
  • 网络ideal;Idealist;Rationalism;idealism
理想派 [lǐ xiǎng pài]
  • [idealist school] 西方一种艺术流派

  • 虽理想派之作。--蔡元培《图画》

  1. 人家说你是理想派。

    You were thought of as young , idealistic .

  2. 世间有理想派与行动派,法国人重行动而鄙视空谈,英国人正好相反;但两者同样重要,不可偏废。

    There is the world of ideas and the world of practice ; the French are often for suppressing the one and the English the other ; but neither is to be suppressed .

  3. 他是你心中理想的保守派?

    Is he your idea of a conservative ?

  4. 新月理想是新月派的审美理想,以传统的和谐美为特质,又融入了现代的不和谐因素。

    New Moon Ideal is the ideal of appreciating beauty , is characteristic of ? traditional harmony , and is fused with modern inharmonious ingredients .