
  • 网络Problem;the practical problems;reality;Fact
  1. HIV儿童已逐渐进入发病期,并有其自已的特点,儿童HIV/AIDS己成为我国AIDS防治工作面临的现实问题。

    Children HIV / AIDS had become a realistic problem when we prevented and cured AIDS in our country .

  2. 针对探地雷达检测中可能存在原始文件较大的现实问题,研究SIR系列雷达系统的原始数据文件的存储格式。

    To solve the problem of excessively big file , the authors studied the file format of SIR ground prospecting radar .

  3. 随着岁月的流逝,他觉得受困于婚姻的某些现实问题。

    As the years passed he felt trapped by certain realities of marriage

  4. 精神病专家太纠结于理论,无法很好地处理现实问题。

    Psychiatrists become too caught up in their theories to deal adequately with reality .

  5. 然而随着FDI集群在全球的快速发展,以及在长三角地区的初露端倪,有很多现实问题又迫切需要我们从理论的角度加以研究,并进一步在理论上寻求突破和创新,从而指导我们的实践。

    While with the rapid development of FDI cluster , there are many problems necessary to study in theory and the innovation of theory should be made , which will direct practice .

  6. 这就说明我国存在着FDI大规模流入和国内储蓄过剩,国内储蓄不能有效地转化为国内投资,储蓄-投资转化效率低下的现实问题。

    This indicates that the large inflows of FDI and the existence of excess domestic savings , domestic savings can not be effectively translated into domestic investment and savings-investment real is too low .

  7. 10gen设计了MongoDB,以此来解决应用程序开发社区中的大量现实问题。

    10gen has designed MongoDB to solve real-world problems for a large subset of the application development community .

  8. 从解决现实问题出发对农村小额贷款业务进行研究分析。

    Analyzed rural micro-loan with the purpose of solving existing problems .

  9. 那么怎样处理微积分这部分内容的教学呢?这是值得中学数学教师研究的一个有意义的现实问题。

    So how to deal with the calculus contents in teaching ?

  10. 劳动价值论与我国当前的几个现实问题

    Labor Value Theory and Several Realistic Problems of Our Country

  11. 新时期环境经济面临的理论和现实问题

    Challenges for Environmental Economics in the New Era : Theory and Reality

  12. 这些都是摆在中国广播业面前的现实问题。

    These are all realities that Chinese broadcasting must face .

  13. 社会保障与人口控制的理论创新与现实问题研究

    Realistic Problems and Theoretical Innovations of Social Security and Population Control Study

  14. 第四章,旅游规划管治的现实问题分析。

    The analysis of realistic problems about tourism planning governance .

  15. 教师课程理解:现实问题与应然取向

    Teachers ' Curriculum Understanding : Realistic Problem and Evaluative Orientation

  16. 所有这些,已成为不容回避的现实问题,也应成为人力资源会计所要探索的新领域。

    These are the new area the human resource accounting should explore into .

  17. 社会公正既是一个重要的理论问题,也是当前我国社会生活中的一个重大现实问题。

    Social justice is both an important theoretical issue and a vital-real problem .

  18. 它对人类社会产生诸多影响,并带来许多现实问题。

    MNC has a lot influence to human society and brings many problems .

  19. 这一改革既是个理论问题,又是改革中的现实问题;

    This reform is a practical problem as well as a theoretical one .

  20. 论我国依法行政中存在的现实问题及对策

    On Contemporary Problems Existing in the Administration by Law of China and Countermeasures

  21. 监控管理系统对于现实问题意义重大。

    The control management system of computer lab is very important to the practicality .

  22. 提升城市竞争力是城市政府面临的迫切需要解决的现实问题。

    It is an actually urgent issue for urban government to improve urban competency .

  23. 浅析农业基础地位的理论与现实问题及对策

    Superficial Analysis of the Agriculture Basic Position Theory , the Practical Problems and the Countermeasures

  24. 论文从后现代的视角关注小学教师教育的改革与发展,在对小学教师教育的解释与感受的双向互动中,依据其面临的一些现实问题,试构小学教师教育改革与发展的理想图景。

    This thesis is concerned with the reform and development of primary school teacher education .

  25. 人口老龄化是我国当前迫切需要解决的现实问题。

    The aging problem is a realistic problem that should be solved urgently in China .

  26. 本研究针对这一现实问题,提出了采用聚类分析对关联规则进行后期处理。

    For the sake of tackling this problem , we proposed to cluster association rules .

  27. 推行职工基本医疗保险制度的现实问题、法律对策与思考

    The Actual Problems , Legal Measures and Thinking on Implementing the Urban Health Insurance System

  28. 这个问题是摆在大多数民营企业家面前的现实问题。

    It is a question of reality which most of the private entrepreneurs are faced with .

  29. 而随着高频技术的发展,这一现实问题迫切需要得到解决。

    With the development of high frequency technology , the problems are eager to be solved .

  30. 如何有效地对现有密钥管理协议进行优化,降低共谋问题发生的概率,是一个现实问题。

    How to optimized key management protocol effectively to prevent collusion problem is a realistic question .