
dú lì shī
  • division forming independent fighting unit
  1. 龙冈西南数十里之兴国,尚有一个千余人的独立师,亦可迂回于敌后。

    In Hsingkuo , less than a hundred li to the southwest of Lungkang , we had an independent division of over one thousand men , which could manoeuvre in the enemy 's rear .

  2. 他的公司distributiontechnology是一家向金融机构提供软件的企业,金融机构的咨询师使用该软件向客户和独立咨询师提供建议。

    His company , distribution technology , sells software to financial institutions whose advisers use it when giving advice to customers , and to independent advisers .

  3. 关注中国机动车问题的独立咨询师迈克尔?沃尔什(MichaelWalsh)表示,中国需要尽快采取措施支持环保汽车。

    China needs to move quickly to back cleaner vehicles , says Michael Walsh , an independent consultant who works on motor-vehicle issues in China .

  4. 许多商品和服务的消费者价格都在以两位数的速度上涨,独立策略师、摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前亚洲经济学家谢国忠(AndyXie)表示。

    Consumer prices are rising at double-digit rates in so many products and services , says Andy Xie , an independent strategist and former Morgan Stanley economist for Asia .

  5. GernotStarke软件架构和敏捷开发实践的独立咨询师和教练。

    Gernot Starke works as independent consultant and coach for software-architecture and agile development practices .

  6. 他们雇佣了一名独立咨询师来提供相关建议,此人正是DaveLitwack。

    They hired an independent consultant , Dave Litwack , to help advise them on exactly what they should be looking for .

  7. 他曾在布宜诺斯艾利斯作一名独立咨询师,专门针对小型服务行业公司。

    He was an independent consultant specialising in small service sector companies in Buenos Aires .

  8. 通过独立安全咨询师和客户的反馈可以得到更安全和可靠的产品&但只有启用了才能实现此目标。

    Feedback from independent security consultants and customers results in a more secure and robust product & but only if you enable it .

  9. 同时独立的机械化师和步兵师属坦克营也开始组建。

    Separate mechanized divisions and tank battalions for infantry divisions were also formed .