
  • 网络modern accounting
  1. 在中国加入WTO以后,人力资源会计必将成为现代会计的主流。

    After China joins the WTO , human resource accounting will become the artery of modern accounting .

  2. CEMS是成本预算管理的信息化表现,是现代会计制度和现代信息技术的结合。

    CEMS is the cost of budget management performance of information technology is a modern accounting system and the combination of modern information technology .

  3. 知识经济对现代会计基本原则的影响

    Influence of Knowledge Economy on the Primary Principles of Modern Accounting

  4. 第一,现代会计控制功能弱化。

    First , the control function of modern accounting is weakened .

  5. 人力资源会计是现代会计的新领域。

    Human resources accounting is a new area in modern accounting .

  6. 创新金融工具与现代会计改革

    Blazing new trails on financial means and reformation of modern accounting

  7. 现代会计理论体系的起点理论评述

    The Literature Review on the Standpoint of Modern Accounting Theory

  8. 现代会计理论体系的形成及其概论

    The Formation of Modern Accounting Theoretical System and Its Outline

  9. 现代会计信息系统管理的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures on Management of Modern Accounting Information System

  10. 盈利管理是现代会计理论研究中的一个重要领域。

    Modern accounting theory profit management is an important area of study .

  11. 健全内部控制制度强化现代会计监督

    Perfect the Inside Control System Strengthen Modern Accounting Supervision

  12. 现代会计监督弱化的原因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasure of Weakness on Modern Accounting Supervision

  13. 于是,本文提出了建立基于价值管理模式的现代会计信息系统的设想。

    This thesis proposes a imagining of constructing value management-based accounting information system .

  14. 现代会计对象&基于资源会计观的新认识

    Research on Accounting Target Based on Resource Accounting Theory

  15. 现代会计中稳健性原则的运用及操作

    Application and Operation of Conservatism Principle in Modern Accounting

  16. 会计电算化是计算机技术和现代会计相结合的产物。

    The computerized accountancy is outcome that computer technology together with the modern accountancy .

  17. 关于建立现代会计信息系统的探索

    A Research on Establishing Modern Accounting Information System

  18. 产权保护:现代会计、财务与审计的共同使命

    Property Rights Protection : the Common Mission of Modern Accounting , Finance and Audit

  19. 现代会计把社会划分为一些独立的单位,叫做会计单位。

    Contemporary accounting divides the community into separate units called " accounting entities " .

  20. 现代会计的发展走过了从自由放任到政府监管的历程。

    Modern accounting has followed a developmental path from Laze fare to governmental regulation .

  21. 关于现代会计科学的若干重大问题

    Major issues of modern account in g

  22. 现代会计信息系统获取/支付能力成熟度模型研究

    A Maturity Degree Model Research on Modern Accounting Information System 's Obtaining and Payment Ability

  23. 会计诚信是现代会计的一项基本准则。

    Accounting trust is a basic principle .

  24. 现代会计在中国的发展

    The Development of Modern Accounting in China

  25. 试论现代会计的基本功能&兼谈会计电算化对现代会计的影响

    Basic Function of Modern Accounting MODERN IT

  26. 现代会计是一个以提供客观、相关、合意的财务信息为职能的财务信息控制系统。

    Modern accountancy is a control system to supply objective , related and correct financial information .

  27. 经济发展的可计算性要求与现代会计责任

    Study on the interrelationship between the need of calculability for economy development and modern accounting duty

  28. 它作为现代会计的一个分支,是现代企业管理的重要工具。

    It takes a modern accountant 's branch , is the modern business management important tool .

  29. 现代会计理论的形成有产生它的历史必然性和其内在的逻辑结构。

    The formation of modern accounting theory has its historical necessity and its internal logic structure .

  30. 为了更有效的发挥会计理论在经济发展过程中对会计实践的指导作用,必须构建总体现代会计理论体系。

    The construction of modern general accounting theory has its significance in the work of accounting .