
  • 网络Production Planner;production scheduler;PMC
  1. 联络生产计划员、材料采购员、系统工程师、生产经理和质保部门以获取需要的信息和支援来实施生产;

    Communicate with production planner , purchaser , system engineer , production manager , and QA department to get necessary information and support for operation ;

  2. 生产计划有任何差异通知生产计划员

    Inform Production Planner of any divergences from production plan .

  3. 要求生产计划员在下达生产计划单时,增加拟制和批准内容。

    Before production order is sent out , require production controller to add item of preapre and approve .

  4. 本系统的用户包括生产部门的主管、生产部门的计划员和调度人员、领班、物料员。同时也是与主计划人员的一个接口。

    This system users include production supervisors , production department planner and dispatch personnel , foreman , material member , is also one of the main program personnel with the interface .