
  • 网络ground beef;minced beef
  1. 我们可以买些牛肉馅来做烤肉饼和汉堡包。

    We can have some ground up for meat loaf and hamburger .

  2. 牛肉馅的墨西哥玉米煎饼。

    a burrito with a beef filling .

  3. 声明称,所有的牛肉馅都是用美国农业部认可的牛只生产的,完全不含防腐剂。

    It announced that all its patties are made of100 percent USDA-approved beef and are completely preservative-free .

  4. 快餐食品是那些能很快做好、快速提供服务和快吃的食品:或许最典型的快餐食品就是汉堡包了,汉堡包是一种烤制的牛肉小馅饼,馅夹在园棍面包片之间。

    Fast foods are those which can be prepared , served , and eaten quickly : probably the most typical fast food is the hamburger , a grilled patty of ground beef served between the slices of a round roll .