
  • 网络biological model
  1. 生物学模式、进化论模式、形式主义模式是对西方艺术史研究的主要理论模式。

    Biological model , evolutionary model and formalistic model are the main theoretical research models in the study of the western art history .

  2. 高新技术企业R&D能力生成与演化的进化生物学模式研究

    Evolutional biology model on generation and development of R & D capacity of High-tech enterprise

  3. 21世纪以来,医学已步入新的生物医学时代,并从单一的生物学模式过渡到生理-心理-社会医学模式。

    Since the21st century , medical science has been stepping into a new biology epoch and the medical model has been shifted from single biology model to physio-psycho-society medical model .

  4. 个体差异的行为遗传学研究是早期进化论与还原论的新发展,是生物学模式在当代心理学研究中的另一表现形式。

    The research of behavioral genetics in individual differences is a new development of original evolutionism and reductionism , and is another manifestation of the biological pattern in modern psychology .

  5. 斑马鱼个体小,养殖花费少,能大规模繁育等诸多优点,因此已广泛成为脊椎动物中重要的发育生物学模式动物之一。

    Zebrafish has many advantages like individual small , breeding cost less and strong regenerative ability , so zebrafish has been widely used as one of the most important vertebrate model organism in developmental biology .

  6. 优化分子生物学教学模式的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice on Optimum Teaching Model of Molecular Biology

  7. 鲽形目分类检索及分子生物学应用模式研究

    Taxonomic Identification and Application Mode in Molecular Biology of Pleuronectiformes

  8. 拟南芥作为分子生物学的模式植物,一直被认为是一种严格的自花传粉物种。

    As the model system for molecular biology , Arabidopsis thaliana is considered as a strictly self-pollinating species all along .

  9. 斑马鱼属硬骨鱼,是发育生物学的模式生物之一,已被证明为人类疾病和药物毒性评价的理想动物模型。

    Zebrafish has been proved to be an ideal animal model system for human diseases and for the evaluation of chemical and drug toxicity .

  10. 相似字符串匹配是计算机科学中的一个基础问题,它在很多领域都有广泛的应用,如信息检索、计算生物学和模式识别等。

    Approximate string matching was a basic issue in computer science . It was widely used in various fields such as Information Retrieve , Computational Biology , Pattern Recognition , et al .

  11. 斑马鱼(Daniorerio)是研究脊椎动物发育生物学的重要模式物种之一。

    Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) is one of the most important model species for developmental biology study in vertebrate .

  12. 芸薹属自交不亲和基因的分子生物学及进化模式

    Molecular Biology and Evolutionary Models of Self-incompatible Genes in Brassica Genus

  13. 细胞生物学课程教学模式的优化

    Optimization of the Teaching Model of Cytobiology

  14. 文昌鱼是研究进化和比较生物学的重要模式生物。

    Amphioxus , a cephalochordate , is an important model for studies of evolution and comparative biology .

  15. 拟南芥被称为植物界中的果蝇,长期以来人们一直把它作为传统遗传学和分子生物学研究的模式实验材料。

    It is always regarded as the model experimental material of the traditional genetics and the molecular biology .

  16. 基于动机激发策略的高中生物学分层教学模式探究

    An Experimental Research on the Layered Teaching of Biology for Senior Highs on the Basis of the Motivation-inspiring Strategy

  17. 在生殖周期中,由于中华鳖具有典型的冬眠现象和精子储存的生理学特征,是研究爬行动物生殖生物学的理想模式动物。

    Because the soft-shelled turtles have physiology characteristics which own typical hibernation and sperm storage in the reproductive periodicity , it is an ideal model for studying on reptile biology .

  18. 苔藓植物具有相对简单的发育模式,单倍体的配子体在其生活史中占主导地位,作为研究植物生物学过程的模式系统具有诸多的优越性。

    The potential of moss as a model system to study plant biological process is associated with their relatively simple developmental pattern and the dominance of the haploid gametophyte in the life cycle .

  19. 亚洲栽培稻是世界上广泛种植的重要粮食作物,同时也是生物学研究的模式生物之一,科学家以亚洲栽培稻作为对象在生长发育、遗传基础及应用技术上进行了大量的研究。

    Rice ( Oryza sativa ) is an important food crop , widely grown in the world . It is also regarded as one of the model organisms in biological research and be used in the growth , development , genetics and plant research .

  20. 拟南芥是植物分子生物学领域的模式植物,通过对其基因结构及功能的详尽研究,可以更好地理解和认识遗传上更为复杂的高等植物的生长和发育过程。

    Arabidopsis thaliana is a model in the area of plant molecular biology , so detailed investigations to the structures and functions of Arabidopsis genes will help us to further comprehend the growth and development process of altitude plants which are complex in genetics .

  21. 作为分子生物学研究中的模式植物,水稻的完整基因组序列信息已经被人们掌握,水稻CAT基因也已被克隆登录。

    As the modal plant of molecular biology research , the whole genome information of rice had been known to us , and the CAT gene of rice had been cloned .

  22. 中医临床研究方法的思考与实践&系统生物学湿干研究模式与中医临床研究

    Design and Practice of Wet-Dry Approach in Clinical Research of TCM

  23. 《医学细胞生物学》双语教学模式的探讨

    Discussion on the Pattern of Bilingual Teaching in Medical Cell Biology

  24. 师范院校生物学开放实验教学模式研究

    Research on Models of Biological Open Experiment Teaching in Normal University

  25. 生物学网络信号教学模式的构建

    The Formation of the Network Signal Teaching Model of Biology

  26. 分子生物学创新实验教学模式的探索

    Exploration of an Innovating Experimental Teaching System of Molecular Biology

  27. 地史学与古生物学创新人才培养模式研究与实践

    Model and Practice of Innovative Talents Cultivated in Historical Geology and Paleontology

  28. 中学生物学合作学习教学模式的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Cooperative Learning and Teaching Pattern in Middle School Biology

  29. 建立与科研课题结合的分子生物学实验教学新模式

    New Research-Integrative Model of Molecular Biological Experimental Teaching

  30. 建构主义理论下的生物学自主学习教学模式研究

    A Research for Biological Teaching Method of Independent Study Guided by the Theory of Construction