratory

  9. 生物实验流程管理系统模型及其在水稻基因组测序中的应用

    Biological Experiments Flow Management Model and Its Applied in Rice Genome Sequencing

  10. 初中生物实验教学对学生的能力培养

    Ability Training to the junior middle school students in biological experiment teaching

  11. 初中生物实验课中的思维训练

    Thought Train in Biological Experiment Class in Junior Middle School

  12. 曾就读于浙江海洋学院生物学系,热爱生物实验和人体解剖实验。

    Have been studied at the Department of Biology , Zhejiang Ocean University .

  13. 注重生物实验教学,培养学生科学素质

    Lay Stress on Teaching of Biological Experiment , Train Scientific Attainments of Students

  14. 浅谈生物实验的教学技能

    My Shallow Comment on the Skill of Biology Experiment

  15. 高校生物实验课的准备

    On Preparations for Biological Experiment Class in Higher Institutes

  16. 生物实验设计题的应答策略

    Laboratory ; Tactics to Answer designed Biology Experiment Questions

  17. 准教师生物实验教学能力重要性评估的初步研究

    The primary research on evaluating importance of quasi-teachers ' biological experimental teaching ability

  18. 生物实验数据的两因素方差分析

    Two-factor Analysis of Variance on Biological Experimental Data

  19. 自然课的生物实验

    Laboratory ; On Biological Experiment in Natural Class

  20. 在中学生物实验教学中培养创造性思维的研究新课程标准下中学生物实验教学的探讨

    Discussion about Secondary School Biology Experimental Teaching under the Guiding of New Curricular Standards

  21. 结果表明该探针基本符合神经元探针的要求为下一步进行生物实验奠定基础。

    The results show that the probe is applicable for the future biological experiments .

  22. 生物实验教学中培养学生观察能力初探

    The Attempt on Cultivating Students ' Observing Ability in the Experiment of Biology Teaching

  23. 高中生物实验技能表现性评价的实践研究

    A Practical Study on Performance Assessment to Experimental Skills in Biology of High School

  24. 生物实验学习软环境的创设

    The foundation of soft equipment for biology experiments

  25. 新课程改革背景下的生物实验与教学

    Biological Experiment Based on the New Curriculum Reform

  26. 它也可用来给一般的诊断和生物实验制备样品。

    It also can be used for sample preparation in general diagnosis and bio-experiments .

  27. 浅谈生物实验教学与现代人品质的培养

    A brief talk about biological experimental teaching and cultivation of qualities of modem persons

  28. 对新教材中学生物实验课程探索中学生物教学论开放式实验教学初探

    Elementary Studies on Opening Experimentation Teaching Mode in Biology Teaching Methodology in High School

  29. 该方法不但降低了生物实验的成本,而且易于操作实现,具有很强的应用价值。

    The method is easy in operation and reduces the biomedicine experiment cost as well .

  30. 生物实验课的准备主要包括显性和隐性材料的准备两个方面。

    The preparations for biological experiment class mainly consist of dominant materials and recessive materials .