
  • 网络Health;Life;Health points;hit points
  1. 坚韧怒吼增加你所在小队内所有成员的生命值上限。

    Roar of fortitude increases the maximum health of everyone in your party .

  2. 地狱猎犬和其他一些术士恶魔的生命值应该会明显增加。

    The Felhunter and a couple of other demons should have significantly gained health .

  3. 换句话说,不能发送这样的消息“OK,这是我得物品列表”或者“我的力量是10,魔法是200,生命值是2000/2000”。

    In other words , It should not send things such as : " Ok , this is my list of items " or " my strength is10 , my mana is200 , and my life is2000 out of2000 " .

  4. 低生命值时,加入细微的屏幕效果。

    A subtle low health screen effect has been added .

  5. 国防军防御学的88炮生命值由200增加到325。

    Wehrmacht Flak 88 health increased from 200 to 325 .

  6. 虚空行者:每4秒回复3%生命值。

    Voidwalker : Restores 3 % of total health every 4 sec .

  7. 修理一个机械单位。每秒修复1.5生命值。

    Repair repairs target mechanical unit . 1.5 hit points repaired per second .

  8. 每级技能增加船体生命值5%。

    5 % bonus to hull HP per level .

  9. 命令之语:治疗兽人25%生命值和10%的能量。

    Words of Command : Heals beast for25 % health and10 % power .

  10. 邪能活力:增加最大耐力和智力而不是生命值和魔法值。

    Fel Vitality : Increases maximum stamina and intellect instead of health and mana .

  11. 除此之外,它的护甲、生命值、探测状态和可攻击性都不变。

    Armor , HP , detection status , and units attackable are all the same .

  12. 野玫瑰增加生命值上限,在猛击时增加物理伤害值。

    Wild Rose Ro + Se Increases maximum life . Adds physical damage on bash .

  13. 一个人的生命值多少钱?

    What is a human life worth ?

  14. 召唤师技能:提升改变:给予小兵额外的生命值,并将其回复到满血。

    Summoner Revive change : Now also grants a speed bonus that decreases over time .

  15. 总体劣势:生命值、防御值低,很多怪物对特定的魔法系免疫。

    Overall Disadvantages : Low HP / armor , many monsters have spell type immunities .

  16. 生存专家:现在提高你的总耐力值而不是总生命值。

    Survivalist ( Survival ): Now increases your total Stamina , instead of your total Health .

  17. 此技能使你的迅猛龙在每杀死一个敌人后能恢复一定的生命值。

    Feast of Prey allows your raptor to recover health every time it kills an enemy .

  18. 在一段时间内恢复一个盟友适量生命值。

    Effect : This spell heals an ally for a moderate amount of health over time .

  19. 通过周期性预测出节点的信息产生率,并根据节点当前剩余能量,估计出采用不同路由时节点的生命值。

    Lifetime of nodes is estimated from prediction of the generated message rate and the remaining power .

  20. 侦查兵的偏低生命值,只要一发火箭或榴弹就可以让它所剩不多。

    His tiny amount of health can be nearly depleted with a hit from a rocket or grenade .

  21. 强化兽人地堡-兽人地堡升级版.拥有更大的生命值和防御力。

    Reinforced Orc Burrow - Upgraded version of the Orc Burrow with greater hit points and greater defenses .

  22. 无人机的调整:哨戒炮,无人侦察机和无人攻击机的生命值被降低。

    Automatic Drone adjustment : Health points for the Sentry Gun , Accipiter and Otus drones have been .

  23. 鼓舞:该盾牌每日在命令下给予持用者最多5点暂时生命值。

    Hearten : This shield grants the owner up to 5 temporary hit points per day on command .

  24. 牺牲之手:这个技能转移的伤害现在和圣骑士的生命值相关。

    Hand of Sacrifice : The damage transferred by this ability is now capped by the paladin 's health .

  25. 使你的石爪图腾的生命值提高50%,地缚图腾的影响范围增加20%。

    Increases the health of your Stoneclaw Totem by50 % and the radius of your Earthbind Totem by20 % .

  26. 向目标施放法术,在下次目标承受伤害时恢复702到858的生命值。

    Places a spell on the target that heals them for 702 to 858 the next time they take damage .

  27. 使用:生命值上限提高250点,每5秒恢复10点生命值,持续1小时。守护药剂。

    Use : Increases maximum health by 250 and restores 10 health every 5 seconds for 60 min. Guardian Elixir .

  28. 使选定的单位免受所有伤害,持续1回合,并回复28%的生命值。

    Target friendly stack becomes impervious to all harm for1 turn and is also healed for28 % of its health .

  29. 召唤的数量大约为目标军队战斗开始时总生命值的6.875%。

    Total Health of the gated stack will be equal to6.875 % of total Army Health at the start of combat .

  30. 痛楚(大招):川德尔立刻偷取他目标的生命值,以及一部分护甲和魔抗。

    Agony ( Ultimate ): Trundle immediately steals his target 's health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance .