
  1. 王思聪爱犬戴俩苹果表

    Dog wears 2 Apple Watches

  2. 随后,王思聪也进“房间”打赏,双方开始了“礼物大战”。

    Then Wang Sicong joined the " room " and got into a " gift war " with that user .

  3. 即便是中国首富王健林的儿子王思聪,也为一位韩国女主播一掷千金。

    Even Wang Sicong , the son of Chinese billionaire Wang Jianlin , spent thousands of yuan on one South Korean host .

  4. 据《华南早报》报道,王思聪是他父亲的万达帝国的董事,持有2%的股份。

    Wang Sicong is a director at his father 's empire , with a 2 per cent stake , South China Morning Post reported .

  5. 据有关媒体报道,王思聪今年26岁,是家族产业旗下一公司的董事,也是中国著名网红。

    The 26-year-old Wang Sicong is a director at the family-owned firm as well as a prominent figure on Chinese social media , according to Want China Times .

  6. 在某一刻,那位观众一口气刷了约14万元的礼物,随后王思聪怒刷40多万元--这也创下了这位女主播单日收礼最高记录。

    At one point the user sent a gift worth 140000 yuan , after which Wang sent one worth 400000 yuan , a new record for the hostess .

  7. 去年5月份,王思聪为自己的爱狗王可可买了两块苹果手表,并戴在了它的两只前腿上。

    In May last year , the son bought two Apple Watches for his dog , called Wang Keke , who wears them both on his front legs .

  8. 王思聪的父亲王健林乃中国第一大房地产开发商也是中国的首富。

    Wang Sicong 's father , Wang Jianlin , is chairman of the Dalian Wanda Group , the largest real estate developer in China , and the richest man on the mainland .

  9. 万达集团董事长王健林的儿子王思聪在新浪微博上贴出爱犬戴两只苹果手表的图片,引发网友热议。

    Wang Sicong , son of Wang Jianlin , chairman of Dalian Wanda Group Co , posted a photo of his dog wearing two Apple Watches on Sina Weibo , causing a stir on the Internet .

  10. 大连万达集团创始人兼董事长王健林于近日表示,他28岁的独子王思聪无意接手自己的购物中心、宾馆、主题公园和运动俱乐部。

    Wang Jianlin , founder and chairman of Dalian Wanda Group , said his only son , 28-year-old Wang Sicong , doesn 't want to take over his shopping centres , hotels , theme parks and sports clubs .

  11. 《纽约时报》能够核实@shenfenzheng曝光的其中几人的身份证号的准确性,包括王健林、其妻林宁、其子王思聪以及阿里巴巴的马云。

    The New York Times was able to verify the accuracy of the identification numbers of several of the people exposed by the @ shenfenzheng account , including Mr. Wang ; his wife , Lin Ning ; his son , Wang Sicong ; and Mr. Ma of Alibaba .