
xiàn jīn hónɡ lì
  • cash bonus;cash dividend
  1. 瑞士信贷集团CEO杜德恒:现金红利、工资和股票共计1790万美元。

    Brady Dougan , Credit Suisse CEO , $ 17.9 million in cash bonus , salary and stock .

  2. CapitalOneFinancial的CEO费尔班克(RichardFairbank):获得了975万美元的股票期权,但无现金红利和工资。

    Richard Fairbank , Capital One Financial CEO , was awarded $ 9.75 million in stock options , but no cash bonus or salary .

  3. 支付现金红利制度可能被人钻空子。

    The system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse .

  4. 美国运通公司(AmericanExpress)CEO谢诺(KennethI.Chenault):1740万美元,主要是现金红利和股票。

    Kenneth I. Chenault , American Express CEO , $ 17.4 million largely in cash bonus and equity payments .

  5. 在部门层次的EVA绩效评价和激励系统设计中,通过现金红利系数A值和B值的确定和调整,解决了现实中因部门资金成本难以确定导致的应用障碍问题。

    In the designing of the departmental performance evaluation and incentive system , the obstacle caused by the complicated calculation of the departmental capital cost is eliminated by the ascertainment and adjusting of the coefficient A and B of the cash dividend .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)CEO高曼(JamesGorman)未获得现金红利,但归功于他2009年获得的延期支付并与业绩挂钩的股票,他仍可在离职时拿到近900万美元的基于股票的报酬。

    James Gorman , Morgan Stanley CEO , received no cash bonus but still could walk away with stock-based compensation valued at nearly $ 9 million , thanks to deferred and performance-based stock he received for 2009 .

  7. 几年前,带薪休假代替了现金红利。

    The paid vacations replaced cash bonuses a few years ago .

  8. 所有现金红利,均须缴纳所得税。(根据行文习惯,增加动词。)

    All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax .

  9. 红股与现金红利不同,对收入者没有所得税。

    Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends .

  10. 若股权投资采用权益法核算,还应列示从被投资单位分得的现金红利。

    If the equity investment adopts equity method accounting , the cash bonus obtained from the invested entity shall be presented .

  11. 同时,现金红利作为投资者关注的投资决策因素,反而加剧了上市公司的过度投资行为,被当作加剧过度投资的一种手段。

    Meanwhile , the cash dividend as the investment decision factor , but exacerbated over investment behaviors and were treated as a means of increasing over investment .

  12. 证券公司收到现金红利和利息款项后,应当及时分派给对应的信用交易投资者。

    A securities company shall , after receiving the cash dividends and interests , timely distribute the cash dividends and interests to the corresponding investors for credit trading .

  13. 基金管理人未能在规定时点前足额划付现金红利的,本公司将推迟现金红利的派发。

    If a funds manager fails to pay the cash dividends in full before the specified time point , the CompanyCompany will postpone the allotmentdistribution of the cash dividends .

  14. 当然,5.5万美元对于一个2009年从迪士尼获得薪酬总额超过2900万美元(包括现金红利和股票)的人而言只是一笔小钱。

    Fifty-five grand of course , is chump change for a man whose total compensation from Disney in 2009 ( including cash bonus and stock ) was more than $ 29 million .

  15. 实证研究发现预期未来现金红利消息在股票收益波动中具有决定性作用,而预期股票收益的消息对股票收益波动的影响不大,预期未来现金红利消息与预期未来收益存在同向变动的关系。

    The empirical study finds that the news about future dividends is the main factor which drives the stock returns , and stock returns overreact to news about future dividends in our security market .

  16. 这就是华尔街从业者每年获取的高得令人乍舌的奖金:数十亿美元的现金和股票红利。

    It 's the jaw-dropping billions of dollars in cash and stock bonuses awarded annually on Wall Street .

  17. 上市公司也存在长年不分红的情况,控股股东控制公司,损害中小股东的权利,在分红方式上现金股利分配数量和采取分配现金红利所占上市公司的比例与发育成熟的证券市场存在很大差距。

    There is perennial not listed company shareholder of share out bonus , control , the right way , in cash dividend distribution of dividends on quantity and distribution of cash dividend accounts to the proportion of listed companies with mature securities market has the very big disparity .