
  • 网络physical space;Space Physics;physical world
  1. 通过附着在目标物品上的RFID标签,使信息空间可以自动觉察物理空间中物品的状态变化,实现物理空间与信息空间的绑定。

    The RFID tags stuck on the object binding the information space with the physical space , thus the information space can automatically sense the changes in physical space .

  2. 普适计算(Pervasive/UbiquitousComputing)是继主机计算、桌面计算之后发展起来的一种新的计算模式,其本质特征是信息空间与物理空间融合和计算对人透明。

    Pervasive Computing ( also known as Ubiquitous Computing ) is a new wave of computing paradigm . Its main ideas include 1 ) the fusion of cyberspace and physical space , 2 ) the distraction-free computing .

  3. Internet将传统意义上的物理空间转变成电子空间,把人们带入了一个网络社会之中。

    Internet turns the traditional physics space into the electron space , and takes people into the internet world .

  4. 因此,似乎已经没有容纳Home键的物理空间,它可能像安卓系统那样,出现在屏幕上。

    As such , there appears to be no space for a physical home button and it will presumably be depicted on screen instead , as it is on Android .

  5. 对于相对坐标参考,WebSphereSensorEvents可以用于将这些参考点分解为已知的物理空间。

    In the case of relative coordinate references , WebSphere Sensor Events could be used to resolve those reference points into known physical spaces .

  6. 为了将相应功能挤入狭小的物理空间,FPGA趋向使用前沿的微几何学技术,这就导致了相对较高的电流泄漏。

    To squeeze functionality into small physical areas , FPGAs tend to use leading-edge tiny geometries , which implies relatively high leakage currents .

  7. 他们比传统的CRT显示器有更长的使用寿命,同时它所占的物理空间小了但是存储量大了。

    They are designed to provide longer life than conventional CRTs , along with significant energy savings and a smaller physical footprint .

  8. 随着智能区域的提出,应用RFID和WSN等新型信息采集和输入方式,人们将物理空间和信息空间连接在了一起。

    With the propose of Smart Space , people use RFID and WSN as new information collection and input methods and bridge the physical and information worlds .

  9. 应用RFID和WSN等信息采集和传输技术构建智能环境,融合了物理空间和信息空间,能为用户提供全局性服务。

    Using RFID and WSN applications as new information collection and input methods , smart environment bridge the physical and information worlds together and provide global services to users .

  10. 随着计算机技术和网络技术的飞速发展,一个与物理空间相对应的新型空间&赛博空间(cyberspace)越来越显示其意义和重要性。

    With the computer science and network technology development quickly , cyberspace that a new space correspond to nature world is more and more important .

  11. GIS应用于港口规划建设与土地管理,通过GIS的开发应用,逐步实现相应管理工作的自动化和图形管理,规范业务工作流程,为电子口岸的建设提供物理空间的数据平台。

    It can be applied to harbor planning and development and land-use management , realizing port and logistics management automation and process normalization . GIS can be the technical platform to build digital port as a spatial information infrastructure .

  12. 通过把库仑问题转换成线性谐振子,可以建立二维和三维氢原子不扩散的相干态,力学量在这些相干态中的平均值给出物理空间中Kepler轨道的运动。

    Transforming the Coulomb problem to harmonic osillator , we construct nonspreading coherent states for the 2D and 3D hydrogen atom and show that the expectation values of the observables in Q.

  13. 该模型从一组相空间中理想的偏微分控制方程出发,用相矢量为变量,导出其离散形式,再通过变换到实际的物理空间,得到最后要的电离层TEC参数的相空间解析预测模型。

    This model , based on a perfect group of partial differential equations , taking phase vectors as variables , is educed as a discrete one and , at last , is changed into real physics-space .

  14. 利用坐标变换将物理空间的NS方程变换到任意坐标系(ξ,η,ζ)下,在该坐标系下求解NS方程的笛卡儿坐标系的速度分量。

    Meanwhile , a topological relation between the physical space and computational space is established A coordinate tranformation is used for transforming the N-S equations from the physical space into the arbitrary coordinates ( ξ,η,ζ ), in which the velocity components to the Cartesian coordinates are solved .

  15. 空间可以分为物理空间和社会空间两个层次。

    Space can be divided into physical space and social space .

  16. 数控机床加工轨迹物理空间与时间的探索

    Physics ′ Space-time Theory Model for Machine Tool Motion Trajectory Control

  17. 整理不只是你的物理空间在起作用;

    Tidying wasn 't just a function of your physical space ;

  18. 这里有几个理由可以解释为什么你需要整理你的物理空间。

    Your physical space should be organized for several reasons .

  19. 首先在物理空间下建立了系统多频受迫振动的基本方程;

    Firstly , the basic vibration equations of the rotor-bearing-damper system are established .

  20. 普适计算是信息空间和物理空间的融合。

    Pervasive computing integrates the cyberspace and physical space .

  21. 物理空间中的一类线性混沌算子

    A Class of Linear Chaotic Operator in Physics Space

  22. 帐篷,可容纳学员中,提供物理空间进行的训练课程。

    Tents will accommodate trainees , providing physical space to conduct the training courses .

  23. 以物理空间属地主义为主的传统管辖权制度面临着极大的挑战。

    The jurisdiction that takes the physical space as majority foundation facing significant challenges .

  24. 最好是在你开始调整心态之前先整理一下你将要用以工作的那个物理空间。

    It is probably best to organize your physical space before settling to mental gymnastics .

  25. 雕塑的空间大致可分为两类:物理空间和心理空间。

    Statuary space may be divided into two parts , physical space and psychological space .

  26. 确定各单元的物理空间与场地的要求。

    Determine space needs for each Dept.

  27. 物理空间与心理空间在视觉感知过程中被连接起来。

    The physical spaces and the psychological spaces are combined together during the process of visual perception .

  28. 多维化平面设计是物理空间维度和人的思维、感官、情感维度的拓展。

    Multidimensional graphic design is the physical space dimension and human thinking , sensory , affective dimension expansion .

  29. 在我们每天真实的世界里,目标物体占据了真实的物理空间,物体不会立刻的出现和消失。

    In our everyday world , objects occupy real space and don 't normally instantly appear and disappear .

  30. 数字时代的媒体设计趋势&物理空间与虚拟空间的设计反思

    The Trend of Media Design in Digital Age , The Design Reflection of Physical Space and Virtual Space